P3 Firmware How to fix bricked p3x

Oct 9, 2018
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Hi everyone. I am new to this forum, I never wite on forums, only read other peoples problems and try to fix thing other people have done but have got nowhere on this so here I am. Ive managed to brick my p3 pro. its giving me constant beeps and flashing red light. I tried to flash it with a wrong file. The controler connects to it and I get a feed. i can downgrade firmware and upgrade but it will not fly. is there any way I can get some sort of error message from it so I know what i have to look into to fix it? Ive tried the upgrade firmware and it doesnt fix anything. Any help would be greatly appriciated. Thanks
Hi everyone. I am new to this forum, I never wite on forums, only read other peoples problems and try to fix thing other people have done but have got nowhere on this so here I am. Ive managed to brick my p3 pro. its giving me constant beeps and flashing red light. I tried to flash it with a wrong file. The controler connects to it and I get a feed. i can downgrade firmware and upgrade but it will not fly. is there any way I can get some sort of error message from it so I know what i have to look into to fix it? Ive tried the upgrade firmware and it doesnt fix anything. Any help would be greatly appriciated. Thanks
Unsure on error message,check warnings with app open see if say there,can check ME on your homepage and check for updates aswell, no harm in deleting file and djigo and then reinstall it,that will prompt you if firmware abnormal, wouldn't hurt to try relinking too,,,,,,and big welcome to the forum great site just bring your own coffee...forgot in settings aswell click on ABOUT at bottom of general settings and your current firmware is there...what colour your rear drone lights,solid red or flash what colour,might need stick calibration also if not arm and start,can you start it without the app conected??
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Ive managed to brick my p3 pro. its giving me constant beeps and flashing red light.

Ok, so the issue is with the bird itself, not with the camera. That is actually good - the camera is the most expensive part nowadays.

I tried to flash it with a wrong file.

Unless you modded it yourself, this isn't that easy:
P3 Firmware - You can't flash wrong firmware on DJI products

The controler connects to it and I get a feed. i can downgrade firmware and upgrade but it will not fly.

It sound like you've up/down-graded the RC, and didn't really changed the firmware on the Aircraft. Note that both firmwares need to be from a similar time period, otherwise you'll have issues.

How to get logs - see here:

Detailed explanation of retrieving the `/MISC/LOG/P3?_FW_LOG_AB.txt`:
What is and how to get LOG_AB file

Also, note you should see a helpful message on mobile device if you try to arm motors with CSC.
Hey. Thanks you so much for you replies guys I tried to mod it. I renamed the file "flyc_param_infos" into "PMCAPPFw3.bin" put it on a sd and suck it in my phantom. Realised what I had done just before switching it back on but damage was done. Stupid me
Here is my FW_LOG_AB.txt`: Just incase it says something about my problem.. thanks

[00013364]Delete history success.

[00013697]========== remo-con disconnect. boot(15) ============
[00013795]Packet [C:\P3X_FW_V01.10.0090.bin] detected, card sn [0x00002d12].
[00013896]Packet upgrade start...

[00013995]Packet checking...
[00014103]Packet vlink 01.10.0090 <-> 01.10.0090.

[00014298]Version checking[1]...
[00014431][03 05][00] v34.2.0.9 -> v34.2.0.9 need upgrade.
[00014575][03 06][00] v2.4.20.50 -> v2.4.20.28 need upgrade.
[00014682][04 00][00] v1.48.0.0 -> v1.48.0.0 need upgrade.
[00014857][11 00][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0 need upgrade.
[00015016][11 01][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v2.0.0.33, firmware v1.8.0.0 not support.
[00015109][11 01][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v2.0.0.33
[00015252][12 00][00] v1.12.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0 need upgrade.
[00015384][12 01][00] v1.12.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0 need upgrade.
[00015520][12 02][00] v1.12.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0 need upgrade.
[00015676][12 03][00] v1.12.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0 need upgrade.
[00015864][15 00][00] v1.1.2.0 -> v1.1.2.0 need upgrade.
[00016000][17 00][00] v1.1.1.7 -> v1.1.1.7 need upgrade.
[00016180][17 01][00] v1.0.2.7 -> v1.0.2.7 need upgrade.
[00016300][19 00][00] v255.255.255.254 -> v1.0.8.96
[00016395][01 00][00] v1.32.5432 -> v1.32.5432 need upgrade
[00016500][01 01][00] v1.32.5432 -> v1.32.5432 need upgrade
[00016617][08 00][00] v0.13.0.7 -> v0.13.0.7 need upgrade.
[00016743][09 00][00] v4.1.0.0 -> v3.0.0.10 need upgrade.

[00019018]Waiting for user confirm...
[00029114]Timeout, start upgrade automatically.

[00029303]Firmware upgrading[1]...
[00045972][01 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[00012167][01 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.

[00012361]Packet [C:\P3X_FW_V01.10.0090.bin] resumed, card sn [0x00002d12].
[00012466]Packet vlink 01.10.0090 <-> 01.10.0090.
[00012567]Version checking[2]...
[00012690][03 05][00] v34.2.0.9 -> v34.2.0.9 need upgrade.
[00012810][03 06][00] v2.4.20.50 -> v2.4.20.28 need upgrade.
[00012908][04 00][00] v1.48.0.0 -> v1.48.0.0 need upgrade.
[00013251][11 00][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0 need upgrade.
[00013436][11 01][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v2.0.0.33, firmware v1.8.0.0 not support.
[00013531][11 01][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v2.0.0.33
[00013684][12 00][00] v1.12.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0 need upgrade.
[00013819][12 01][00] v1.12.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0 need upgrade.
[00013969][12 02][00] v1.12.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0 need upgrade.
[00014104][12 03][00] v1.12.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0 need upgrade.
[00014317][15 00][00] v1.1.2.0 -> v1.1.2.0 need upgrade.
[00014460][17 00][00] v1.1.1.7 -> v1.1.1.7 need upgrade.
[00014644][17 01][00] v1.0.2.7 -> v1.0.2.7 need upgrade.
[00014781][19 00][00] v255.255.255.254 -> v1.0.8.96
[00014873][01 00][05] v1.32.5432 -> v1.32.5432 need upgrade
[00014975][01 01][00] v1.32.5432 -> v1.32.5432 need upgrade
[00015085][08 00][00] v0.13.0.7 -> v0.13.0.7 need upgrade.
[00015241][09 00][00] v4.1.0.0 -> v3.0.0.10 need upgrade.

[00015432]Firmware upgrading[2]...
[00015650][01 01] Firmware upgrade start...
[00046018][01 01] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00047053][08 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[00576773][08 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00576886][12 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[00636636][12 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00636754][12 01] Firmware upgrade start...
[00695230][12 01] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00695350][12 02] Firmware upgrade start...
[00755271][12 02] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00755381][12 03] Firmware upgrade start...
[00814451][12 03] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00814577][17 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[00892013][17 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00892127][17 01] Firmware upgrade start...
[00950537][17 01] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00950650][11 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[00999391][11 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00999507][03 05] Firmware upgrade start...
[01064969][03 05] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[01065329][03 06] Firmware upgrade start...
[01406529][03 06] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[01406630][15 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[01445302][15 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[01445427][09 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[01497577][09 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[01497707][04 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[01556898][04 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.

[01557092]Version checking[3]...
[01557268][03 05][05] v34.2.0.9 -> v34.2.0.9 need upgrade.
[01557410][03 06][05] v2.4.20.28 -> v2.4.20.28 need upgrade.
[01557516][04 00][05] v1.48.0.0 -> v1.48.0.0 need upgrade.
[01557688][11 00][05] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0 need upgrade.
[01558070][11 01][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v2.0.0.33, firmware v1.8.0.0 not support.
[01558174][11 01][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v2.0.0.33
[01558312][12 00][05] v1.11.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0 need upgrade.
[01558464][12 01][05] v1.11.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0 need upgrade.
[01558624][12 02][05] v1.11.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0 need upgrade.
[01558784][12 03][05] v1.11.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0 need upgrade.
[01558981][15 00][05] v1.1.2.0 -> v1.1.2.0 need upgrade.
[01559113][17 00][05] v1.1.1.7 -> v1.1.1.7 need upgrade.
[01559333][17 01][05] v1.0.2.7 -> v1.0.2.7 need upgrade.
[01559448][19 00][00] v255.255.255.254 -> v1.0.8.96
[01559547][01 00][05] v1.32.5432 -> v1.32.5432 need upgrade
[01559647][01 01][05] v1.32.5432 -> v1.32.5432 need upgrade
[01559776][08 00][05] v0.13.0.7 -> v0.13.0.7 need upgrade.
[01559887][09 00][05] v3.0.0.10 -> v3.0.0.10 need upgrade.
[01559989]Packet upgrade finish successfully.

[00011539]========== remo-con disconnect. boot(15) ============
[00011631]Firmware [C:\PMCAPPFw3.bin] detected, card sn [0x00002d12].
[00011732][03 06] Firmware upgrade start...
[00141793][03 06] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.

[00013287]========== remo-con disconnect. boot(15) ============
[00013384]Firmware [C:\PMCAPPFw3.bin] detected, card sn [0x00002d12].
[00013483][03 06] Firmware upgrade start...
[00056178][03 06] Firmware upgrade finish failed (step = 2, err = 0xaa).

[00012889]========== remo-con disconnect. boot(15) ============
[00012986]Packet [C:\P3X_FW_V01.10.0090.bin] detected, card sn [0x00002d12].
[00013078]Packet upgrade start...

[00013181]Packet checking...
[00013286]Packet vlink 01.10.0090 <-> 01.10.0090.

[00013480]Version checking[1]...
[00026073][03 05][00] device not detected.
[00038664][03 06][00] device not detected.
[00038771][04 00][00] v1.48.0.0 -> v1.48.0.0 need upgrade.
[00051370][11 00][00] device not detected.
[00063966][11 01][00] device not detected.
[00076567][12 00][00] device not detected.
[00089169][12 01][00] device not detected.
[00101769][12 02][00] device not detected.
[00114370][12 03][00] device not detected.
[00114583][15 00][00] v1.1.2.0 -> v1.1.2.0 need upgrade.
[00127179][17 00][00] device not detected.
[00139779][17 01][00] device not detected.
[00139911][19 00][00] v255.255.255.254 -> v1.0.8.96
[00140009][01 00][00] v1.32.5432 -> v1.32.5432 need upgrade
[00140103][01 01][00] v1.32.5432 -> v1.32.5432 need upgrade
[00140213][08 00][00] v0.13.0.7 -> v0.13.0.7 need upgrade.
[00140331][09 00][00] v3.0.0.10 -> v3.0.0.10 need upgrade.

[00142520]Waiting for user confirm...
[00152616]Timeout, start upgrade automatically.

[00152811]Firmware upgrading[1]...
[00169226][01 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[00012165][01 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.

[00012364]Packet [C:\P3X_FW_V01.10.0090.bin] resumed, card sn [0x00002d12].
[00012468]Packet vlink 01.10.0090 <-> 01.10.0090.
[00012567]Version checking[2]...
[00025164][03 05][00] device not detected.
[00037763][03 06][00] device not detected.
[00037859][04 00][00] v1.48.0.0 -> v1.48.0.0 need upgrade.
[00050463][11 00][00] device not detected.
[00063055][11 01][00] device not detected.
[00075647][12 00][00] device not detected.
[00088247][12 01][00] device not detected.
[00100988][12 02][00] device not detected.
[00113579][12 03][00] device not detected.
[00113773][15 00][00] v1.1.2.0 -> v1.1.2.0 need upgrade.
[00126370][17 00][00] device not detected.
[00138971][17 01][00] device not detected.
[00139093][19 00][00] v255.255.255.254 -> v1.0.8.96
[00139187][01 00][05] v1.32.5432 -> v1.32.5432 need upgrade
[00139287][01 01][00] v1.32.5432 -> v1.32.5432 need upgrade
[00139395][08 00][00] v0.13.0.7 -> v0.13.0.7 need upgrade.
[00139513][09 00][00] v3.0.0.10 -> v3.0.0.10 need upgrade.

[00139712]Firmware upgrading[2]...
[00139934][01 01] Firmware upgrade start...
[00170303][01 01] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00171378][08 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[00675527][08 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00675629][15 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[00714303][15 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00714421][09 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[00766341][09 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00766474][04 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[00824751][04 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.

[00824944]Version checking[3]...
[00837541][03 05][00] device not detected.
[00850135][03 06][00] device not detected.
[00850276][04 00][05] v1.48.0.0 -> v1.48.0.0 need upgrade.
[00862877][11 00][00] device not detected.
[00875477][11 01][00] device not detected.
[00888071][12 00][00] device not detected.
[00900680][12 01][00] device not detected.
[00913281][12 02][00] device not detected.
[00925882][12 03][00] device not detected.
[00926080][15 00][05] v1.1.2.0 -> v1.1.2.0 need upgrade.
[00938683][17 00][00] device not detected.
[00951285][17 01][00] device not detected.
[00951410][19 00][00] v255.255.255.254 -> v1.0.8.96
[00951510][01 00][05] v1.32.5432 -> v1.32.5432 need upgrade
[00951615][01 01][05] v1.32.5432 -> v1.32.5432 need upgrade
[00951721][08 00][05] v0.13.0.7 -> v0.13.0.7 need upgrade.
[00951852][09 00][05] v3.0.0.10 -> v3.0.0.10 need upgrade.
[00952049]Packet upgrade failed at version checking.

[00012897]========== remo-con disconnect. boot(15) ============
[00012994]Packet [C:\P3X_FW_V01.11.0020.bin] detected, card sn [0x00002d12].
[00013088]Packet upgrade start...

[00013190]Packet checking...
[00013287]Packet vlink 01.11.0020 <-> 01.11.0020.
[00013380]Record vlink 01.10.0090 <-> 01.10.0090 (flow = 0).

[00013572]Version checking[1]...
[00026172][03 06][00] device not detected.
[00038766][03 05][00] device not detected.
[00038879][04 00][00] v1.48.0.0 -> v1.48.0.0
[00051471][11 00][00] device not detected.
[00064066][11 01][00] device not detected.
[00076665][12 00][00] device not detected.
[00089256][12 01][00] device not detected.
[00101852][12 02][00] device not detected.
[00114450][12 03][00] device not detected.
[00114643][15 00][00] v1.1.2.0 -> v1.1.2.0
[00127241][17 00][00] device not detected.
[00139831][17 01][00] device not detected.
[00139946][19 00][00] v255.255.255.254 -> v1.0.8.96
[00140045][01 00][00] v1.32.5432 -> v1.32.5432
[00140137][01 01][00] v1.32.5432 -> v1.32.5432
[00140263][08 00][00] v0.13.0.7 -> v0.13.0.7
[00140386][09 00][00] v3.0.0.10 -> v4.1.0.0 need upgrade.

[00142576]Waiting for user confirm...
[00152668]Timeout, start upgrade automatically.

[00152857]Firmware upgrading[1]...
[00152976][09 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[00205214][09 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.

[00205406]Version checking[2]...
[00218007][03 06][00] device not detected.
[00230607][03 05][00] device not detected.
[00230710][04 00][00] v1.48.0.0 -> v1.48.0.0
[00243307][11 00][00] device not detected.
[00255904][11 01][00] device not detected.
[00268502][12 00][00] device not detected.
[00281095][12 01][00] device not detected.
[00293692][12 02][00] device not detected.
[00306290][12 03][00] device not detected.
[00306488][15 00][00] v1.1.2.0 -> v1.1.2.0
[00319086][17 00][00] device not detected.
[00331829][17 01][00] device not detected.
[00331957][19 00][00] v255.255.255.254 -> v1.0.8.96
[00332056][01 00][00] v1.32.5432 -> v1.32.5432
[00332151][01 01][00] v1.32.5432 -> v1.32.5432
[00332261][08 00][00] v0.13.0.7 -> v0.13.0.7
[00332376][09 00][05] v4.1.0.0 -> v4.1.0.0
[00332474]Packet upgrade failed at version checking.

[00012824]========== remo-con disconnect. boot(15) ============
[00012922]Packet [C:\P3X_FW_V01.11.0020.bin] detected, card sn [0x00002d12].
[00013018]Packet upgrade start...

[00013120]Packet checking...
[00013217]Packet vlink 01.11.0020 <-> 01.11.0020.
[00013313]Record vlink 01.10.0090 <-> 01.10.0090 (flow = 0).

[00013509]Version checking[1]...
[00026106][03 06][00] device not detected.
[00038702][03 05][00] device not detected.
[00038804][04 00][00] v1.48.0.0 -> v1.48.0.0
[00051402][11 00][00] device not detected.
[00064003][11 01][00] device not detected.
[00076603][12 00][00] device not detected.
[00089195][12 01][00] device not detected.
[00101792][12 02][00] device not detected.
[00114389][12 03][00] device not detected.
[00114577][15 00][00] v1.1.2.0 -> v1.1.2.0
[00127175][17 00][00] device not detected.
[00139768][17 01][00] device not detected.
[00139885][19 00][00] v255.255.255.254 -> v1.0.8.96
[00139984][01 00][00] v1.32.5432 -> v1.32.5432
[00140079][01 01][00] v1.32.5432 -> v1.32.5432
[00140188][08 00][00] v0.13.0.7 -> v0.13.0.7
[00140325][09 00][00] v4.1.0.0 -> v4.1.0.0
[00140417]Packet upgrade failed at version checking.

[00012986]========== remo-con disconnect. boot(15) ============
[00013078]Firmware [C:\PMCAPPFw3.bin] detected, card sn [0x00002d12].
[00013178][03 06] Firmware upgrade start...
[00055771][03 06] Firmware upgrade finish failed (step = 2, err = 0xaa).

[00013410]========== remo-con disconnect. boot(15) ============
[00013513]Firmware [C:\PMCAPPFw3.bin] detected, card sn [0x00002d12].
[00013611][03 06] Firmware upgrade start...
[00056308][03 06] Firmware upgrade finish failed (step = 2, err = 0xaa).

[00012905]========== remo-con disconnect. boot(15) ============
[00013002]Packet [C:\P3X_FW_V01.10.0090.bin] detected, card sn [0x00002d12].
[00013103]Packet upgrade start...

[00013199]Packet checking...
[00013307]Packet vlink 01.10.0090 <-> 01.10.0090.

[00013500]Version checking[1]...
[00026099][03 05][00] device not detected.
[00038689][03 06][00] device not detected.
[00038797][04 00][00] v1.48.0.0 -> v1.48.0.0 need upgrade.
[00051401][11 00][00] device not detected.
[00063994][11 01][00] device not detected.
[00076586][12 00][00] device not detected.
[00089184][12 01][00] device not detected.
[00101786][12 02][00] device not detected.
[00114378][12 03][00] device not detected.
[00114578][15 00][00] v1.1.2.0 -> v1.1.2.0 need upgrade.
[00127170][17 00][00] device not detected.
[00139769][17 01][00] device not detected.
[00139884][19 00][00] v255.255.255.254 -> v1.0.8.96
[00139976][01 00][00] v1.32.5432 -> v1.32.5432 need upgrade
[00140077][01 01][00] v1.32.5432 -> v1.32.5432 need upgrade
[00140190][08 00][00] v0.13.0.7 -> v0.13.0.7 need upgrade.
[00140310][09 00][00] v4.1.0.0 -> v3.0.0.10 need upgrade.

[00142587]Waiting for user confirm...
[00152678]Timeout, start upgrade automatically.

[00152868]Firmware upgrading[1]...
[00169163][01 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[00012163][01 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.

[00012358]Packet [C:\P3X_FW_V01.10.0090.bin] resumed, card sn [0x00002d12].
[00012463]Packet vlink 01.10.0090 <-> 01.10.0090.
[00012561]Version checking[2]...
[00025157][03 05][00] device not detected.
[00037747][03 06][00] device not detected.
[00037848][04 00][00] v1.48.0.0 -> v1.48.0.0 need upgrade.
[00050448][11 00][00] device not detected.
[00063041][11 01][00] device not detected.
[00075631][12 00][00] device not detected.
[00088225][12 01][00] device not detected.
[00100964][12 02][00] device not detected.
[00113555][12 03][00] device not detected.
[00113756][15 00][00] v1.1.2.0 -> v1.1.2.0 need upgrade.
[00126351][17 00][00] device not detected.
[00138949][17 01][00] device not detected.
[00139062][19 00][00] v255.255.255.254 -> v1.0.8.96
[00139156][01 00][05] v1.32.5432 -> v1.32.5432 need upgrade
[00139254][01 01][00] v1.32.5432 -> v1.32.5432 need upgrade
[00139367][08 00][00] v0.13.0.7 -> v0.13.0.7 need upgrade.
[00139483][09 00][00] v4.1.0.0 -> v3.0.0.10 need upgrade.

[00139674]Firmware upgrading[2]...
[00139894][01 01] Firmware upgrade start...
[00170255][01 01] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00171268][08 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[00675914][08 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00676013][15 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[00714676][15 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00714798][09 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[00766830][09 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00766961][04 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[00823993][04 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.

[00824190]Version checking[3]...
[00836790][03 05][00] device not detected.
[00849390][03 06][00] device not detected.
[00849489][04 00][05] v1.48.0.0 -> v1.48.0.0 need upgrade.
[00862093][11 00][00] device not detected.
[00874696][11 01][00] device not detected.
[00887298][12 00][00] device not detected.
[00899895][12 01][00] device not detected.
[00912497][12 02][00] device not detected.
[00925100][12 03][00] device not detected.
[00925319][15 00][05] v1.1.2.0 -> v1.1.2.0 need upgrade.
[00937920][17 00][00] device not detected.
[00950520][17 01][00] device not detected.
[00950641][19 00][00] v255.255.255.254 -> v1.0.8.96
[00950737][01 00][05] v1.32.5432 -> v1.32.5432 need upgrade
[00950840][01 01][05] v1.32.5432 -> v1.32.5432 need upgrade
[00950943][08 00][05] v0.13.0.7 -> v0.13.0.7 need upgrade.
[00951061][09 00][05] v3.0.0.10 -> v3.0.0.10 need upgrade.
[00951257]Packet upgrade failed at version checking.

[00012611]========== remo-con disconnect. boot(15) ============
[00012709]Packet [C:\P3X_FW_V01.10.0090.bin] detected, card sn [0x00002d12].
[00012803]Packet upgrade start...

[00012907]Packet checking...
[00013014]Packet vlink 01.10.0090 <-> 01.10.0090.

[00013208]Version checking[1]...
[00025803][03 05][00] device not detected.
[00038398][03 06][00] device not detected.
[00038506][04 00][00] v1.48.0.0 -> v1.48.0.0 need upgrade.
[00051105][11 00][00] device not detected.
[00063701][11 01][00] device not detected.
[00076302][12 00][00] device not detected.
[00088903][12 01][00] device not detected.
[00101505][12 02][00] device not detected.
[00114106][12 03][00] device not detected.
[00114350][15 00][00] v1.1.2.0 -> v1.1.2.0 need upgrade.
[00126951][17 00][00] device not detected.
[00139548][17 01][00] device not detected.
[00139679][19 00][00] v255.255.255.254 -> v1.0.8.96
[00139789][01 00][00] v1.32.5432 -> v1.32.5432 need upgrade
[00139890][01 01][00] v1.32.5432 -> v1.32.5432 need upgrade
[00140004][08 00][00] v0.13.0.7 -> v0.13.0.7 need upgrade.
[00140127][09 00][00] v3.0.0.10 -> v3.0.0.10 need upgrade.

[00142330]Waiting for user confirm...
[00152436]Timeout, start upgrade automatically.

[00152629]Firmware upgrading[1]...
[00171776][01 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[00012951]========== 2018.10.10 00:41:24. boot(15) ============
[00013050]Packet [C:\P3X_FW_V01.09.0060.bin] detected, card sn [0x00002d12].
[00013151]Packet upgrade start...

[00013260]Packet checking...
[00013364]Packet vlink 01.09.0060 <-> 01.08.0080.

[00013559]Version checking[1]...
[00026163][03 05][00] device not detected.
[00038761][03 06][00] device not detected.
[00038880][04 00][00] v1.48.0.0 -> v1.44.0.0 need upgrade.
[00051478][11 00][00] device not detected.
[00064078][11 01][00] device not detected.
[00076825][12 00][00] device not detected.
[00089420][12 01][00] device not detected.
[00102021][12 02][00] device not detected.
[00114622][12 03][00] device not detected.
[00114847][15 00][00] v1.1.2.0 -> v1.1.2.0 need upgrade.
[00127450][17 00][00] device not detected.
[00140049][17 01][00] device not detected.
[00140180][19 00][00] v255.255.255.254 -> v1.0.8.96
[00140277][01 00][00] v1.32.5432 -> v1.30.5036 need upgrade
[00140380][01 01][00] v1.32.5432 -> v1.30.5036 need upgrade
[00140513][08 00][00] v0.13.0.7 -> v0.13.0.7 need upgrade.
[00140636][09 00][00] v3.0.0.10 -> v3.0.0.10 need upgrade.

[00142831]Waiting for user confirm...
[00152930]Timeout, start upgrade automatically.

[00153129]Firmware upgrading[1]...
[00171512][01 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[00012150][01 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.

[00012352]Packet [C:\P3X_FW_V01.09.0060.bin] resumed, card sn [0x00002d12].
[00012458]Packet vlink 01.09.0060 <-> 01.08.0080.
[00012555]Version checking[2]...
[00025150][03 05][00] device not detected.
[00037746][03 06][00] device not detected.
[00037850][04 00][00] v1.48.0.0 -> v1.44.0.0 need upgrade.
[00050448][11 00][00] device not detected.
[00063041][11 01][00] device not detected.
[00075641][12 00][00] device not detected.
[00088235][12 01][00] device not detected.
[00100834][12 02][00] device not detected.
[00113434][12 03][00] device not detected.
[00113627][15 00][00] v1.1.2.0 -> v1.1.2.0 need upgrade.
[00126220][17 00][00] device not detected.
[00138816][17 01][00] device not detected.
[00138933][19 00][00] v255.255.255.254 -> v1.0.8.96
[00139025][01 00][05] v1.30.5036 -> v1.30.5036 need upgrade
[00139123][01 01][00] v1.32.5432 -> v1.30.5036 need upgrade
[00139244][08 00][00] v0.13.0.7 -> v0.13.0.7 need upgrade.
[00139368][09 00][00] v3.0.0.10 -> v3.0.0.10 need upgrade.

[00139568]Firmware upgrading[2]...
[00139782][01 01] Firmware upgrade start...
[00170143][01 01] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00171242][08 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[00674875][08 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00674979][15 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[00713647][15 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00713766][09 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[00767196][09 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00767323][04 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[00825658][04 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.

[00825855]Version checking[3]...
[00838457][03 05][00] device not detected.
[00851059][03 06][00] device not detected.
[00851195][04 00][05] v1.44.0.0 -> v1.44.0.0 need upgrade.
[00863800][11 00][00] device not detected.
[00876506][11 01][00] device not detected.
[00889107][12 00][00] device not detected.
[00901709][12 01][00] device not detected.
[00914306][12 02][00] device not detected.
[00926907][12 03][00] device not detected.
[00927105][15 00][05] v1.1.2.0 -> v1.1.2.0 need upgrade.
[00939710][17 00][00] device not detected.
[00952311][17 01][00] device not detected.
[00952444][19 00][00] v255.255.255.254 -> v1.0.8.96
[00952541][01 00][05] v1.30.5036 -> v1.30.5036 need upgrade
[00952641][01 01][05] v1.30.5036 -> v1.30.5036 need upgrade
[00952757][08 00][05] v0.13.0.7 -> v0.13.0.7 need upgrade.
[00952861][09 00][05] v3.0.0.10 -> v3.0.0.10 need upgrade.
[00952964]Packet upgrade failed at version checking.
Interesting. So you really only destroyed the m0306 firmware. I never would have guessed that damaging this one module breaks communications to that many other modules. Your camera can now only talk to OFDM board, nothing else responds. I will remember what this specific list means.

For the fix - either:
- Replace the whole ESC Center Board , or
- Relace the Flight Controller at center of ESC board, or
- Reprogram the FC chip (stm32 microcontroller)

It might be possible to re-program the uC using the same method you bricked it with - after all you didn't destroyed the loader (m0305). If there is a way to set the loader into "upgrade mode", placing a file on sd-card may flash it. I wouldn't be surprised if one of service pads can be shorted to switch to bootloader.

Another way is to use STlink to program the uC - just don't touch the part which contains bootloader.

If nothing of that sounds familiar to you - just replace the board.
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Brill. I have been offered a crashed p3x for free from a friend so can probably salvage an ESC Center Board from that, Failing that I've been quoted £80 all in from DroneDoctor after telling them the findings I found from you here. Really appreciate all your help.
Interesting. So you really only destroyed the m0306 firmware. I never would have guessed that damaging this one module breaks communications to that many other modules. Your camera can now only talk to OFDM board, nothing else responds. I will remember what this specific list means.

For the fix - either:
- Replace the whole ESC Center Board , or
- Relace the Flight Controller at center of ESC board, or
- Reprogram the FC chip (stm32 microcontroller)

It might be possible to re-program the uC using the same method you bricked it with - after all you didn't destroyed the loader (m0305). If there is a way to set the loader into "upgrade mode", placing a file on sd-card may flash it. I wouldn't be surprised if one of service pads can be shorted to switch to bootloader.

Another way is to use STlink to program the uC - just don't touch the part which contains bootloader.

If nothing of that sounds familiar to you - just replace the board.
Hello I am having the exact same problems with Sionbach, looks like I have only destroyed m0306 as well after an interrupted update. I have an ftdi adapter and need to unpackage the fw to get the m0306 fw and flash it manually. I have located the boot0 pin and pb10 and pb11 pins which I will connect rx and tx to. I am going to use the official stm32 flash loader. How to put the stm32 chip into fw upgrade mode? DO i just short the boot0 pin to ground, apply power to the mainboard as I would via the battery and use only tx and rx to the ftdi and try to flash the bin file?This board is going to the bin anyhow so I might as well try to mess with it and see if i can get the m0306 back into the chip before investing 150Euros for a used one.
I don't think anyone here did such re-programming. Would be interesting to see it through.

Usually, damaged ESC Center Boards have the the FC working, so most people just unsolder the daughterboard, without getting into details of what's wrong with it.

You can learn how to use STlink from manufacturers documentation; these uCs are quite popular, so maybe there's even a video on YT.

For serial programming - details depend on how DJI wrote the bootloader. No idea how that works.

I wonder if we can figure out at which offset the "application" part should be flashed.. some hints are in the example commands here:

The command for m0306 on P3X uses base address "-b 0x8020000" - so this is the location where "application" part starts when it's in uCs address space. I doubt that is loaded into RAM of the uC - usually such things are accessible by mapping internal flash directly into address space. So knowing where internal flash starts in memory map, you should figure out at which offset to flash the application.
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I don't think anyone here did such re-programming. Would be interesting to see it through.

Usually, damaged ESC Center Boards have the the FC working, so most people just unsolder the daughterboard, without getting into details of what's wrong with it.

You can learn how to use STlink from manufacturers documentation; these uCs are quite popular, so maybe there's even a video on YT.

For serial programming - details depend on how DJI wrote the bootloader. No idea how that works.

I wonder if we can figure out at which offset the "application" part should be flashed.. some hints are in the example commands here:

The command for m0306 on P3X uses base address "-b 0x8020000" - so this is the location where "application" part starts when it's in uCs address space. I doubt that is loaded into RAM of the uC - usually such things are accessible by mapping internal flash directly into address space. So knowing where internal flash starts in memory map, you should figure out at which offset to flash the application.
So using the bin file of the 0306 fw and flashing (assuming I can even get it to connect with the ftdi adapter) wont do anything? I have to get an stlink and copy over the contents of the 0306 part of the fw bin file using the offset you suggest?
So using the bin file of the 0306 fw and flashing (assuming I can even get it to connect with the ftdi adapter) wont do anything?

Not sure what exactly do you mean by that.
I'm sure there is a way to flash by serial. But how? the "and flashing" part of your message sounds simple, how do you do that?

Maybe when the FC boots into bootloader, you can just flash it from SD-card in Ambarella. I don't know.
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Not sure what exactly do you mean by that.
I'm sure there is a way to flash by serial. But how? the "and flashing" part of your message sounds simple, how do you do that?

Maybe when the FC boots into bootloader, you can just flash it from SD-card in Ambarella. I don't know.
The problem is that no matter how many times I try to upgrade I get 0306 device not connected so it thinks the MC is not plugged in. This all happened because of interrupted fw update (my stupid mistake). I was thinking there was an easy way to flash the contents of the MCAPPFw.bin (for the 0306 module) to the stm32f4 by manually plugging into the MC by means of ftdi serial connection, using the pads. I will test tomorrow and let you know how it goes. Probably wont work but doesnt hurt to try
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The problem is that no matter how many times I try to upgrade I get 0306 device not connected so it thinks the MC is not plugged in.

"not plugged in" is definitely not the right term.
You've overwritten part of your MC APP Fw. The firmware consists of bootloader and app. The app won't work now, but bootloader would still work.
Unfortunately, bootloader loads the app and gives it control. Then the app crashes. Then the whole thing restarts. It does that over and over.

If you were able to find a way to tell bootloader "stop! stay in bootloader mode! don't load the app!", then the "device not detected" would probably disappear.
Then you could re-flash the app by Ambarella. That's your solution #1.

Another way would be to update via UART serial - there is a very high chance that DJI implemented this, but we don't know how to use it. What's the protocol? How to trigger this? We don't know. That makes the option #2 quite useless, unless we reverse engineer the bootloader.

And there's also the ST-micro way, by use of Serial Wire Debug. There are SWD lines available, and you'd need a programmer device. Then just connect that to PC and use STlink to flash anything you want. That's the option #3. It will work regardless of whether DJI's bootloader works or not - because that uses factory build-in bootloader of the chip.

I think that explains what I wrote previously well enough.
Let us know of your progress.
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"not plugged in" is definitely not the right term.
You've overwritten part of your MC APP Fw. The firmware consists of bootloader and app. The app won't work now, but bootloader would still work.
Unfortunately, bootloader loads the app and gives it control. Then the app crashes. Then the whole thing restarts. It does that over and over.

If you were able to find a way to tell bootloader "stop! stay in bootloader mode! don't load the app!", then the "device not detected" would probably disappear.
Then you could re-flash the app by Ambarella. That's your solution #1.

Another way would be to update via UART serial - there is a very high chance that DJI implemented this, but we don't know how to use it. What's the protocol? How to trigger this? We don't know. That makes the option #2 quite useless, unless we reverse engineer the bootloader.

And there's also the ST-micro way, by use of Serial Wire Debug. There are SWD lines available, and you'd need a programmer device. Then just connect that to PC and use STlink to flash anything you want. That's the option #3. It will work regardless of whether DJI's bootloader works or not - because that uses factory build-in bootloader of the chip.

I think that explains what I wrote previously well enough.
Let us know of your progress.
First of all let me say wow this explanation is great. Yesterday I tried very carefully to solder some hair thin wires to the pb10 and pb11 tiny tiny pads on the MC. Pb10 I did ok (while my solder Iron was heating up), pb11 I accidentally pulled because I had forgotten my solder Iron on too high a temperature and I burned off the pad... That was stupid. So I basically screwed myself once again out of trying to solve it by flashing by uart. The I got an idea which is identical to your first suggestion of putting the bootloader in a wait state and flash by sd. I shorted the boot0 pad to 3v3 and tried. I was hopeful that this would put the bootloader in a "wait" state. Nope. Nothing. Tried again shorting boot0 with ground. Again nothing. In the datasheet of the specific stm32f427 it says you need to pull boot0 and boot1 to a combination of high and low or something like that. I dont know what pulling a boot pad low or high means. Yes I Googled it hehehe. Couldn't make sense of it. So the first method I either did wrong or doesnt work :(
I then carefully sucked all the solder off the main controller and carefully detached it from the mainboard and I am waiting a "esc error" p3 pro mainboard from a local repair Shop to steal the "good" mc from and swap into my mainboard. If that doesnt work I will have to buy an stlink and learn how to program the chip. I hope the stlink doesnt need to use the pb10 of pb11 and only uses the sdio and sdwc pads among the other "still safe" pads on the MC board or else that bridge is burned too... Here's some pics I took of the now removed mc. Again I can't thank you enough for the good and simple explanation you gave me on your post above. Also your own ordeal with replacing that chip on your camera board and being successful was an inspiration to me to try and repair mine. Not so much because I am a cheapskate and dont want to spend 150 on a new mainboard, but also because its a shame to throw out a perfectly good mainboard because the easily de-solderable mc has a problem and the MC alone is no where to be sold seperately. Its a waste of electronics and a huge contribution to the whole used electronics pollution problem. Ofcourse why dji would care about that? They just designed the p3 with undetachable esc's and I can only imagine how many people had to throw out a whole board with a perfectly good mc and a couple of good esc's just because one esc failed!!!! Its also the only electronics board I have seen been sold to the public from their official site. Thank God they didnt keep at this stupid design with their p4 series and thankfully designed it for seperate esc boards!!!


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ok update. I received the replacement "used" mc. Soldered carefully to my mainboard. Drone started up, all good. Flashed 11.20 successfully, all worked fine. EVERYTHING GREAT and working as it should. I then go and reflash with the hacked fw, I let it finish. It finished sucessfully. I say wow, awesome. I restart the drone. ESC'S BEEPING AGAIN, NEW MC F'D UP... AGAIN!!!! I have the logs, here they are:
hacked fw update=sucessfull
but it bricked it anyways!!!
I am never touching hacked fw again for the p3... my mavic pro and spark were easy-peasy to hack. The p3 should just be left alone. aaaaand I have to find a new mc, the place where i got it from(locally) doesnt have another
[00011214]========== remo-con disconnect. boot(15) ============
[00011292]Firmware [C:\PMCAPPFw3.bin] detected, card sn [0x0cfb2ffc].
[00011362][03 06] Firmware upgrade start...
[00101280][03 06] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.

p3 beeping all the way to hell... lol I try installing the official latest fw and i get the same devices not found again, as I did before with my first (bricked) mc

[00012784]========== remo-con disconnect. boot(15) ============
[00012858]Packet [C:\P3X_FW_V01.11.0020.bin] detected, card sn [0x0cfb2ffc].
[00012930]Packet upgrade start...

[00013006]Packet checking...
[00013196]Packet vlink 01.11.0020 <-> 01.11.0020.
[00013267]Record vlink 01.11.0020 <-> 01.11.0020 (flow = 0).

[00013414]Version checking[1]...
[00025984][03 06][00] device not detected.
[00038559][03 05][00] device not detected.
[00038640][04 00][00] v1.48.0.0 -> v1.48.0.0
[00051218][11 00][00] device not detected.
[00063787][11 01][00] device not detected.
[00076357][12 00][00] device not detected.
[00088933][12 01][00] device not detected.
[00101504][12 02][00] device not detected.
[00114075][12 03][00] device not detected.
[00114268][15 00][00] v1.1.2.0 -> v1.1.2.0
[00126839][17 00][00] device not detected.
[00139416][17 01][00] device not detected.
[00139521][19 00][00] v1.0.8.96 -> v1.0.8.96
[00139591][01 00][00] v1.32.5432 -> v1.32.5432
[00139666][01 01][00] v1.32.5432 -> v1.32.5432
[00139768][08 00][00] v0.13.0.7 -> v0.13.0.7
[00139860][09 00][00] v4.1.0.0 -> v4.1.0.0
[00139932]Packet upgrade failed at version checking.
true true.. I am such a fool. I just used this guys guides to hack my mp and spark so I thought his p3 methods would be reliable... I am the only one to blame though. I have ordered an stlink v2 to try and flash the mc with the module. Now I need to find a way to unpack the bin/hex of the 03 05 and 03 06 from the official firmware.
I'd be interested in hearing about your progress. Never had a need to reflash the STM32, but occasionally people here ask about that.

For extracting the FW - you just use dji_xv4_fwcon.py. You only need Python with encryption package.
Ok so I was wrong! This fw was not corrupted because the man who created it is not good enough, etc... The guy is basically a "hero" in the dji modding scene, and I have used his mavic pro and spark modding guides sucessfully, so it wouldnt make sense that he randomly just uploaded some corrupt p3 fw files online for no reason. He is not at fault at all. This is all my mistake.... I feel like such a stupid noob

let me make clear how this whole ordeal happened.

I have never done such a stupid move in my life before. In my initial post I say that I accidentally powered down and thought that this is what caused the bricking of the mc. Most people can't believe that the p3x can get bricked easily on power down/interruption of fw updates, and they are correct. IT CAN'T. Upon further inspection (and after receiving the mc replacement unit from a local repair shop and soldering it in place as i mentioned here on my previous posts) I found out that my p3x is functional once again. I then went to reflash the modded digdat0 PMCAPPFw3.bin. I let it finish succesfully. Then I restart the drone and I get the no-lights esc-motor beep beep forever pattern.
I sit down this morning with a clear head and a good coffee and inspect the PMCAPPFw3.bin that I inserted in the sd card to update through the notepad.
THEN i realize my monumental and stupidest/noobest mistake I have ever made in my life!!!!!
all this time, instead of cloning the whole repository of digdat0 (the man who has made the hacked fw) and downloading it and using the PMCAPPFw3.bin I want to use for updating, i did the following stupid action:
I was right clicking on the "P3X_FW_V01.11.0020_m0306.bin_MODDED" file and "save as" instead of going into the file option of github and clicking the download button/raw.
So i inspect the "stupid download mistake P3X_FW_V01.11.0020_m0306.bin_MODDED" I updated to the poor p3x which has now bricked not one but two mc's!!!! It shows up on notepad as follows (just the start of it, I am copying it with parts missing so it wont mess with my post, its clearly html code):


ink rel="ns-prefetc" href="https://githb.githubassets.com"

Can you believe my stupidity???? I basically flashed the mc with html code!!!!!!!

The correctly downloaded digdat0 modded fw file is like this in notepad (just the start part of it, I won't copy the hole code):
� e���m���o���“���•���—��� ™���›��� �Η��γ���΅���΅���΅���΅���΅���΅���±¤��·¤��½¤��Γ¤��Ι¤��α¤��η¤��ν¤��σ¤��ω¤��΅���¤��΅����S���S��YS��΅���Ο¤��΅���΅���΅���΅���΅���΅���΅����¤���¤��“¤��¥¤��΅���΅���]¤��c¤��i¤��Υ¤��΅���΅���Ι-���§��΅���΅����¥��΅���C΅��΅���΅���o¤��u¤��΅���΅����¥���¥���¥��G΅��΅���΅���΅���½U��ΙU���V��΅���;|���¥��#¥��)¥��{¤��™¤��«¤��΅���΅���΅���΅���΅���΅���΅���΅����¤��‡¤��΅���΅���΅���΅��� ΅����π¶�πΣϋ�µ�π«πpω�π�� !�π�ϊ@� !�πxΰ`�½�µ�½�΄χϋ�Ό�πΤϊ�π7Ή�µ7πgπ.ύhFGπεpH !�`A`Α`�π�ψ�πΔψlH�0�π�jH<0�π™hFHπζψ �½fH !A`�`�`Α`pG�µ�π2�π£ψ�¨�π%ϋ/π½ώaπ`�π}ψaπƒώ�π ψ πPω�π·ϊ�π€ϊ�π�ω�π«ϋTH !�0Rπ�ώχΦhF%π�ύ �Oτzq�ϋρςN �™Pπ…ψP΅R Pπ�ψHI� �`�½�µOπΙFLahI�a`OπΗΰh (�ΠΤι���B�ΡOπΊ !α`OπΊ h (�Π½θ�@ G�½�µOπbώ�πuϊ½θ�@Ϊη4H�µ@hh±2HOτ�q�0�π΅ πςψ�πώ½θ�@�πsΊ#πIω½θ�@&π¨Ό(H�0�π«Ώ&I� H`pG$I H`pG"H@hpG H€hpG�µ%π�ό�L h�()Ρ�π�ΰh@�ΰ` h@��!°ϋρς `�ϋ�

Have you ever seen such stupid/noob mistakes being made before in the dji modding scene? I feel so ashamed! I will try to flash the mc's with the stlink v2 programmer I will be receiving in the mail tomorrow (monday), and now at least I have found the culprit of my problems!!!! Do you believe I am approaching this stlink flashing method correctly? I will attach to swdio, swclk, 3v3 and gnd pads to the corresponding pins of the programmer and try to use the stlink software to flash the PMCAPPFw3.bin file. Will that suffice, or do I have to actually go and use the tool you mention above to unpack the latest dji p3x fw and locate the 0305 module itself and flash that to the stm32? I have only used the dji tools for calibration of the spark gimbal (succesfully) and even managed to use the same tool to calibrate the mavic air gimbal and the p4 gimbal. But I have had trouble using the pyetoelf tool or the other tools, i get errors in the command prompt, even though my python install works ok (since i can run the spark gimbal calibration succesfully)
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