Feb 25, 2017
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hi , I bought recently a P2 with H3-3D and go pro 4.
I use it in snow and a little of it wet the bottom of the H3-3D and the ribbon allimentation cable start to smoke , I after realise the cable had been dommaged att the connection with tilt motor.
So i change the cabble but the gimbal seems unresponsive , i can do a factory reset , the led become amber but in the assistant (V3.8 and 3.6 ) i can't see the gimbal statut and when i try to do a imu calibration the assistant tell me the controller is to hot ?
i'm a little lost , the gimbal seems to be powered ( little noise and become warm ( a little ) )
sorry for my bad english i'm french :)
I had search for 2 day but no one can help me
hi , I bought recently a P2 with H3-3D and go pro 4.
I use it in snow and a little of it wet the bottom of the H3-3D and the ribbon allimentation cable start to smoke , I after realise the cable had been dommaged att the connection with tilt motor.
So i change the cabble but the gimbal seems unresponsive , i can do a factory reset , the led become amber but in the assistant (V3.8 and 3.6 ) i can't see the gimbal statut and when i try to do a imu calibration the assistant tell me the controller is to hot ?
i'm a little lost , the gimbal seems to be powered ( little noise and become warm ( a little ) )
sorry for my bad english i'm french :)
I had search for 2 day but no one can help me

More then likely you mean the you mean the ribbon cable under the tilt motor was the one that was smoking because it's closest the ground. Is that correct? An if so that ribbon cable is hard to kind but i do not think you have the know how to change it yourself if you could find one. If this is the case a factory reset of the gimbal will not help.

You have to choices either contact DJI repair center and see if they'll repair the gimbal OR buy a new H4-3D gimbal. I would suggest snap on landing gear extensions as they will give 30mm of off the ground clearance i use them because longer legs would not fit in my carrying case.

DJI Phantom 2, Vision, Vision + Snap-on 30 MM Riser for landing gear. | eBay

Here is a link to the gimbal ribbon cable which connects all the motors.

Flexible Gimbal for Gopro Camera Flat Ribbon Flex Cable For DJI Phantom H3-3D JL | eBay
i have already installed it , and the gimbal looks okay , little servo noise , solid green led , but when i do factory reset , the led turns to amber ( red and orange ) but in the assistant i don't see "H3-3D imu"
no it was the cable for the motor , the big one , i change the little one for the the camera too
yes i have , the thing is , before i change the cable , i saw the " H3-3D IMU" but now i dont
yes i have , the thing is , before i change the cable , i saw the " H3-3D IMU" but now i dont

Have you bothered to log into DJI for the gimbals firmware? Without the firmware you will never get it to work. If you do not see a user login as in this photo then type in your browser DJI login and register.
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I am registered , i have an account , i have all the firmware.
IT's juste since I change the ribbon cable i don't see the upgrade for the "H3-3D IMU"
all the cable is ok , i can't see why my assistant can't do the update ? :(
In the assistant zenmuse i have no information
I am registered , i have an account , i have all the firmware.
IT's juste since I change the ribbon cable i don't see the upgrade for the "H3-3D IMU"

Sorry but you do not have all the software or the gimbal would be working. If you are getting this user login very time you open the P2 assistant software.

Then instead of canceling the login login and you have the necessary update you need for the gimbal and it be listed in the Announcements. If you are using v3.8 you do not have to update to v3.14 but will need update for the gimbal which will also be listed.

Update page.png
jason i have this message but i chek "remember me" , I have download this : windows dji driver V 2.02 , dji RC system asisstant V 1.2 , dji zenmuse assistant V1.4 , and the dji asstsiant V3.8
what i need ? I'Have an account on and i'm every time connected in assistant , what i do wrong ?

Another thing , when i try " advenced calibration " it told me my MC is too hot but i just turned it on

my problem is : H3-3D not move at all , can't see "H3-3D IMU" in dji assistant , can't upgrade after factory reset

I don't know if my solution is to buy an other one , i don't want to have the same probleme , the gimbal looks good
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jason i have this message but i chek "remember me" , I have download this : windows dji driver V 2.02 , dji RC system asisstant V 1.2 , dji zenmuse assistant V1.4 , and the dji asstsiant V3.8
what i need ? I'Have an account on and i'm every time connected in assistant , what i do wrong ?

Another thing , when i try " advenced calibration " it told me my MC is too hot but i just turned it on

Maybe instead of using remember me you just take the time and fill in your email address/password if you really want the gimbal update you need.
Maybe instead of using remember me you just take the time and fill in your email address/password if you really want the gimbal update you need.
i feel bad , i don't see the difference between log every time or using remenber me :(
Before i change the cable , the zenmuse goes crazy but every time i do a factory reset i saw the "H3-3D imu"
i feel bad , i don't see the difference between log every time or using remenber me :(
Before i change the cable , the zenmuse goes crazy but every time i do a factory reset i saw the "H3-3D imu"

Watch this video but do not let the program upload the updates automatically. Instead close the announcements page and go to the upgrades page to upgrade the gimbal. if there are any other other upgrade to be loaded into your P2 that's up to you whether you want them or not.

I create another account but i can't log in the assistant , it stay on the same account ...
I understant nothing .. i just want a good gimbal , if i buy a new one will it work ? Or is something with my P2 ? if i can't see the H3-3D IMU in " upgrade section " my gimbal is dead ?
I don't want to spent 200 dollars for the same probleme ..

If i buy a new one , I need to change all the part ? like GCU or I just need to plug the new H3-3D ?
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I create another account but i can't log in the assistant , it stay on the same account ...
I understant nothing .. i just want a good gimbal , if i buy a new one will it work ? Or is something with my P2 ? if i can't see the H3-3D IMU in " upgrade section " my gimbal is dead ?
I don't want to spent 200 dollars for the same probleme ..

If i buy a new one , I need to change all the part ? like GCU or I just need to plug the new H3-3D ?

Look if you created a new account take was a mistake. If your email address has not changed since the first time you registered and you have forgotten your password here is what you have to do. Type in your email address and leave password blank then key on Forgot? then check your emails for a password reset from DJI. Once you created a new password then go back to the User Login and fill in the email /password then key on the Login and it should work.
P2 Firmware.png

Look if you cannot get the login to work there isn't i can do. If you are having trouble understanding English find someone who does that can help.

As for buying a new gimbal it should work right out of the box and there is no need for GCU board as all the information to operate the gimbal is in the gimbals IMU.
no i'm every time logged in the assistant , you tell me : you need to log every time , so as i can't log out i create a new account but i can change the first one
I don't know if you understand : I change the cable because when i use the drone in snow , the gimbal begin crazy , when i want to chek the gimbal after in my house , one of the connexion between the motor and the cable start to smoke , i look at the cable , the connexion have burnd so i change the cable and we are here , i have ever do the reset , but since i have change the cable i can't
tell me if my H3-3D is dead , because i'm log in the assistant , i can't see "H3-3D IMU" when i do reset ( while before i could ) I don't think it's a problem with assistant ( or tell me because i'm lost ) I think when a bit of water come between the connexion therefor the cervo was dead or something in relation wis the H3-3D ? perhaps i just need to update or maybe not tell me

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