P4 Firmware GL300E

Hi Steve. Thanks so far, but I'm still not finished. I desperately want this to succeed.
I have downloaded the file by use of the browser on the controller screen, but how do I download to the SD card?. And then, how do I install it, i.e. how to get the controller to grab it and install it?... Could you please send me a short procedure.
Best regards
[email protected]
Dear Steve!

FIXED! My god! Fantastic! I can now download the maps. Magic! Hope DJI can see and learn how to help people with these issues. You rule!

However, I have one more question: When I check for updates (in the settings menu), I get informed that I have the version. This is not the latest version (from March 2017). The latest one is and is from May 2020. In the previous weeks, I have download this as a .bin-file to my SD card, ran a factory reset, and then updated by selecting local update. After a long time, the installation stops and tell me that "DJI GO 4 isn't responding. Do you want to close it". Then I can select "WAIT" or "OK". Whatever I choose, it hangs. For hours. So, after reboot, I get the same version information; By selecting check for updates (via WiFi), it tells me "LATEST VERSION NOW". And, by checking the .txt-file after update it says "SUCCESS". So, do you have any clue what happens? Do I really have the latest version or should I neglect it and bring my bird out for a flight? I'm also worried that another factory reset and an attempt to update now will mess up the beautiful fix of the map problem (and the automatic fix of the DJI GO 4). Looking forward to your reply.

Best regards
[email protected]
I found the download link for the file. OMG I have spent hours trying to figure this out and multiple emails and calls to DJI. I could tell their support staff had limited knowledge but I had no other options until for this. I had been flying my drone for years without the map box not knowing what it was. Then once I figured it out the box was blank. I have had some problems finding my location once up in the air and I was not crazy about using the home button so this will be fantastic. Thanks Steve and the others!
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Just a follow up. I had been emailing CJI and they finally sent me to a download link for downloading the same file that you provided Steve. Their response to why they had problems with this is copied and pasted below.

2021年3月3日 GMT+816:14
Dear Ron,

Thanks for your feedback.

We have realized that issue and the reason is that there is change from the mapbox, wer are trying to adjust and solve that problem.

Appreciate your kind and time.
boa tarde amigos, tenho um phanton 4 pro plus +, nao estou conseguindo atualizar o controle para a versao, tentei de varias formas, tentando fazer as atualizacoes o controle continuou no, mas perdi os mapas e nao consigo fazer a autorizacao de voo prlo controle. poderiam me ajudar amigos ?
boa tarde amigos, tenho um phanton 4 pro plus +, nao estou conseguindo atualizar o controle para a versao, tentei de varias formas, tentando fazer as atualizacoes o controle continuou no, mas perdi os mapas e nao consigo fazer a autorizacao de voo prlo controle. poderiam me ajudar amigos ?
good afternoon friends, i have a phanton 4 pro plus +, i am not able to update the control to version, i tried in several ways, trying to make the updates the continuous control in, but i lost the maps and i can't do flight authorization for control. can you help me help friends?
I just fixed that issue, I have the plus as well and it's a pain. It's not firmware it's the dji go app. Let me know if you still have the issue and I'll help you out
hey buddy! I have that problem, I already tried everything, with no results. please help me.

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