Looking for fc40 camera

Nov 17, 2017
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I just picked up a fc40 on CL, but the camera is wrecked. The rest of the quad is perfect. Anybody have an extra camera laying around to spare? I would love to try it out.
Sorry, I didn't realize there was a separate classified area. Cant find the delete function.
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Reactions: Ozzy
Thanks, I don't know why that didn't show up for me whwn i was searching yesterday. I found a couple but they were twice that price. Thsnks again.

No problem enjoy! If you are looking to increase the video range consider using a repeater. Also, only use class 10 micro SD cards in the camera.
No problem enjoy! If you are looking to increase the video range consider using a repeater. Also, only use class 10 micro SD cards in the camera.
I am just getting into the drone thing and have learned so much just in the last day. Now I'm not sure I want the stock camera. I may go with something different all together. Right now, the camera isnt a huge priority. Just wanted to dabble with it. The specs on the fc40 camera aren't really amazing anyways.
I am wanting to take this to a higher level eventually, but for now I just want practice flying the darn things. I used to dabble with e-copters a few years ago. These drones are a bit easier to fly and the technology is mind blowing. The instruction booklet is not up to par with what you can do with these. Also, they don't explain anything at all. I've learned more about the phantom on youtube than anything else.
Again, thanks for the help.
I am going to check out the repeater thing next and see what the options are out there.
I am just getting into the drone thing and have learned so much just in the last day. Now I'm not sure I want the stock camera. I may go with something different all together. Right now, the camera isnt a huge priority. Just wanted to dabble with it. The specs on the fc40 camera aren't really amazing anyways.
I am wanting to take this to a higher level eventually, but for now I just want practice flying the darn things. I used to dabble with e-copters a few years ago. These drones are a bit easier to fly and the technology is mind blowing. The instruction booklet is not up to par with what you can do with these. Also, they don't explain anything at all. I've learned more about the phantom on youtube than anything else.
Again, thanks for the help.
I am going to check out the repeater thing next and see what the options are out there.

Check the forums. There are literally a world of options out there and a lot cheaper now than before.

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