It won't start engines after repairs.

Hi, I hope this can help you. This is the best I can do. Good luck.

Great product but needs a better out-of-box experience.
September 28, 2015
This review is from: DJI Phantom 3 Standard Quadcopter Drone with 2.7K HD Video Camera (Electronics)
This is my first quad copter and I am loving it. For the price it offers a lot of value. Others have provided great feedback on how it flies. I decided to write this review to mention a couple of weaknesses which made my first flight frustrating. Or, more accurately, the frustration I encountered before I could perform my first flight.

My first issue is the lack of documentation for the Standard model. I am able to locate documentation for the Advanced and Professional models but nothing for the Standard model. If it exists it's a well kept secret. I did read the users manual for the Advanced model but it has flight modes which are not present in the Standard model. Due to the lack of documentation I couldn't diagnosis a problem I appeared to be having with my aircraft. On a hunch I ended up exchanging it for a new one. My issue is not that the first aircraft had a problem (those things happen) but rather the lack of documentation made it difficult to determine there was a problem and what I needed to do to correct it.

The second issue is a poor out-of-box experience. Perhaps connected to the lack of documentation (though the issues I had didn't appear to be addressed in the Advanced and Professional models documentation either). I watched the videos DJI provides for the Standard model and everything looked easy to do. However there are some initial setup steps that need to be performed before you can use the aircraft. These steps are not covered in the least none of the one's I watched.

The first setup step is to register the aircraft with DJI. This is a fairly easy process except for the step where you actually register the aircraft with DJI. The problem occurs as the registration with DJI needs to be done through wireless and not the cellular connection. Meaning you have to disconnect from the aircraft's, technically the controllers, wireless and join a wireless connection that has access to the Internet. Not a difficult thing to do but not intuitive (I thought the registration with DJI would occur over my cellular data connection). Again this is where some documentation would be helpful. Once you are aware you need to change the connection it's a fairly painless process.

The second setup is to update the firmware (if applicable). You are prohibited from operating the aircraft until the update process is performed. Again this involved disconnecting from the aircraft's wireless connection, connecting to a wireless connection with access to the Internet, downloading the update to your phone, and then reconnecting to the aircraft's wireless to perform the upgrade. The largest issue I had with the upgrade is the upgrade is performed on a number of different modules (controller, firmware, wireless, etc). I started the update which updated one of the modules and then appeared to stop. After 30 minutes I ended up closing the app and restarting. At which point it updated the remaining modules. I was a little nervous doing this as updating firmware is something that shouldn't be interrupted and I didn't want to "brick" the aircraft. If it was working correctly better feedback during the process would be welcome.

Once I completed the above prerequisites I was finally able to fly the aircraft. It was frustrating as none of this is documented. My recommendation to DJI is to provide documentation which details these requirements. I felt I was flying, pardon the pun, by the seat of my pants during this process.

The product itself is very nice and I am thoroughly enjoying it. I highly recommend it but wanted to get this out there to potential purchasers so they are aware. None of these issues would cause me to avoid recommending the product. They're, relatively speaking, minor issues.
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Hi, I hope this can help you. This is the best I can do. Good luck.

Great product but needs a better out-of-box experience.
September 28, 2015
This review is from: DJI Phantom 3 Standard Quadcopter Drone with 2.7K HD Video Camera (Electronics)
This is my first quad copter and I am loving it. For the price it offers a lot of value. Others have provided great feedback on how it flies. I decided to write this review to mention a couple of weaknesses which made my first flight frustrating. Or, more accurately, the frustration I encountered before I could perform my first flight.

My first issue is the lack of documentation for the Standard model. I am able to locate documentation for the Advanced and Professional models but nothing for the Standard model. If it exists it's a well kept secret. I did read the users manual for the Advanced model but it has flight modes which are not present in the Standard model. Due to the lack of documentation I couldn't diagnosis a problem I appeared to be having with my aircraft. On a hunch I ended up exchanging it for a new one. My issue is not that the first aircraft had a problem (those things happen) but rather the lack of documentation made it difficult to determine there was a problem and what I needed to do to correct it.

The second issue is a poor out-of-box experience. Perhaps connected to the lack of documentation (though the issues I had didn't appear to be addressed in the Advanced and Professional models documentation either). I watched the videos DJI provides for the Standard model and everything looked easy to do. However there are some initial setup steps that need to be performed before you can use the aircraft. These steps are not covered in the least none of the one's I watched.

The first setup step is to register the aircraft with DJI. This is a fairly easy process except for the step where you actually register the aircraft with DJI. The problem occurs as the registration with DJI needs to be done through wireless and not the cellular connection. Meaning you have to disconnect from the aircraft's, technically the controllers, wireless and join a wireless connection that has access to the Internet. Not a difficult thing to do but not intuitive (I thought the registration with DJI would occur over my cellular data connection). Again this is where some documentation would be helpful. Once you are aware you need to change the connection it's a fairly painless process.

The second setup is to update the firmware (if applicable). You are prohibited from operating the aircraft until the update process is performed. Again this involved disconnecting from the aircraft's wireless connection, connecting to a wireless connection with access to the Internet, downloading the update to your phone, and then reconnecting to the aircraft's wireless to perform the upgrade. The largest issue I had with the upgrade is the upgrade is performed on a number of different modules (controller, firmware, wireless, etc). I started the update which updated one of the modules and then appeared to stop. After 30 minutes I ended up closing the app and restarting. At which point it updated the remaining modules. I was a little nervous doing this as updating firmware is something that shouldn't be interrupted and I didn't want to "brick" the aircraft. If it was working correctly better feedback during the process would be welcome.

Once I completed the above prerequisites I was finally able to fly the aircraft. It was frustrating as none of this is documented. My recommendation to DJI is to provide documentation which details these requirements. I felt I was flying, pardon the pun, by the seat of my pants during this process.

The product itself is very nice and I am thoroughly enjoying it. I highly recommend it but wanted to get this out there to potential purchasers so they are aware. None of these issues would cause me to avoid recommending the product. They're, relatively speaking, minor issues.
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Sorry man, this information is over a year old and has nothing to do with the OP's problem.

This would be correct about the time I bought mine Aug 2015. This is based on when everything is working out of the box. His problem is not a unit that is brand new, it had been registered in the past, but it has now been crashed.

He has changed electronics on the inside, and does not even have a camera or gimbal that is connected to the unit, the place you would insert the sd card.

I really like helping people and sharing my knowledge of how I view what is happening logically and I learn a lot from figuring out problems of others.

Yeah, the problem is it wont present a activation screen anymore. My next step is to fix the gimbal and hope that the aircraft 'validates' it 100% again and will provide me with an option to activate(register) it again. At least then I can also chat further with DJI support because everything is repaired again.

Fingers crossed ;) I'll keep you guys posted on the situation.
Thanks again.
Yeah, the problem is it wont present a activation screen anymore. My next step is to fix the gimbal and hope that the aircraft 'validates' it 100% again and will provide me with an option to activate(register) it again. At least then I can also chat further with DJI support because everything is repaired again.

Fingers crossed ;) I'll keep you guys posted on the situation.
Thanks again.
Sander - did you ever get your aircraft activated? I have exactly the same problem you had and haven't been able to sort it out. Don't really want to send it back to DJI if I don't have to.
Sander - did you ever get your aircraft activated? I have exactly the same problem you had and haven't been able to sort it out. Don't really want to send it back to DJI if I don't have to.

Hi Doug,
Thats unfortunate. What parts did you replace, and when did it prompt that it needs an activation?
I have been busy, and haven't had the time to continue troubleshooting sadly. I ordered a flat cable this afternoon to repair the gimbal next week. I hope that solves it... Is your aircraft fully functional technically?
Hi Doug,
Thats unfortunate. What parts did you replace, and when did it prompt that it needs an activation?
I have been busy, and haven't had the time to continue troubleshooting sadly. I ordered a flat cable this afternoon to repair the gimbal next week. I hope that solves it... Is your aircraft fully functional technically?
Hi Doug,
Thats unfortunate. What parts did you replace, and when did it prompt that it needs an activation?
I have been busy, and haven't had the time to continue troubleshooting sadly. I ordered a flat cable this afternoon to repair the gimbal next week. I hope that solves it... Is your aircraft fully functional technically?
I replaced the main board (mine is a P3A that I bought off a guy on RC Groups with crash damage). Haven't replaced the gimbal yet as was waiting to see if everything was OK with the aircraft after repair. The aircraft is functional, IMU calibrates fine, as well as the compass, and I get 12 - 15 satellites when outside - 4 to 7 inside and i have no problem with paring the remote to the aircraft.

The issue is when I try to arm the aircraft, I get a message in the Go app "Warning Activate Aircraft". I've never been able to get to the activation screen in the Go app, even after deleting & re-installing the app several times on my iPad. Was going to contact DJI, but haven't as yet because I'm guessing they are going to say I need to send it to them to get it activated. Would just as well avoid that expense if possible.

I replaced the main board (mine is a P3A that I bought off a guy on RC Groups with crash damage). Haven't replaced the gimbal yet as was waiting to see if everything was OK with the aircraft after repair. The aircraft is functional, IMU calibrates fine, as well as the compass, and I get 12 - 15 satellites when outside - 4 to 7 inside and i have no problem with paring the remote to the aircraft.

The issue is when I try to arm the aircraft, I get a message in the Go app "Warning Activate Aircraft". I've never been able to get to the activation screen in the Go app, even after deleting & re-installing the app several times on my iPad. Was going to contact DJI, but haven't as yet because I'm guessing they are going to say I need to send it to them to get it activated. Would just as well avoid that expense if possible.

That kinda sounds like the same problem I have. A replaced mainboard, a broken gimbal, and then not being able to activate the aircraft. So, I still dont know If you should be able to fly the phantom with a broken gimbal. But I still hope that that is the problem. I'm hoping to receive the flatcable for the gimbal today and going to replace it early next week... That is basically my last hope, after that i'll either have to bring it to a local repair shop or DJI itself...
That kinda sounds like the same problem I have. A replaced mainboard, a broken gimbal, and then not being able to activate the aircraft. So, I still dont know If you should be able to fly the phantom with a broken gimbal. But I still hope that that is the problem. I'm hoping to receive the flatcable for the gimbal today and going to replace it early next week... That is basically my last hope, after that i'll either have to bring it to a local repair shop or DJI itself...
Well I hope you don't have the same problem that I'm having. Anyway, it really looks like I'm going to need to send it to a service center, so they can "unlock" it. I do remember that when I first got the drone, when I connected it up to the Go app, I wasn't prompted for a registration, and could actually go into the simulator section & practice flying, so at that point everything was good, except for compass calibration because of the broken compass connector. After replacing the main board however, I couldn't arm the motors, even though everything was fine according to the app. I would think that there would be a way around this issue, but for the life of me I can't find anything in the blogs. Can't believe that everyone who has replaced a mainboard themselves have then had to send the drone to DJI to fix the activation issue.
Anyway - thanks for the input, and good luck. Post & let us know if you're successful without sending the drone back to DJI. BTW - everything I've read says you should be able to fly without the gimbal, just can't update firmware.
Well I hope you don't have the same problem that I'm having. Anyway, it really looks like I'm going to need to send it to a service center, so they can "unlock" it. I do remember that when I first got the drone, when I connected it up to the Go app, I wasn't prompted for a registration, and could actually go into the simulator section & practice flying, so at that point everything was good, except for compass calibration because of the broken compass connector. After replacing the main board however, I couldn't arm the motors, even though everything was fine according to the app. I would think that there would be a way around this issue, but for the life of me I can't find anything in the blogs. Can't believe that everyone who has replaced a mainboard themselves have then had to send the drone to DJI to fix the activation issue.
Anyway - thanks for the input, and good luck. Post & let us know if you're successful without sending the drone back to DJI. BTW - everything I've read says you should be able to fly without the gimbal, just can't update firmware.
I wonder, did you transfer the small SD card thats on the mainboard? I didn't know if I should do that and so I kept the card that was on the new board. I bet there's flight data and what not stored on there. And maybe it wouldve worked better if I transfer my old card to the new board...
Good luck, and I'll keep you posted on the repair progress..
I wonder, did you transfer the small SD card thats on the mainboard? I didn't know if I should do that and so I kept the card that was on the new board. I bet there's flight data and what not stored on there. And maybe it wouldve worked better if I transfer my old card to the new board...
Good luck, and I'll keep you posted on the repair progress..
I did not keep the old SD card, and really think I should have. I'm betting that the data on that card carries the original registration data. Too late for me though as the old main board was tossed. I'd try that though if I were you, as it may be the "golden ticket". I'm getting mine boxed up and am sending to a repair shop in Minnesota to hopefully get the registration issue resolved, as well as getting the gimbal repaired. Gotta say that I've never had this type of problem with my quads & hexes running APM's and Pixhawks. There's a lot to be said for open source flight controllers!
I did not keep the old SD card, and really think I should have. I'm betting that the data on that card carries the original registration data. Too late for me though as the old main board was tossed. I'd try that though if I were you, as it may be the "golden ticket". I'm getting mine boxed up and am sending to a repair shop in Minnesota to hopefully get the registration issue resolved, as well as getting the gimbal repaired. Gotta say that I've never had this type of problem with my quads & hexes running APM's and Pixhawks. There's a lot to be said for open source flight controllers!

Sorry for the late reply. Been too busy to spend time on repairs. But youre right i'm going to try to place the old card on the new mainboard and hopefully that solves the 'activate aircraft' issue for me. Ill post here if and how the issue is resolved.

Is your phantom fully repaired?
Sorry for the late reply. Been too busy to spend time on repairs. But youre right i'm going to try to place the old card on the new mainboard and hopefully that solves the 'activate aircraft' issue for me. Ill post here if and how the issue is resolved.

Is your phantom fully repaired?
Not yet. Sent it to UAV Repair Shop back in late January, and he (Hani) did get it registered and flying. Then, when he returned it to me, the postal service for some reason returned it back to him! He opened the carton to check, and found out they (USPS) had damaged the lower frame, so he replaced that, and said he sent it out last Monday. Still haven't received it, so i guess he's checking on the tracking to find out what happened. Guess if USPS lost it, I'll be out around $650.00! **** shame is I could have bought a referb P3A for less money than I have in this mess. Like I said in my last post, think I'm going to stick to building my own drones and using open source controllers. At least those I can (and have) repair on my own.
Anyway - hope swapping the card fixes your problem.
Not yet. Sent it to UAV Repair Shop back in late January, and he (Hani) did get it registered and flying. Then, when he returned it to me, the postal service for some reason returned it back to him! He opened the carton to check, and found out they (USPS) had damaged the lower frame, so he replaced that, and said he sent it out last Monday. Still haven't received it, so i guess he's checking on the tracking to find out what happened. Guess if USPS lost it, I'll be out around $650.00! **** shame is I could have bought a referb P3A for less money than I have in this mess. Like I said in my last post, think I'm going to stick to building my own drones and using open source controllers. At least those I can (and have) repair on my own.
Anyway - hope swapping the card fixes your problem.

That is unfortunate! These things are fragile and expensive to repair so I get that you want to build them yourself. I've also spent a lot on DJI parts so far. Next time I get a DJI, i'll make sure it has obstacle avoidance and I believe there is something like a crash insurance option you can purchase with the drone.. Anyway, i'll update here if my repairs are successful.
Hi all, im coming back to this thread After a long time. In the meantime I bought a Mavic Pro with DJI careplus, so in my free time i’ve been busy with that.

Anyway, the mystery is solved, and I just wanted to post it for potential other people with the same issues.

So like I metioned in my first post, I had to replace the flatcable that runs outside on the Gimbal. Because it had a tear, and it was showing a status of ‘disconnected’ in the DJI go app.

Long story short: I recently finaly replaced that cable, and After that the phantom 3 worked again! As in; i could register and activate it finaly again!

So it seems that before the aircraft can register and ‘activate’, every part needs to function!

Just wanted to post this as final solution / conclusion.

Thanks and happy flying everybody!

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