Has anyone had any experience with LEDAirLights.com?

Aug 3, 2018
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Hi there,
I'm looking for an alternative to Lume Cubes for my Phantom 3 Standard. Specifically, I want to use the drone as a bright overhead light in the sky and film subjects on the ground, from the ground, with another video camera. Lume Cubes seem good in a lot of ways, but I'm hoping to find something that's brighter and lighter in weight. Ideally, I'd like to be able to load up my Phantom 3 Standard with the brightest light(s) it can safely carry for a short (10 minute), low (~30 feet) flight over private property where I have permission to fly, nowhere near an airport.

In my search for a brighter, lighter Lume Cube replacement, I came across the following website:
These folks claim to be offering lights that cost about the same as Lume Cubes, but are lighter and brighter. Exactly what I'm looking for. But then I started looking more carefully at the company and things started looking suspicious to me. For example:
1) The company has no physical address listed on their website.
2) The company has no phone number listed on their website.
3) Some of the videos they have on their website (like this one:
) review products sold by a different website (MyDroneLight.com). In the past, I almost purchased lights from MyDroneLight.com until I searched and found that numerous drone owners reported being ripped off by that website; they'd ordered product and it never arrived and communications were ignored.

Suspicious, I wrote to LEDAirLights.com via their web contact form with a few questions. They never wrote back. So I wrote to them via their email address and asked the same questions. They never wrote back.

At this point, I'm tempted to just write LEDAirLights.com as a ripoff site, but figured I'd ask if anyone here in the drone pilots community has had any experience with them and knows if they're legit or not and also ask if anyone can recommend lights that are brighter and lighter than Lume Cubes for the Phantom 3 Standard.

Thanks for your help!
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I'm looking for an alternative to Lume Cubes for my Phantom 3 Standard. Specifically, I want to use the drone as a bright overhead light in the sky and film subjects on the ground, from the ground, with another video camera. Lume Cubes seem good in a lot of ways, but I'm hoping to find something that's brighter and lighter in weight. Ideally, I'd like to be able to load up my Phantom 3 Standard with the brightest light(s) it can safely carry for a short (10 minute), low (~30 feet) flight over private property where I have permission to fly, nowhere near an airport.
Not going to happen, Lume Cubes at present are the brightest available for your purpose (as far as I know). And they are cumbersome at best with the AC. I would advise not going any larger, just due to what the AC can handle. More weight....less flight time period. Each positive has its negative. For AC visual there are many alternatives, but what you are asking is a bit far fetched.
Not going to happen, Lume Cubes at present are the brightest available for your purpose (as far as I know). And they are cumbersome at best with the AC. I would advise not going any larger, just due to what the AC can handle. More weight....less flight time period. Each positive has its negative. For AC visual there are many alternatives, but what you are asking is a bit far fetched.

Thanks for your reply.

Lume Cubes are rugged and water-resistant. Both of those features add weight to them. And those are both features that I don't need. Therefore, it must be possible to build a light that's not that rugged and not at all water-resistant, and it should be lighter than a Lume Cube and just as bright; all other things being equal. So perhaps there's nothing available yet, but I don't want to rule out light kits that folks on this forum may know about (and that you or I don't know about yet) that do what I want. I'll be happy to build something if someone can point me to a good kit.

As far as wanting to use the drone as an overhead light, I'm not sure how that's "far fetched." There are videos on YouTube of people using their Phantom 3 Standard drones to lift way more weight than a pair of Lume Cubes. Of course, some of those people out there are pushing the limits of what the drone can safely handle, and I have no desire to join that club. My usage case is very specific and temporary:
Short Flight: 10 minutes or less
Low Flight: 30 feet or less

This really shouldn't be that hard. Someone out there in drone land has ditched their Lume Cubes for the newer, better thing and I'm hoping they see my question and can answer it. Or, I'm hoping that someone will have had experience with LEDAirLights.com or MyDroneLight.com and can recommend to purchase or avoid those two vendors.

So perhaps there's nothing available yet, but I don't want to rule out light kits that folks on this forum may know about (and that you or I don't know about yet) that do what I want. I'll be happy to build something if someone can point me to a good kit.
There are a few. However, I still claim that this scenario is a useless effort. Other than for full AC visual at long range, what is the purpose? Yes , granted I tried this quite a while back and found it to be a useless en-devour, and went with visual instead. I had a few other words, but refrained form comment, simply because there is no need to.
Oh and I almost forgot. Welcome Aboard!
I'm sorry that you found it a useless effort, but for me it would be a big win. We're shooting a music video and the following YouTube video really caught my eye and started this whole quest:

If you go to about halfway through the video, you can see really startling footage of their drone lighting up trees and a bridge and other things. A band playing under some trees with that sort of overhead light drifting by would look amazing. So I contacted the guys who made this video and got the details from them. They're using an $18k Alta drone (which has a MUCH larger lifting capacity than a Phantom 3 Standard) with a custom lighting rig that they built. At first I thought, "Why not just hire them to do the lights for the shoot?" But it turns out they want $1,000/day, plus travel expenses, to do this for people. We're a totally unknown band with very little budget, so that option was out. So my next thought was to just do the best I can with the Phantom 3 Standard, and so far, Lume Cubes are the best option I've found. But, as I mentioned earlier, Lume Cubes have extra weight for features that I don't need, so I'm hoping for just bare bones lights. Two Lume Cubes will only put out about 3,000 Lumens, which probably won't be all that impressive, based on my experiences with my Imalent DX80 flashlight, which has variable lighting up to 32,000 Lumens.
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