Flying A Yunecc in Arches National Park!

Actually, I believe Arches is not a national park, it is a park on a Native American reservation. The national park rules don’t apply but that is not to say there may be other local restrictions that do apply. Now a days it is best to leave enforcement to law agencies, never know what kind of crazies you’ll come across.
Please forgive me, as I’m British, but I’ve worked in Arches National Park on more than one occasion. It has been a national park for many years and remained so until almost two years ago when I was last there. And staffed by NPS staff. If it’s status has changed, which I doubt, then (again) please forgive me.
Your upset because the yuneek operator got some footage you would liked to have? It certainly seems that way. By all means snitch on him if it makes you feel better but you would have been best to have left him alone. Achieved nothing.
Your upset because the yuneek operator got some footage you would liked to have? It certainly seems that way. By all means snitch on him if it makes you feel better but you would have been best to have left him alone. Achieved nothing.
I think you make a good point. In several cases I've not been allowed to get some good footage because someone else caused "them" to make a rule or law. I think they should have ays or times in places like this where you could reserve a time, there would be supervision, and you COULD make some flights. Maybe 15-minute increments.
The supervising ranger/official could and should be someone who is INTO this sort of thing, so it would be a positive interaction, not just someone in a uniform shouting "No" at everything you do.
Who is going to pay for that?
Actually, I believe Arches is not a national park, it is a park on a Native American reservation. The national park rules don’t apply but that is not to say there may be other local restrictions that do apply. Now a days it is best to leave enforcement to law agencies, never know what kind of crazies you’ll come across.

Any land managed by the NPS follows the same rules. It does not need to be a National Park. The rules apply to all of the National Park System. The rules being discussed in this thread certainly do apply to Arches National Park.


Unmanned Aircraft Determination - Arches National Park (U.S. National Park Service)

BTW, Arches National Park was made a National Park on 11/12/2971. So yes, it is a National Park. I also don't know of any part of Arches that is on tribal land.
No. The point is it IS a national park. Nothing more, but you seemed to have gained some knowledge, so there's that. ;)
Any land managed by the NPS follows the same rules. It does not need to be a National Park. The rules apply to all of the National Park System. The rules being discussed in this thread certainly do apply to Arches National Park.


Unmanned Aircraft Determination - Arches National Park (U.S. National Park Service)

BTW, Arches National Park was made a National Park on 11/12/2971. So yes, it is a National Park. I also don't know of any part of Arches that is on tribal land.
OK, I stand corrected. At least the folks here were decent enough not to flame my ignorance. I must have mistaken Arches for another park.
The rules are no drone flying in NP’s without authorization. One exception called out above is if you had an authorization BEFORE 2014 it is still valid. As we all pay taxes, I feel there should be designated days each week when drone flying is acceptable. Until then NO DRONE FLYING in NP’s ... that’s perfectly clear. We don’t make rules at will. We should organize to change them.

This sounds like a cool idea at first, but I feel like there's one major potential issue. You take all the people that want to fly drones in these parks, and instead of them being allowed to fly whenever all spread out, they're all going to come in on the designated days. Problem is, there's still going to be plenty of people without drones visiting the parks on those days. And that will be much more annoying for them with that metaphorical bottleneck of buzzing machines zipping through the skies.

However, here's sort of a branching idea. This would be harder to implement for certain locations, but what if you could designate a specific area of a park to be a LZ for drone pilots? Make it slightly off the path of the majority of tourists, but still with a decent spot to launch and get signal. Again, this would be tricky some places because you're working with the geography you're given. But I think it would solve a lot of the problems.
You take all the people that want to fly drones in these parks, and instead of them being allowed to fly whenever all spread out, they're all going to come in on the designated days
What some offroad trails have implemented is to only allow a certain amount of passes per day per trail. Maybe a dedicated LZ with a combination lock or a permit system
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However, here's sort of a branching idea. This would be harder to implement for certain locations, but what if you could designate a specific area of a park to be a LZ for drone pilots? Make it slightly off the path of the majority of tourists, but still with a decent spot to launch and get signal.
The problem with that is 1) the range of the drone then means a 5 mile radius from that point and 2) people would hear that drones are allowed and fly ten wherever they want. You'd then tax the already taxed rangers to find all of those people. 3) there is still the hazard's created by drones in general.

Stack this up against the need for someone to obtain a aerial photo or video instead of from a normal camera.
What some offroad trails have implemented is to only allow a certain amount of passes per day per trail. Maybe a dedicated LZ with a combination lock or a permit system
Then the government can charge money for it. They like that. LOL

Remember Yellowstone and the drone that fell into the geyser?
They can just keep it the way it is for now. Sure, it would be fun to fly there. We can hike and do all the park things. Why do we have to fly in the NP? I know, we don't like restrictions. "I should be able to do what I want. I'm a tax payer." No! Too much freedom can be bad. There are limits. I love to be in nature, not hear anything and feel a sense of peace. I get ticked when I hear jets flying over. Dirt bikes, Loud music, Air boats, Jet skies etc.----- Besides there are a bunch of senseless idiots flying drones. Just look at YouTube.
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I look forward to the distant future when us humans voluntarily restrict ourselves to certain areas for the majority of our activities, leaving most of the planet for nature to thrive and evolve as it once did. Whereas I’m totally supportive of national parks, private nature reserves, etc, the concept is seriously warped by the “me, first” mentality and actually the wrong way around.
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I was on a Long Vacation on 09/08/2018 i was Leaving Arches National Park and see a Yuneec Drone in the air about midway in the Park! I did go up to this Guy And asked him to bring it down or get reported! He jut Blew me off (the Girls he was with Knew they Took OFF fast) he just gave me a Few Yeh Yeh's i showed the dashcam videos to the Rangers (took 30+ min to get to the Gate Arches is BIG) The are looking for this Guy now! I dont like to Snitch on people But Morons like this ruin it for all of us! I had to Fly outside all the Parks (I got nice footage of Devils Tower from a Legal area!) he said he had his FAA # , I have so much money in my Equpment now And to see someone breaking Every rule (flying over People, In a Restricted Area) Just Burns me up

Drones are like weapons everyone wants one but can't afford the price. If you had a CCW permit would you carry your weapon in a store that has a posted sign stating no weapons. Most people would say no they wouldn't carry their gun. Me on the other hand I would because you can never tell where a bad guy is going to commit a crime because of the rules does not matter to that person.
Then the government can charge money for it. They like that. LOL

Remember Yellowstone and the drone that fell into the geyser?
They can just keep it the way it is for now. Sure, it would be fun to fly there. We can hike and do all the park things. Why do we have to fly in the NP? I know, we don't like restrictions. "I should be able to do what I want. I'm a tax payer." No! Too much freedom can be bad. There are limits. I love to be in nature, not hear anything and feel a sense of peace. I get ticked when I hear jets flying over. Dirt bikes, Loud music, Air boats, Jet skies etc.----- Besides there are a bunch of senseless idiots flying drones. Just look at YouTube.
I will agree with you there are a lot of senseless people who own drones back to the issue of when I was stating a second ago there was a bunch of senseless people who owns Firearms also just look around at all the children have been killed the schools who are shot up parties have been shot up concerts have been shot up people don't care crazy people don't care about the rules so you have to take life with a grain of salt if you see somebody breaking the rules get as much information as you can license plate and kind of car then call 911. Also you can report this to the local FAA. Get information act like you are interested in what the guy is doing with his drone don't act mad. Get the kind of drone everything you can about him you call your local FAA office they'll send the representative down from the FAA and do whatever they got to do.
You mean after we kill each other off?
There’s almost zero chance we’ll kill ourselves off. Such a scenario is only useful as a deflection excuse for facing reality.

I’m certainly not saying that the human race is about to rationally re-educate itself anytime soon - I’d more be looking to several thousand years in the future, most likely - but the day will eventually come. It’s a human nurture or education issue, not a human nature one. But the problem of billions of people socially/psychologically conditioning each other to a generally dumb level isn’t an easy problem to solve - even if we are smart enough to massively advance technology meanwhile (which involves little or no self-reflection). Limiting our own numbers will be part of a future solution - without, I should add, any government enforcement or other iffy tactics.

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