FC40 Won't Lift Off

Mar 20, 2014
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Hey guys,

Just flew my FC40 for the first time this afternoon after receiving it two days ago. Everything worked out great during my 10 minute flight around the field, but my show almost didn't even start.

I'm having a rather simple issue getting my phantom to lift up off of the ground without me holding it in my hand and dropping it. Once the motors turn on, and if I try to lift it straight up into the air, the legs can never actually leave the ground. If I push the motor hard enough, the Phantom will eventually tip over in it's spot with the propellers running. My props are mounted as seen in the Youtube video below, and I don't seem to have any issues lifting up into the air or descending. Landing is not an issue at all for me.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iT20Yev ... 8V6E1uJvjA
Just to make sure, if you look at the top of the screw that the prop goes onto there is either a black or silver colored dot that coincide with the color on the prop. I would start by taking the props off and making sure that all of the colors match up. I'm guessing that one or more props is in the wrong spot. If not that maybe it's a bad battery and or it's not fully charged.
This is a good time to plug it in the computer and use the assistant software to calibrate her.
Imu and controller calibration, and verify compass numbers (get to know them).

Only after completing this can you start troubleshooting. This is the first step that should've been done.

My FC40 required all this from the box. It was not ready to fly.

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