Is my phantom drunk or something? (Phantom flips random in the air)

Sep 23, 2018
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So, i have been moving apartments last week and i was going to fly my phantom for the first time for 3 weeks. I came out, callibrated the compass as i always do and as normal took of. Suddenly my phantom did a HUGE FLIP and came down really HARD on the aspfhalt. Luckily it landed/crashed on its bones (/landed right was as you usualy land it), and it just went down do "kiss" the ground and right up again. I got so scared so i landed it normaly without any problems. After my inspection there was no visible damage so the drone is just fine (phew:)). There was no wind at all and i really don't know what was causing the flip, i maybe think it was becuse i flyed in ATTI. So, i was just wondering; is this cause of the ATTI or some wrong GPS callibration? Shuold i try a IMU calibration as well? I'm really happy that there is no damage on the drone so thats why i'm asking you if you guys had something relative to this. Next time i go flying i will just have it hovering at the same place to see if same thing may happen. But is there something i cuold do? any tips from you or something?

Regards, Lucas.
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Do you get messages that tell you to calibrate your compass all the time, or did you read somewhere that you need to do it all the time?
Do you get messages that tell you to calibrate your compass all the time, or did you read somewhere that you need to do it all the time?

No, i just like to callibrate it as i foten fly on diffrent Places.
Even flying different place no need to calibrate unless prompted,,to much can cause issues ,I used to do every flight aswell but have learnt not to,,unsure why drone flip but that sounds out there,I not know they could do inverted flight ,,,atti or pgps it shouldn't flip,,I think you will have to look at flight data to work that one out,,becareful,have someone record with there device incase it does again,,
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You may want to do a bit of research. Might save you some time and effort.
I’ve gone over 2 k miles distance without any of the DJI dance. Some will say it makes them feel better because they think it will help them keep from losing their toy, but the placebo effect has been a know brain condition for some time now. To each his own I guess.
Right after the props SPIN UP......ASAP Git the fingers OFF the 2 start UP Sticks....then throttle UP and take off using the rev them 4 blades UP stick Only........Good Luck.
Hello! I'm going to post a litle update! Thank you all guys for trying to help me solve this problem! Now (3 days after) i went flying to the country side. I flied about 10 mins just low to the ground and no big moves. Then i went little more "crazy" and it was just fine the first 2 minutes, after that the same thing happend. It flipped aigain about 100 meters up in the sky.... And..... when it landed the gimbal and camera was FINE ( :oops: )but it has got a big bang to its back side and the body has bent a bit so the propellers wont run properly, sadly.... Well, i'm done with this aircraft, now i'm gona place it in the trash can and buy i mavic 2 pro! Thanks for your help guys really appriciate it! Have a nice day! @everyone
I'd wager your bird is far from trash. I'd resist the urge. Post up your flight log and see what the drone geeks (said with utmost respect) on here have to say about it.
Sounds unlikely because when the drones reach a certain pitch now the motors shut off.New Dji safety measure although it sounds more dangerous than safe.

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