Hi From Plymouth UK

Jan 21, 2014
Reaction score
Plymouth UK
Hi all,

Buying my PV2 at end of Feb 14, thought I would get a thorough insight to the product before purchasing.

Am used to a lot bigger and more expensive UAV's but this is going to (Hopefully) be my next career after the Armed Forces.

I have a lot of Ideas and dreams.

Good Hunting

Further to my last,

Where is a good place to buy a P2V in the UK? Preferably in the South West. I have done a quick search on Google but no-where near me. Any help would be nice.

BernieH said:
Further to my last,

Where is a good place to buy a P2V in the UK? Preferably in the South West. I have done a quick search on Google but no-where near me. Any help would be nice.


Hi Bernie and welcome from also on the south coast, Portsmouth... Type in Google FirstPersonView. Uk and Simon will help you ;)

Not that near you, but from personal experience of excellent customer service and good support and knowledge (including some higher end kit if you are looking to take things further than just a hobby) I can heartily recommend http://www.firstpersonview.co.uk They are a tier one DJI dealer and Simon Dale, the MD, is very experienced, very knowledgeable and has personally answered support emails in evenings and at weekends...
Doesn't get any better than that now does it.


+ 3 with Simon at FirstPersonView.co.uk
I have just stopped talking with him via email a while ago about midnight !
Your not going to get service like that everywhere !!
Thank you for your help,

I checked out the website yesterday and because of your recommendations I will be buying from there once I can afford it.

Be nice if there was a gimbal by then too .............Or is that a can of worms??
Those worms were uncanned a while back!

Dronexpert.nl are delivering pre-orders now and quoting 2 weeks for new orders (expensive, plug and play, tilt can be operated by switch on back of remote, untested by real users as yet, but it's out in the wild); Rotorpixel.com have a gimbal in late-stage development/pre-production (undercutting the Zenmuse price it looks like, plug and play, untested by real users as yet, not yet in the wild but rotorpixel themselves have stated on this forum they are aiming for units to be ready for sale in February); DJI have said nothing, as per usual - your guess as good as mine if they would make something to fit the Vision camera, as opposed to pushing people towards to the P2 with Zenmuse and GoPro...

I think that's a fair potted summary! Bloody worms everywhere, now...
I have, slowly been sifting through the topics on here so I am almost up to speed.

Why DJI didn't include one as an "Option" is almost beyond belief, hopefully somebody at the company is either kicking themselves or being kicked!
Dare I say that I am glad I held off purchasing a P2V........

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