Looking for software development company

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Dec 18, 2017
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Hey, everyone! I have good and profitable (as i think) idea for an application related to drones. So I need a best software development company to realize my ideas. Thank you for help)
Hello, John! So you need only an app? Or software supply of whole business? If you want one company to do all this things for you - you can check out a https://vironit.com/ , as i know they have specialists in different spheres
Hey, everyone! I have good and profitable (as i think) idea for an application related to drones. So I need a best software development company to realize my ideas. Thank you for help)
Without giving away your idea, you should list what type of application what that you are looking for. Developers will also want to know if you have the funding lined up to pay for the development. As a mobile/web developer, these are some of the questions that come to mind from the developer side of this:

  • Are you looking to hire a contract developer or team to fulfill your vision or are you looking to create a startup and hire someone that would be part of your team?
  • Is this a web application, a mobile application, something that requires both?
  • Is it just an "idea" or have you designed the application with the expected features? This is the more or polite way of asking of far far have you thought this through?
  • Is this application specific to DJI drones or does it work for other drones?
  • Who is the target audience for this application?
  • What is your time frame?
  • Have you researched the market to make sure that someone else is already offering the same or similar application?
  • How do you plan on marketing this application?
  • Do you have funding?

From your side, this what you should be asking of of any potential developer teams:

  • What applications have you written?
  • What time zone(s) do you work out of?
  • Do you use an escrow service to hold the code?
  • How much experience do you have with drones? That would include operating and coding for.
  • What services (coding, analysis, hosting, testing, etc) do you provide?
  • Would you sign an NDA before we talk?
There's a lot more that could be asked, but without any information about you or your app, that's what came to mind immediately.
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