Entire East Bay is now effectively a No Fly Zone

Feb 14, 2017
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As time goes by, it seems more and more restrictions and no fly zones seem to be popping up. I last posted on this about a year ago, and at the time a number of new ordinances were coming into place. Now, all East Bay parks, nature reserves and open spaces are no fly zones. Santa Clara has followed suit, including “open space” preserves. So basically, anywhere that has a view worth taking a picture of is now restricted.

With the East Bay essentially off limits, the San Jose area, San Mateo area, most the West, South and North bays have restrictions in parks and preserves (with the exception of some state parks). Needless to say, it’s now near impossible even to find spot to fly, let alone find a spot to fly where there is something to see.

DJI is so excited about announcing its grand opening at the San Fransisco Westfield, they don’t realize or seem to care, that the customers they want to sell drones to have nowhere locally they can use their products. At the same, we as enthusiasts of the products, are letting localities restrict the usage of these products, to such an extent that it’s almost pointless owning them.

We need a forum and a voice, before we are essentially unable to use the wonderful tools at all.
How did we get here? Whatever happened to freedom? Why would we ever allow cars on the road, citizens to own guns or kids to cross the street? We've become far too risk adverse for scenarios that never happen. Only until these actions are challenged in court will it change. If the FAA considers these devices as aircraft, they ought to be afforded equal rights to accessing the airspace. Seems prime for major litigation.
Add to that list of aircraft-like requirements for ‘equal rights’- registration, airworthiness inspections and certifications, licensed mechanics, insurance, medical & vision check-ups, pilot licenses & check-out flights, certified parts, etc.
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At least here in Pennsylvania we still enjoying our freedom to fly. Only a few places are restricted, including state parks and cities downtown... Other than that... You can fly every where. Specially in the country side of Pennsylvania.

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