I have an FAA waiver to fly in a special area how to unlock controller

Nov 13, 2017
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So I am near the Colorado Springs Air Force Academy. It's an unusually complicated area. It has a Class D around the academy airfield, but also a "USAF Academy UAS Special Security Instruction Boundary". There are a lot of house around the airfield which is very active with student training and gliders. The waiver gives me permission to fly within area, My planned flight is right on the edge of the class D but within the Special Boundary and AGL is limited to anywhere from 100 AGL to 400 AGL but how do I unlock my controller to fly in it? I don't see a way to upload the waiver to my DJI account. Thanks for any help
You need to go to the Custom Unlocking and submit your information to DJI. I don't know your site or how fast DJI gets back to you, but that's what it would take.

I had one where the Air Force base only operated on the weekdays and said that we could fly on the weekends, but they wouldn't give us a "waiver" to fly on the weekends, because it reverted to Class G. They couldn't give us permission to fly because there was no permission to give. But try explaining that to DJI! We couldn't do the flight because the geo-unlock doesn't get fed airport operation hours.
Both of you should not be talking in public with classified information. Even if you don’t think it was pertinent, Security is probably how you got that permission?
Both of you should not be talking in public with classified information. Even if you don’t think it was pertinent, Security is probably how you got that permission?

Now I'm curious. What on earth in those posts above do you think might be classified at any level?
Both of you should not be talking in public with classified information. Even if you don’t think it was pertinent, Security is probably how you got that permission?

Nothing posted above has ANYTHING even remotely "Classified" or "Secure" in nature in them. Could you please explain what seems to be a security breach that you're talking about?
Security breach is how you got permission and where you intend to fly.

That's a pretty bold statement there @bigblade . Can you explain to us how you came to this conclusion reading exactly the same posts listed above as the rest of us?
The only was to find out uf they unlocked it is to check tho I would say Mr Bond.... DJI did a poor job for me on the unlock procedure although they said they could do it not error is sent if its not done
Both of you should not be talking in public with classified information. Even if you don’t think it was pertinent, Security is probably how you got that permission?
Nothing in that story was classified, the job was not classified, and it was not for the Air Base. Consider the Air Base to be any airport with operating hours that change on the weekend, that was the point of the story. DJI doesn't have a full database of when airports change from D or E to G or when MOAs are inactive, it only marks them spatially, not temporally. You're going to have these changes more often near military bases, so that is why the stories came up.
Security breach is how you got permission and where you intend to fly.

On my views, how you got permission to fly and where to fly aren’t security breach themselves. Security breach is effective at execution time when not following the rules.
You need to go to the Custom Unlocking and submit your information to DJI. I don't know your site or how fast DJI gets back to you, but that's what it would take.

I had one where the Air Force base only operated on the weekdays and said that we could fly on the weekends, but they wouldn't give us a "waiver" to fly on the weekends, because it reverted to Class G. They couldn't give us permission to fly because there was no permission to give. But try explaining that to DJI! We couldn't do the flight because the geo-unlock doesn't get fed airport operation hours.

I live near an airport that operates the same way. (Class D week days, class G weekends) And I am the facilities manager at the airport. I have went through DJI for custom unlock for 3 month period. It wasn’t too bad but still a hassle to have to go through every three months. I would love to get DJI to do a permanent unlock for me but am receiving conflicting stories about whether it can be done or not. Have emails to DJI, now awaiting response.

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