Invasion of Privacy

No way that was a drone. What, was that second streak a racing drone?

You could see right through it. I believe what others said, most likely a web or something causing tha camera to see it. Could be an alien.. lol.. But, not a drone.
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Drone pilots, professional or recreational that use their drones to invade other's privacy are causing problems for everyone. Many have their concerns, even fear, of drones and when the news reports "peeping" drones it escalates these concerns and fears. It forces lawmakers to impose local regulations on drone restrictions.

The question that I have is, if you knew who this was, would you help report or protect the pilot?

This invasion of privacy happened in the St. Louis Area

Absolutely I would report the person. This makes it tough on all of us.
She bought the camera 24 hours before her alleged drone footage. She doesn’t want to be on camera. This really just sounds like someone who desperately seeks some kind of attention. That is a light anomaly on a cheap camera. Nothing more. It’s a shame we have people doing things like this when we already have enough stupid operators crapping on this hobby. I live in Saint Louis and have had a few folks mention this stupid news clip to me. It’s infuriating.
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She bought the camera 24 hours before her alleged drone footage. She doesn’t want to be on camera. This really just sounds like someone who desperately seeks some kind of attention. That is a light anomaly on a cheap camera. Nothing more. It’s a shame we have people doing things like this when we already have enough stupid operators crapping on this hobby. I live in Saint Louis and have had a few folks mention this stupid news clip to me. It’s infuriating.

#36 provides a somewhat compelling explanation.
Drone pilots, professional or recreational that use their drones to invade other's privacy are causing problems for everyone. Many have their concerns, even fear, of drones and when the news reports "peeping" drones it escalates these concerns and fears. It forces lawmakers to impose local regulations on drone restrictions.

The question that I have is, if you knew who this was, would you help report or protect the pilot?

This invasion of privacy happened in the St. Louis Area
This is an obvious WiseCam marketing ploy. The drone could easily belong
to the WiseCam guys or associates and was a setup.

Anyone at 4:00 AM in dead silence would hear the drone from inside.
I find it hard to believe that's a drone. Hard to tell what it is.
Close quarters for daytime flying, let alone try to peep at 4am with a drone that sounds like angry bees. Fishy story
Looks more like a commercial for Wyse Cam. They mentioned it by name 4 times, showed multiple pictures, named the price as well as the features of the camera. someone got paid.

The answer to your question is YES, I would turn in (and or beat down) a peeping tom no matter what type of equipment was being used
What could they possibly see at 4:00am? I agree that it’s very fishy. Great plug for the surveillance company.
first off we all know there is no way any drone could see in her window at 4 am or any other time . someone is out playing with there drone late at night and screwing with this women . the mis leading story of the drone peeping is garbage . and it's bad reporting that is putting a bad name on drones. you could see the drone in the camera it wasn't just hovering there and all lights were out in the house so nothing could be seen . still this person should not be dropping down into someones back yard probably someone she knows a friend screwing with her .And after looking at the video a few more times this story is a joke .
I think you nailed the explanation. Local news has gotten so cheesy they will take any story and attempt to sensationalize it for ratings.
Drone pilots, professional or recreational that use their drones to invade other's privacy are causing problems for everyone. Many have their concerns, even fear, of drones and when the news reports "peeping" drones it escalates these concerns and fears. It forces lawmakers to impose local regulations on drone restrictions.

The question that I have is, if you knew who this was, would you help report or protect the pilot?

This invasion of privacy happened in the St. Louis Area

It's the old adage: "Many must suffer the actions of a few". I think it is our duty as drone pilots to report anyone operating a drone illegally. It's the same for Commercial pilots who fly General Aviation aircraft. These illegal actions cannot go unreported, or eventually the FAA will ban all non commercial UAV's.
It is obviously a flight of fireflies practicing their syncro-quad formation flying display. :rolleyes:
More chance of this than a peeping spy-drone.

What amazing eyesight (imagination) this woman has. Can't see the "drone" but can make out the camera lens pointing directly into her window!

Utter twaddle which the hobby can well do without.
Looks like lens flare to me. Granted, we see no intensifying illumination from oncoming headlights, but they don't have to be close to reflect off the lens. Drone LEDs would overwhelm the sensor.
Another example of fake news.
I am sure the owner of the home thinks it's what she saw, but I don't believe it to be the lights of a drone.
I agree with others here, it's clear it's not a drone. You can clearly see between the two inner lights at 2:01 and there's no aircraft body. I also use IR cameras for work and home and often see similar artifacts. This looks more like some sort of reflective artifact like spider silk (as mentioned above) or light reflection. There's a similar tread over on Mavic Pilots ('It's disgusting'; surveillance shows drone flying outside woman's window at night).

I emailed the reporter asking for better verification, but have not heard back. You can email him here: [email protected]
I would report anyone, friend or not, if I were to find out they were using their drone to peep on or invade someone's privacy. We have to police ourselves or the government (local, state or federal) will.
At 2:01 into the video the object appears to pass in front of the tree in the back yard. At this point the tree is still visible behind the object, leading me to believe it must be the ghost of a dead drone. Totally transparent except for the glowing eyes. Also, a very odd angle for the lights!
that's like asking everyone with a camera to report on people who act suspicious with cameras.

this is kind of a popular media hysteria about drones a little bit.

a person who has a camera with a high-power zoom lens in a concealed position is also quite able to obtain private images of you. It's not as sensational so it doesn't make an interesting news story. Are you asking everyone with high power camera lenses to police themselves?

if you see someone committing a crime, whether you own a drone or not, that's up to your own personal moral compass to decide whether to report that crime. Generally, the failure to report a crime is not considered a crime or you would be obligated to call the police on your neighbor whenever they walk their dog without a leash.
If I know of someone "peeping", I would likely report that drone pilot. BUT ... that video did not clearly establish that a drone was present. Why would a Peeping Tom spend the money on a loud flying camera with a wide angle lens and fly at night when inside lights are out in a back yard which had so many obstacles to flight. It seems the news agency was starving for anything sensational to report ... shame on them for releasing this story.
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At the same time, it is both sad and amazing how many people fall for things like this fake drone story. This includes the media which is more than happy (eager) to show anything negative about drones (true or not) to help support their narrative. The camera manufacturer must be thrilled with the free promo time it is getting over this staged video.
I didn't say people were getting paid LEGALLY. He was blatantly urging people to buy that exact camera. The people who wrote the copy (poor copy as Pharm mentioned) got kick backs, no doubt in my mind.
Also as i stated previously, i seriously doubt someone was flying a noisy drone in tight quarters, in the dark, to look in a dark window at 4am (what do you expect was going on at 4am in that woman's house that was so intriguing?).

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All I saw were 4 streaking lights (like UFO sightings of old). There was also a horizontal streak across the video at one point. Was that also a drone??
I see video similar to this whenever I check my video doorbell camera. It looks like reflection from headlights.
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As a new pilot, along with a couple of neighbors, this has already become an issue in the eyes of the misinformed public. Twice we had idiots come up to us and think they could stop us from flying in a public, desert area, in proximity to homes. In both circumstances, we attempted to inform the person that we really can't spy unless we are right in their face, we don't spy, could care less and even offered to review my printed list of current laws and give them a demonstration of how these cameras can't see a thing from a 200-500 feet up and don't have military spec surveillance cameras. Didn't matter, idiots are idiots, we had to chase them off after their bogus threats. Of course, they called the cops, but the cops have much more important stuff to do here and never showed up. I watched a lot of YT videos about this topic, but getting first hand experience and the absolute IDIOT MENTALITY that could not be reasoned with was a bit much. Good thing we are all large athletic guys who also support the 2nd Amendment.
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