Getting challenged by someone while flying

This guy was a really arrogant. It seemed like he heard it's illegal to fly in national parks and thought it was a galactic restriction.

It caught me off guard so I didn't respond as well as I could have. I couldn't think of anything else but this afterwards.

The lesson I took away is that I should be prepared to handle a challenge like this quickly and politely.

I almost wish there was a statewide license that I could just show.

Just show him the middle finger [emoji23]

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Heck, I'd show him two. Hahaha

Middle and ringo too, or What ever... ;-)

We don't fool with fools... Ha

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I had a guy approach me today while flying at a state park insisting what I was doing was illegal and threatening to call the park police.

I had previously done quite a bit of research and found some restrictions in some state parks in NY that require permits but not the one I was at. The parks website had a long list of restrictions but nothing on the subject of any hobby aircraft.

He was pretty persistent and insisting he would call the police even though I was quite certain I was right.

It shook me up and after he walked away I didn't want to be distracted and crash or something so I landed and left.

Has anyone experienced something like this? What is he best way to be prepared for a challenge about legality from a stranger?

I would ask what law he thinks I am breaking, and how does he know that is against the law. Then I would say he should call the police and maybe IF they can find a law that says you cannot fly you will gladly leave. (By then your battery will be dead and you will be ready to go anyway)
I saw on the news, some guy has a bald eagle trained to knock down drones. Get this: animal rights activist say the props could cut the feet of the eagle and the owner of the eagle says; no the props aren't strong enough to cut the feet or legs of an eagle. He says he will have his eagle take the drones of anyone flying where they shouldn't.

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I would put my carbon fiber props on. There would be some bloody eagle feet if they got in those props.
I've had all this stuff happen to me over the last 4 years, including the next door neighbor crap. Now a days I just try to fly where nobody is around. Not always possible, but it should be your goal.
I had a guy approach me today while flying at a state park insisting what I was doing was illegal and threatening to call the park police.

I had previously done quite a bit of research and found some restrictions in some state parks in NY that require permits but not the one I was at. The parks website had a long list of restrictions but nothing on the subject of any hobby aircraft.

He was pretty persistent and insisting he would call the police even though I was quite certain I was right.

It shook me up and after he walked away I didn't want to be distracted and crash or something so I landed and left.

Has anyone experienced something like this? What is he best way to be prepared for a challenge about legality from a stranger?

It has been mentioned all ready and I have to agree that even though it is a bit more work it is a great idea to contact the place you want to fly at and get permission ahead of time.
I think the best method is email, even if you contact them via phone get permission via email.
If you print it out to bring with you for proof.
If some reason you had to prove you didn't forge it you have an email trail.
I try to do this every time I fly near an airport....
Even better, join a flying club like ours
And join your national group, ours is

Let him call the cops...who cares. What are they gonna do? They can't confiscate your bird. They can't ticket you because it's not posted. All they can say is not to fly there...that's about it. Then you can mention that it should be posted like all the other rules.
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Oh thanks for the quick reply I'm going to head to the FAA site now to do so.
You can also use a digital copy on your phone or tablet. ;)
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I have made business cards with the following information.


Small unmanned aircraft systems commonly known as drones are considered to be aircraft by the Federal Aviation Administration. An attempt to knock a drone out of the sky is the same as interfering with the flight of a manned aircraft. Statute 18 USC 32 makes it a felony with a penalty of up to 20 years in prison. Threatening or interfering with a drone pilot is also a crime with up to five years in prison. A small unmanned aircraft system threatened with attempts to stop it from flying could collide with other aircraft or injure persons or property on the ground. You are legally responsible for any costs incurred. You have been legally advised

The FAA has not prosecuted yet but they will have to act sometime.

Sent from my Lenovo TB-X103F using PhantomPilots mobile app
Happened to me with a hilly Billy , I have a feeling He had pot plants near by. I come back many time but never found them :( lol

called the police my self in front of him after hitting the home bottom and ask for help with Harassment and ask his name with the police on speaker phone. He went off and say they don't need his name start walking talking **** never see him again :..

In December on vacation on key west Florida and older guy aproched and start asking questions. We ended up on his beautiful catamaran sail boat and become friends. My kids had a blast on the boat and next morning I finally was able to scuba dive with sharks as he was also a diver and knew a club near that did just that.

So it's not always problems with drones it help socialize with the people that we care any way....
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