How to get inspection jobs?

Feb 3, 2020
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Hi all,

I just passed my Part 107 last month and have flown a few real estate jobs so far. However this past weekend we had a brutal wind storm in my area that did loads of roofing damage to several properties. I figured that this week most roofing companies were going to have their hands full with getting inspections done and bids for repairs, and that I might be able to branch out into flying and inspecting roofs. So far as I can tell, none of the drone businesses in my area even offer inspections as a service, they're all focused on real estate and video production.

I outlined a few benefits that my drone could offer: I could photograph an entire roof including close ups of any problem areas in a very short period of time, even more so if there were more than one building as there would be no need to re-deploy a ladder; plus there is no risk of someone walking on a roof and causing additional damage or falling off. I then started cold calling businesses in the area, but I've decided to stop until I have a better approach, because so far the response has not been very receptive. The second I tell them who I am and that I'm calling to speak with them about drone services, that's usually when I feel like the call is going downhill. Even the ones who I've been able to talk to about the values of a drone sounded like they were just being polite, as they'd already made up their minds when the call first started.

So since I don't want to burn bridges with every person who does roofing in the area, I figured I'd back off and rethink my approach and see if anyone had any words of wisdom. I genuinely believe that what a drone can offer for these businesses would be of great use to them, they could get more information in a faster time than they can with traditional methods. Obviously my sales pitch or the manner in which I'm approaching these businesses leaves something to be desired, but I know there's definitely a market to be filled here. If anyone has any advice as to how they started getting their first few initial clients and some tactics I could try to either make my cold calls more receptive, or a better way to make my pitch in general, I'd be extremely grateful.
First off WELCOME to the forum!!!

This is JUST my opinion but I've been playing in this arena a good while now. I'm in the Aerial Data and my day job is working IN the construction industry. I don't think making "Cold" phone calls will work. You need to get face to face and you need to have some specific things in mind:

  • a) Examples of your work showing exactly what you can do and the quality of your work
  • b) explain the benefit of using your company... or more importantly show how you can help them save $$ and/or time.
  • c) Dress/Act the part of a professional business person.
  • d) A few NO THANK YOU is expected but if you get ZERO bites out of 10 or so meetings something isn't right on your end.

To be a successful business owner you've got to wear several hats and wear them WELL! Cold Calls (face to face) work very well at least for getting you in front of the decision maker. Deleting an email or just rolling your eyes on the phone is just way too easy.
Welcome and we meet again.
Do join where I suggested in our Mavic forum
and sure you will benefit there a lot also.
BigA107 is there also.?
And remember,
It takes about ten years of hard work to be an "overnight" success.
BigAl pretty much said it. Be a professional. Show the benefits. A good way to start the conversation or peek their interest is maybe to tell them you can increase their profit and decrease time doing estimates and more time fixing roofs. Instead of cold calling get some business cards made up and take a morning or afternoon and go around to those company in person. With a portfolio of your work.. not pictures you pull up on your cellphone. Now a tablet would be a different story amd a little more professional if it wa as all organized and the pictures look great. Im just getting my started on my drone company as well and have a long way to go. But lots of ideas! Congrats on your real estate gigs! Good luck and safe flying!
Hi all,

I just passed my Part 107 last month and have flown a few real estate jobs so far. However this past weekend we had a brutal wind storm in my area that did loads of roofing damage to several properties. I figured that this week most roofing companies were going to have their hands full with getting inspections done and bids for repairs, and that I might be able to branch out into flying and inspecting roofs. So far as I can tell, none of the drone businesses in my area even offer inspections as a service, they're all focused on real estate and video production.

I outlined a few benefits that my drone could offer: I could photograph an entire roof including close ups of any problem areas in a very short period of time, even more so if there were more than one building as there would be no need to re-deploy a ladder; plus there is no risk of someone walking on a roof and causing additional damage or falling off. I then started cold calling businesses in the area, but I've decided to stop until I have a better approach, because so far the response has not been very receptive. The second I tell them who I am and that I'm calling to speak with them about drone services, that's usually when I feel like the call is going downhill. Even the ones who I've been able to talk to about the values of a drone sounded like they were just being polite, as they'd already made up their minds when the call first started.

So since I don't want to burn bridges with every person who does roofing in the area, I figured I'd back off and rethink my approach and see if anyone had any words of wisdom. I genuinely believe that what a drone can offer for these businesses would be of great use to them, they could get more information in a faster time than they can with traditional methods. Obviously my sales pitch or the manner in which I'm approaching these businesses leaves something to be desired, but I know there's definitely a market to be filled here. If anyone has any advice as to how they started getting their first few initial clients and some tactics I could try to either make my cold calls more receptive, or a better way to make my pitch in general, I'd be extremely grateful.

You either join up with them or reach out to those who have no idea a drone is even possible. Make a good brochure and drop it off to places or e-mail. Some usually want some prior experience but if your shots are of good quality then it's all the experience you need. You should get at least $100 per house if people really know the worth but some only pay $50. It 100% depends who you are dealing with. $100 to me before was a lot and I spent a lot making a video for that client but some clients I got $350.
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