Filming a quarry with DJ Phantom 4 pro.

Sep 5, 2021
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Hello! I apologize for using google translate.

I do not know if there are specialists in geology here, but I will describe the problems in detail. For clarity, I will add pictures.

You need to shoot a quarry with DJ Phantom 4 Pro. The route runs from bottom to top with additional points. At approximately the same height on each ledge. I draw the route in the Micromine geological program. Each point has coordinates in the VGS84 system. When importing to MissionHub. the route is drawn off the coast of Guinea. Although I myself am in Kazakhstan. I am trying to use Litchi.

Please, could you help me with the solution of the problem? Or guide me on the right path?
I know that this shooting was carried out on the model of DJI phantom pro.

Thank you in advance.
Thank you very much for your feedback.

The shooting, which I spoke about earlier, was done with the help of Litchi. Unfortunately, a friend of whom was filming died from coronavirus half a year ago. I am very sorry for this loss. At that time I did not go into details. All I know is that with Litchi's help it was easy.

I cannot form a mission directly in MissionHub. Because the farm changes every day. There is an idea to import a quarry in the KML format, but in my opinion it would be wrong.

Thanks again for your feedback. I have already posted a post in the right forum.

It sounds like you are wanting to use the DEM generated from the previous flight from which to reference your next flight.

You might have a look at the flight app Map Pilot Pro. It has the ability to upload a DEM surface and the app will use that to reference it's mission heights. The downside of MPP is that it is IOS only and you cannot plan on a desktop pc. Another program I would look at is UGCS (Ground Station Software | UgCS PC Mission Planning) I am not sure if it has the ability to work from the user's DEM like Map Pilot Pro, and it is more expensive.

It is a possibility that with Map Pilot Pro, you could use the same mission and just change out the reference DEM on each subsequent mission.

Hello! I apologize for using google translate.

I do not know if there are specialists in geology here, but I will describe the problems in detail. For clarity, I will add pictures.

You need to shoot a quarry with DJ Phantom 4 Pro. The route runs from bottom to top with additional points. At approximately the same height on each ledge. I draw the route in the Micromine geological program. Each point has coordinates in the VGS84 system. When importing to MissionHub. the route is drawn off the coast of Guinea. Although I myself am in Kazakhstan. I am trying to use Litchi.

Please, could you help me with the solution of the problem? Or guide me on the right path?
I know that this shooting was carried out on the model of DJI phantom pro.View attachment 122687View attachment 122688

Thank you in advance.
Give Drone Harmony a look. They have updated their program with rough terrain features that seem to be great for an application like this. I'm not sure if it does or does not allow you to import outside DEM. Also it runs on android and it has a desktop interface as well.
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Hello! I apologize for using google translate.

I do not know if there are specialists in geology here, but I will describe the problems in detail. For clarity, I will add pictures.

You need to shoot a quarry with DJ Phantom 4 Pro. The route runs from bottom to top with additional points. At approximately the same height on each ledge. I draw the route in the Micromine geological program. Each point has coordinates in the VGS84 system. When importing to MissionHub. the route is drawn off the coast of Guinea. Although I myself am in Kazakhstan. I am trying to use Litchi.

Please, could you help me with the solution of the problem? Or guide me on the right path?
I know that this shooting was carried out on the model of DJI phantom pro.View attachment 122687View attachment 122688

Thank you in advance.
It sounds to me like the problem is that the coordinates are in deg in the original software but are being 'read' as in UTM Zone 0 in the second software, and thus placed near 0,0, or that only the last 3 digits of UTM coordinates are being read by the second software which is expecting coordinates to be in deg/min/sec..........
It sounds to me like the problem is that the coordinates are in deg in the original software but are being 'read' as in UTM Zone 0 in the second software, and thus placed near 0,0, or that only the last 3 digits of UTM coordinates are being read by the second software which is expecting coordinates to be in deg/min/sec..........
It's most certainly a disparate coordinate issue.
But, if the OP is picking up on what someone else has done and they don't understand themself what is going on, then that is a recipe for disaster in complex terrain.
Greetings welcome to the forum!
Hello! I apologize for using google translate.

I do not know if there are specialists in geology here, but I will describe the problems in detail. For clarity, I will add pictures.

You need to shoot a quarry with DJ Phantom 4 Pro. The route runs from bottom to top with additional points. At approximately the same height on each ledge. I draw the route in the Micromine geological program. Each point has coordinates in the VGS84 system. When importing to MissionHub. the route is drawn off the coast of Guinea. Although I myself am in Kazakhstan. I am trying to use Litchi.

Please, could you help me with the solution of the problem? Or guide me on the right path?
I know that this shooting was carried out on the model of DJI phantom pro.View attachment 122687View attachment 122688

Thank you in advance.
Make sure you are using the rigth CRS. If you are using a kml to import into litchi or dronelink, as far as I remember you have to use ESPG 3857 WGS 84 / Pseudo-Mercator - Spherical Mercator, Google Maps, OpenStreetMap, Bing, ArcGIS, ESRI - EPSG:3857

Its a nice use case for a DEM upload, but I believe it can be loaded into any other app supporting kml or csv. In my opinion you should use height relative to the take off point rather to the elipsoildal heights. And be sure to properly "warm up" the drone GPS.


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