Issue with CTRL-DJI, Pix4D capture and Go 4 on Samsung Tab A

May 10, 2023
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Fairly new to mapping although I have done some self training using the demo cloud account. Probably not correctly I am guessing.

So here is the issues:

1. Go 4 doesnt seem to like working consistenctly when CTRL is installed.
2. CTRL installed Pix4D connection and location updating is spotty at best.

So I end up uninstalling CTRL to get access to Go 4 to make manual changes to camera settings for mapping. Then reinstall CTRL reboot everything to get PIx4d capture to work... if I am lucky.

Should I just abandon this tablet? I keep hearing people say Apple, but I am an android guy and I love the screen on the TAB A, its perfect size at 8". I think its running Android 9. It was free, a hand me down verizon unit that I wiped.

Sorry if off topic, I know its both a help, mapping software, and possibly hardware recommendation post.

Regards, David

PS: I bought 2 used but one not even activated V2s. I am willing to go down the apple road if that is really what people think would be best, dependable, etc.. as this will be for business.
I think your problem is the Galaxy Tab A. It may be way underpowered for the task (circa 2015).
What phone do you have? If it is newish, try it out with the phone.
If that solves your problem, invest in an up to date powerful tablet.

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