Is it me or is this really a stupid idea?

Jan 12, 2016
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Milwaukee, WI, Ft Walton Beach, FL
Ok, I don't yet have my Phantom in hand. Been doing research into addons I would like to make/buy when DJI does finally ship it to me.

A came across a few things that seem, on the surface, a good idea but when I really think it through, turn out to be a really bad idea. Thought I would post a few I came across and see if yall found or know of others.

So, let the really bad idea thread begin with.....

Epic Stupid:

Ok, skins seems like a cool idea. Customize your bird so it doesn't look like everyone else's bird. But, this? Does anyone else see this as an epic level stupid? Lets camo the drone so .... you can't find it when it crashes. Freaking brilliant huh? Frankly, a skin in something like dayglow orange or green would be a better option. You know, just in case it lands in a hay field or tall grass.

And another one that might seem like a good first.

Ok, if you want your drone to look like a punked out rice burner or low rider, maybe. Sure, lets kill the already short flight time by sticking wads of LED lights on it for no other reason than to make it look like a scene from Close Encounters. Some sort of spot that followed the camera, or maybe IR lighting for nighttime IR video? Meh maybe. But to make it look like it just got pimped out and make it fly less, Makes me wonder where the spinner rims addon is.

Your turn...
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kill the already short flight time by sticking wads of LED lights on it
LED lights take so little electricity to run that the difference in flight time should be negligible. And those lights would be great for night flying. i kind of want to get some...
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Led markers for night flight is one thing, these are another.
My Christmas lights this year consisted of more than 7000 channels of addressable ledso so I have a darn good idea of their power consumption having 700w of power supplies out to drive them.

Anyway, didn't want a debate thread so I will not go further. If you like them and get them, please do post better photos. I would love to see it in action. Maybe the led will cancel out the camp skin like a diet soda cancels out pizza :)
Ok, I don't yet have my Phantom in hand. Been doing research into addons I would like to make/buy when DJI does finally ship it to me.

A came across a few things that seem, on the surface, a good idea but when I really think it through, turn out to be a really bad idea. Thought I would post a few I came across and see if yall found or know of others.

So, let the really bad idea thread begin with.....

Epic Stupid:

Ok, skins seems like a cool idea. Customize your bird so it doesn't look like everyone else's bird. But, this? Does anyone else see this as an epic level stupid? Lets camo the drone so .... you can't find it when it crashes. Freaking brilliant huh? Frankly, a skin in something like dayglow orange or green would be a better option. You know, just in case it lands in a hay field or tall grass.

And another one that might seem like a good first.

Ok, if you want your drone to look like a punked out rice burner or low rider, maybe. Sure, lets kill the already short flight time by sticking wads of LED lights on it for no other reason than to make it look like a scene from Close Encounters. Some sort of spot that followed the camera, or maybe IR lighting for nighttime IR video? Meh maybe. But to make it look like it just got pimped out and make it fly less, Makes me wonder where the spinner rims addon is.

Your turn...
Not sure why you'd start a thread bashing decisions of other phantom owners when you don't have one yet yourself...

I say let people do what they want regarding modifications and appearance. Different strokes for different folks and all that.

Thanks for joining the community. Have fun and fly safe! :)

Sent from my iPhone using PhantomPilots mobile app
Camo Skin - Very bad idea. No need to hide your drone from your eyesight should you have an off site landing.

LED - Pretty good idea. Those might be excessive but as noted above they don't draw much at all to hamper flight time if done in moderation. Add a lot of them you'll pulling power AND adding weight.
The thread was created in a spirit of humor. Not bashing. And I am an owner. Mmine finally shipped today, 2 hours shy of 1 week since it was ordered and I presume its on a slow boat from China at this time. I am an owner, its just not in my paws yet. And it won't be the first RC craft I have owned/flown as I have been flying/driving/sailing RC craft since the mid 70's.

Anyway, I just found certain products, well, humorous at best, especially the idea of camo on a drone. Can you imagine how this would sound in R/L?

You: Hey George, can you gather up the gang and meet me at the field? I lost the drone and I need help finding it.
George: Sure, be right there.

George: Ok, we are ready to go. Where do you think it is?
You: Um, I am pretty sure its down in that hay field over there.
George: Allright, uh, what color is it?
You: Camouflage.
George: Uh, kidding right?
You: No.
George: Yea. Good luck with that. We will meet you at the bar. Let us know how it goes.
LED - Pretty good idea. Those might be excessive but as noted above they don't draw much at all to hamper flight time if done in moderation. Add a lot of them you'll pulling power AND adding weight.
Exactly. A few, within reason and yes, the power consumption would be negligible. Those, not so much.
Ok, I don't yet have my Phantom in hand. Been doing research into addons I would like to make/buy when DJI does finally ship it to me.

A came across a few things that seem, on the surface, a good idea but when I really think it through, turn out to be a really bad idea. Thought I would post a few I came across and see if yall found or know of others.

So, let the really bad idea thread begin with.....

Epic Stupid:

Ok, skins seems like a cool idea. Customize your bird so it doesn't look like everyone else's bird. But, this? Does anyone else see this as an epic level stupid? Lets camo the drone so .... you can't find it when it crashes. Freaking brilliant huh? Frankly, a skin in something like dayglow orange or green would be a better option. You know, just in case it lands in a hay field or tall grass.

And another one that might seem like a good first.

Ok, if you want your drone to look like a punked out rice burner or low rider, maybe. Sure, lets kill the already short flight time by sticking wads of LED lights on it for no other reason than to make it look like a scene from Close Encounters. Some sort of spot that followed the camera, or maybe IR lighting for nighttime IR video? Meh maybe. But to make it look like it just got pimped out and make it fly less, Makes me wonder where the spinner rims addon is.

Your turn...
with that campflage skin you would play hell trying to find it if it landed in some tall grass or weeds.
Ok, I don't yet have my Phantom in hand. Been doing research into addons I would like to make/buy when DJI does finally ship it to me.

A came across a few things that seem, on the surface, a good idea but when I really think it through, turn out to be a really bad idea. Thought I would post a few I came across and see if yall found or know of others.

So, let the really bad idea thread begin with.....

Epic Stupid:

Ok, skins seems like a cool idea. Customize your bird so it doesn't look like everyone else's bird. But, this? Does anyone else see this as an epic level stupid? Lets camo the drone so .... you can't find it when it crashes. Freaking brilliant huh? Frankly, a skin in something like dayglow orange or green would be a better option. You know, just in case it lands in a hay field or tall grass.

And another one that might seem like a good first.

Ok, if you want your drone to look like a punked out rice burner or low rider, maybe. Sure, lets kill the already short flight time by sticking wads of LED lights on it for no other reason than to make it look like a scene from Close Encounters. Some sort of spot that followed the camera, or maybe IR lighting for nighttime IR video? Meh maybe. But to make it look like it just got pimped out and make it fly less, Makes me wonder where the spinner rims addon is.

Your turn...
one guy i fly with had 168 led lights on his drone.

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