Gimbal downward bias on P2

Feb 10, 2014
Reaction score
Huntsville, AL
My Phantom 2 had an altercation with a tree and dropped about 20 feet to the ground. Not that big a deal, but it did bend the gimbal mounting plate. I replaced the mounting plate and now everything is nicely aligned again, except the gimbal appears to have developed a 10 degree downward bias. Here’s how it looks fully up and fully down:

You can see that the main gimbal frame is nicely upright but the gimbal is simply biased down. Apart from that it’s working perfectly – no problems at all.

Any ideas how to fix this? The IMU is calibrated, X1 is calibrated, and the servo value goes from 1000 to -1000 as expected. As I said, everything seems perfect except for the fact that its level reference seems to be off but I don’t know where it gets that.


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Yes - I bought an H3-3D ;-)

I haven't found a solution to the 2D problem - it doesn't really affect how the gimbal works except that it's annoying that I can't shoot straight ahead.
I have this very same issue.

Contacted DJI in LA and they asked me to send them just the gimbal to recalibrate it.

Sent it in almost 3 weeks ago. I think i read that their repair turnaround is 4 weeks.

I've sent in 3 emails and tried to call to find out if they have received the gimbal, but I can't get a reply. Will try to call in again later today.

I'll update when / if i ever get the gimbal back. :)
Finally reached someone by phone.

The rep said they are 3-4 weeks behind on repair check-ins. And once the item is checked in, then it's about a 4 week turn around before the repair is done and mailed back out. ??? 2 Months ??? Might as well do what SJBrit did, and just buy a new H3-3D...
That's good to know though - my H3-2D is just sitting on a shelf now that I have the 3D so I guess I'll send it back for calibration and just deal with the wait.

But really, how can you be 4 weeks behind on check-ins? Repairs I understand but how long does it take to acknowledge receipt of a return? Terrible....
I agree. 4 weeks to open a box and assign a work order number? Their answer was that they just moved to a new location, and it has caused a lot of confusion. I thought they made that move 6 months ago...? Sounds like excuses for being severally understaffed!
Did you ever get this fixed? I had the same experience and the same downward bias.

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