To answer your questions first: I'm on Windows 10 64-bit and in the USA. As for firmware, it's the latest firmware on everything pc related, and as for the P2 it's the latest firmware for everything listed in the upgrade
window, and the assistant software.

So, I tried disconnecting the gray cable from the gimbal and doing as you suggested and reconnecting it, etc. Unfortunately, no luck and no change.

Just to make note of it, according to the videos I saw about resetting the gimbal, if the small green LED stays green, then bridge them again until it turns red. The point seems to be that you can redo it until you get it right. But in my case it worked fine the first time..exactly as it was supposed to do..but then the gimbal went dead and no longer appears in the firmware/upgrade list in the PS Assistant software. And, the green LED now stays green and no matter how many times I try bridging the pins it never turns red/amber again. Don't know what might have been different from the examples in the videos since none suggested this might happen or what to do in the event of it. I'm starting to rethink DJI products in the future and grit my teeth if I have to buy a new gimbal for this drone while it lasts. :(
Quick follow-up: I forgot to add that the gimbal does have some life in it since if I install the camera (turned off) and plug it in and turn on the P2...the camera does turn on and look functional. So there's some power coming through the gimbal and apparently it's sending whatever signal tells the camera to start up. But the gimbal still never appears in the P2 Assistant upgrade window.
Quick follow-up: I forgot to add that the gimbal does have some life in it since if I install the camera (turned off) and plug it in and turn on the P2...the camera does turn on and look functional. So there's some power coming through the gimbal and apparently it's sending whatever signal tells the camera to start up. But the gimbal still never appears in the P2 Assistant upgrade window.

For some reason, some owners have had problems with software run on Windows 10 and it may or may not be the problem in your case.

My question is did you plug the gray cable back into the gimbal after the P2 was connected to the assistant software and powered up? Problem you may have is in finding a new gimbal as the H3-3D was replaced with the newer H4-3D and since the P2 is no longer in production it may be hard to find one. As far as the used market you'll have to take the sellers word that it is in perfect working order and make sure they have a return policy.

Have you given any thought to contacting DJI to see what it might cost to repair it or if you can get the gimbals software?
I have a firefly on my h3-3d also, I had to tape coins to the back side of camera plate to balance the gimbal. With drone turned off place the coins on back until camera faces straight ahead and level on its own. That fixed my issues
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Hi everyone. I just bought the firefly 6S because I was using a go pro 3 white and I'm not so happy of the light quality. I saw many videos of this camera footage and I most say I like it. Colors are brighter. So I mounted it on the H3-3D gimbal, but in order to do so I had to make some small modifications on the camera, because it's 1/5 of a mm wider. So I had to smooth 2 sides of the camera and add a cardboard type sheet behind it, otherwise the side botton would be pressed against the gimbal.
Once I mounted on the gimbal the problems started. I thought the gimbal itself would auto-regulate itself. In fact when I added a filter to my go pro I did not have any issue.
I tried updating the software of the gimbal and the problem is basically that it does not keep the horizontal position. It is horizontal when the phantom is straight but if I bend it as if the phantom is moving sideways the camera align with the phantom and not with the horizon.
I tested the quality at 1080 px at 60 fps, and I must say it is was I expected. Just need to fix this problem. Also sometimes when the camera is facing straight the motors starts making a lots of noise. Anyone had a similar experience while changing the camera??
I would LOVE to see a video of how you did this. Sounds very complicated.

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