Drone Command Live

I'm back!
Quick and simple for the Twitter generation:
Is it worth the $200 to attend? Probably
Is it worth the $2000 - $6000 they try (and succeed) to get people to pay before it's over? Very Probably NOT

I fully expect that those that did sign up to be in the SkyEYE network will disagree with my second statement, and to them I say, "You go girl!" Or maybe, "Fly. Be Free." (Just don't ever be cheap or Diego will bust your chops.)

OK. Now that we're too far down for the low-attention-span group. Let's get to the meat.
My background is in business and marketing. I have an MBA with an emphasis in Marketing and Media. I was there on the ground floor for personal computers, the World Wide Web, cell phones, smart phones, DVRs, and a ton/most of the other tech that never amounted to anything (google/search: Apple Newton). I love emerging tech, and being that I'm also a photographer, videographer, and life-time RCer, drones are a convergence of lots that I love. I also believe drones have tons of potential.

So, why did I say that this course is not worth the $2000 - $6000 that I was literally sickened to see so many people pony up?

The oft-refuted but true answer is because making money is hard! Sure there are people out there that are rich who don't look like they had to do anything to earn it. RESULTS NOT TYPICAL! They say it in every infomercial, and it's all over the small print of the contract that you sign at the end of DCL (Drone Command Live) to become part of the SkyEYE network. (Right before it says that they can kick you out and shut down the whole service whenever they want.)

Sure, YOU CAN GET RICH FLYING A DRONE. And at DCL they mention early on that many got rich in personal computers and the internet. "Don't you wish you were there on the ground floor?" Of course they don't bring up the percentage of those who did vs. those who tried. Nascent technologies take years of long hours and risk to bring to market in a lucrative way.

"But drone technology is already advanced, and they're so easy to fly." EXACTLY. I was amazed that DCL could be populated by equal parts people who were expert drone flyers and knew their expertise would mean success, and first-time drone flyers that seemed to feel every bit as confident. If drones are so easy to fly that anyone can do it, how much are people likely to pay you? At DCL they actually mocked video editors as being a dime a dozen - "Why bother with video editing when flying drones is where the money is?" If I do say so myself, video editing is a lot harder than drone flying. I could never fill a room with video-editing enthusiasts and have half of them flying Adobe Premiere on their first attempt. And still, I'm willing to concede that video editors truly are in ample supply. What can you easily infer then about drone flyers? That's right. In a year, anyone that wants to be one, WILL be one. Just like virtually anyone that wants to be computer user is one.

Who remembers that for years Computer Operator was a job title? That's because for years computers were crazy hard to operate. Can you imagine anyone ever advertising the service "smart phone operator?" Or even "smart phone trainer." Think about cameras. For decades they were cryptic, complex devices, where you never knew what you'd get until hours or days later when your film was developed. So, if you had mission critical photography, you'd better hire a pro. Digital photography changed all that. And now the demand for photographers is becoming like the demand for valets. "I'm not paying you because I can't do it myself. I'm paying you because I don't want to do it." Name any job where that can be said and people are well paid (and not in a union).

Technology is advancing so quickly now it's eliminating jobs before they're ever created. The "computer operator" phase of drones is virtually over. They can already be pre-programmed to fly exactly where you want them to go, in advance, using an app. They take off and land themselves, AND they'll automatically avoid obstacles - while you sit back and watch everything on your iPad. So why would you pay a pilot? (Admittedly, for the few months left that these high functioning drones cost too much for some, maybe there's a business in drone rental.)

And now I can almost hear the cries "Drone pilots are skilled professionals!" Maybe from the same group that believes a touchscreen could never replace the cashier. Again, let's say they're right. Are you drawn to professional drone piloting so that you can be paid and treated like the last remaining cashiers at Wal-mart?

"But what if I have a bunch of drone pilots working under/for me?" Now you're on to something, and the DCL folks will tell you that, too. (Possibly because they've got some sort of MLM aspirations for their SkyEYE network.) Unfortunately, starting a business with lots of minimum wage employees working under you takes start-up capital - lots of it. Especially when your minimum-wage soldiers are each armed with ~$2000 in weaponry. Those businesses may happen, but my guess is that they won't be started by anyone at DCL. At least not anyone who paid to be there.

So what's the best way to make money with drones? The Drone BOSS answered that question himself, though not many seemed to hear it. He admitted that in 20 years of flying model aircraft he never made more than enough to cover the gear UNTIL he figured out a way to sell services to everyone else that wants to make money flying drones.

The same model has been used to make money in real estate investing, eBay selling, stock trading and anything else that people want to believe is easy money. But the facts don't change. Making money is hard, and the first step never is signing up to make 8 monthly payments of $900 - as I saw two very nice teenage boys do. Hopefully, they're young enough to learn/recover from their experience.

So, why did I say it's probably worth $200 to attend? They let you fly drones! And if you listen, there is a lot of valuable information presented, by seemingly nice people. That said, I should note that the marketing information they present his very heavily skewed. It is carefully worded to make it seem like the only way to succeed in business is by using marketing approaches that just happen to be the exact same ones they offer for $2-6K at the end of the seminar. Also good is that there is a lot of knowledge about drones in the room, and nice people who are very anxious to share. That is why it was ultimately so hard for me to see these nice people carefully and skillfully (and entertainingly) flim flammed.

Diego is very good at what he does. And his family seemed genuinely kind and sincere. But like I've come to learn about the circus - go and enjoy the spectacle, leave your wallet at home, and remember what PT Barnum never actually said "don't be a sucker."

Xanth, can you PM me?

I found this forum because it was the only non-SEO result that came up on Google when I searched "Drone Command Live." The reason that I wrote such a long post was so that other people who came here the same way would be more informed than I was.

PMs don't serve that purpose.

I had a chance to attend Drone Command Live in Seattle and I found it to be very informative, fun, and well worth the money. I have met Damon and Diego and their staff and everyone is genuinely kind and helpful. And if it makes sense in the future, I can definitely see myself joining the Sky Eye Network. But for now, I would definitely say it is more than worth the fee to attend the event. Don't let anyone discourage you from going. Just go and see for yourself.
So, what exactly made it worth it. And now that it's been a couple years how has it all worked out?
I'm back!
Quick and simple for the Twitter generation:
Is it worth the $200 to attend? Probably
Is it worth the $2000 - $6000 they try (and succeed) to get people to pay before it's over? Very Probably NOT

I fully expect that those that did sign up to be in the SkyEYE network will disagree with my second statement, and to them I say, "You go girl!" Or maybe, "Fly. Be Free." (Just don't ever be cheap or Diego will bust your chops.)

OK. Now that we're too far down for the low-attention-span group. Let's get to the meat.
My background is in business and marketing. I have an MBA with an emphasis in Marketing and Media. I was there on the ground floor for personal computers, the World Wide Web, cell phones, smart phones, DVRs, and a ton/most of the other tech that never amounted to anything (google/search: Apple Newton). I love emerging tech, and being that I'm also a photographer, videographer, and life-time RCer, drones are a convergence of lots that I love. I also believe drones have tons of potential.

So, why did I say that this course is not worth the $2000 - $6000 that I was literally sickened to see so many people pony up?

The oft-refuted but true answer is because making money is hard! Sure there are people out there that are rich who don't look like they had to do anything to earn it. RESULTS NOT TYPICAL! They say it in every infomercial, and it's all over the small print of the contract that you sign at the end of DCL (Drone Command Live) to become part of the SkyEYE network. (Right before it says that they can kick you out and shut down the whole service whenever they want.)

Sure, YOU CAN GET RICH FLYING A DRONE. And at DCL they mention early on that many got rich in personal computers and the internet. "Don't you wish you were there on the ground floor?" Of course they don't bring up the percentage of those who did vs. those who tried. Nascent technologies take years of long hours and risk to bring to market in a lucrative way.

"But drone technology is already advanced, and they're so easy to fly." EXACTLY. I was amazed that DCL could be populated by equal parts people who were expert drone flyers and knew their expertise would mean success, and first-time drone flyers that seemed to feel every bit as confident. If drones are so easy to fly that anyone can do it, how much are people likely to pay you? At DCL they actually mocked video editors as being a dime a dozen - "Why bother with video editing when flying drones is where the money is?" If I do say so myself, video editing is a lot harder than drone flying. I could never fill a room with video-editing enthusiasts and have half of them flying Adobe Premiere on their first attempt. And still, I'm willing to concede that video editors truly are in ample supply. What can you easily infer then about drone flyers? That's right. In a year, anyone that wants to be one, WILL be one. Just like virtually anyone that wants to be computer user is one.

Who remembers that for years Computer Operator was a job title? That's because for years computers were crazy hard to operate. Can you imagine anyone ever advertising the service "smart phone operator?" Or even "smart phone trainer." Think about cameras. For decades they were cryptic, complex devices, where you never knew what you'd get until hours or days later when your film was developed. So, if you had mission critical photography, you'd better hire a pro. Digital photography changed all that. And now the demand for photographers is becoming like the demand for valets. "I'm not paying you because I can't do it myself. I'm paying you because I don't want to do it." Name any job where that can be said and people are well paid (and not in a union).

Technology is advancing so quickly now it's eliminating jobs before they're ever created. The "computer operator" phase of drones is virtually over. They can already be pre-programmed to fly exactly where you want them to go, in advance, using an app. They take off and land themselves, AND they'll automatically avoid obstacles - while you sit back and watch everything on your iPad. So why would you pay a pilot? (Admittedly, for the few months left that these high functioning drones cost too much for some, maybe there's a business in drone rental.)

And now I can almost hear the cries "Drone pilots are skilled professionals!" Maybe from the same group that believes a touchscreen could never replace the cashier. Again, let's say they're right. Are you drawn to professional drone piloting so that you can be paid and treated like the last remaining cashiers at Wal-mart?

"But what if I have a bunch of drone pilots working under/for me?" Now you're on to something, and the DCL folks will tell you that, too. (Possibly because they've got some sort of MLM aspirations for their SkyEYE network.) Unfortunately, starting a business with lots of minimum wage employees working under you takes start-up capital - lots of it. Especially when your minimum-wage soldiers are each armed with ~$2000 in weaponry. Those businesses may happen, but my guess is that they won't be started by anyone at DCL. At least not anyone who paid to be there.

So what's the best way to make money with drones? The Drone BOSS answered that question himself, though not many seemed to hear it. He admitted that in 20 years of flying model aircraft he never made more than enough to cover the gear UNTIL he figured out a way to sell services to everyone else that wants to make money flying drones.

The same model has been used to make money in real estate investing, eBay selling, stock trading and anything else that people want to believe is easy money. But the facts don't change. Making money is hard, and the first step never is signing up to make 8 monthly payments of $900 - as I saw two very nice teenage boys do. Hopefully, they're young enough to learn/recover from their experience.

So, why did I say it's probably worth $200 to attend? They let you fly drones! And if you listen, there is a lot of valuable information presented, by seemingly nice people. That said, I should note that the marketing information they present his very heavily skewed. It is carefully worded to make it seem like the only way to succeed in business is by using marketing approaches that just happen to be the exact same ones they offer for $2-6K at the end of the seminar. Also good is that there is a lot of knowledge about drones in the room, and nice people who are very anxious to share. That is why it was ultimately so hard for me to see these nice people carefully and skillfully (and entertainingly) flim flammed.

Diego is very good at what he does. And his family seemed genuinely kind and sincere. But like I've come to learn about the circus - go and enjoy the spectacle, leave your wallet at home, and remember what PT Barnum never actually said "don't be a sucker."

I don't agree with 100% of this but I agree with enough for it to be a great post!

I will chime in with where I differ in a bit. Going to enjoy Memorial Day with my family right now.

Good stuff.
Okay, here's the deal from a sucker that went to seminar and joined their group. The initial $200 for Drone Command Live isn't bad because if nothing else it opens your eyes to the potential income opportunities that drones can bring. It was a 3 day seminar that could've been done in 1 1/2. You're issued a totally bogus "drone certification" that means absolutely nothing. It's purely a marketing play to recruit members for the "Sky Eye Network", with the promise of business support, drone "verticals", custom marketing material etc..etc. The marketing materials appear old, dated templates. The custom website they build looks like something from early 2000! Drone Command Live plays on the emotions of entrepeneurs with slick marketing performances by Damon Darnall (Drone Boss) and Diego Rodriguez (Marketing Expert)....ala Robert Allen "nothing down" Real Estate seminars.

There are many angry members of the "Sky Eye" network. The biggest benefit is the private Facebook page of other network members that share drone info. Many of which are brand new to the industry as well. Much of the info is free all over the internet.

My advice. Don't do what I did. DCL is fine. The Sky Eye network is not needed and is not worth the cost. There is too much free info available on the web.
Okay, here's the deal from a sucker that went to seminar and joined their group. The initial $200 for Drone Command Live isn't bad because if nothing else it opens your eyes to the potential income opportunities that drones can bring. It was a 3 day seminar that could've been done in 1 1/2. You're issued a totally bogus "drone certification" that means absolutely nothing. It's purely a marketing play to recruit members for the "Sky Eye Network", with the promise of business support, drone "verticals", custom marketing material etc..etc. The marketing materials appear old, dated templates. The custom website they build looks like something from early 2000! Drone Command Live plays on the emotions of entrepeneurs with slick marketing performances by Damon Darnall (Drone Boss) and Diego Rodriguez (Marketing Expert)....ala Robert Allen "nothing down" Real Estate seminars.

There are many angry members of the "Sky Eye" network. The biggest benefit is the private Facebook page of other network members that share drone info. Many of which are brand new to the industry as well. Much of the info is free all over the internet.

My advice. Don't do what I did. DCL is fine. The Sky Eye network is not needed and is not worth the cost. There is too much free info available on the web.
I'm back!
Quick and simple for the Twitter generation:
Is it worth the $200 to attend? Probably
Is it worth the $2000 - $6000 they try (and succeed) to get people to pay before it's over? Very Probably NOT

I fully expect that those that did sign up to be in the SkyEYE network will disagree with my second statement, and to them I say, "You go girl!" Or maybe, "Fly. Be Free." (Just don't ever be cheap or Diego will bust your chops.)

OK. Now that we're too far down for the low-attention-span group. Let's get to the meat.
My background is in business and marketing. I have an MBA with an emphasis in Marketing and Media. I was there on the ground floor for personal computers, the World Wide Web, cell phones, smart phones, DVRs, and a ton/most of the other tech that never amounted to anything (google/search: Apple Newton). I love emerging tech, and being that I'm also a photographer, videographer, and life-time RCer, drones are a convergence of lots that I love. I also believe drones have tons of potential.

So, why did I say that this course is not worth the $2000 - $6000 that I was literally sickened to see so many people pony up?

The oft-refuted but true answer is because making money is hard! Sure there are people out there that are rich who don't look like they had to do anything to earn it. RESULTS NOT TYPICAL! They say it in every infomercial, and it's all over the small print of the contract that you sign at the end of DCL (Drone Command Live) to become part of the SkyEYE network. (Right before it says that they can kick you out and shut down the whole service whenever they want.)

Sure, YOU CAN GET RICH FLYING A DRONE. And at DCL they mention early on that many got rich in personal computers and the internet. "Don't you wish you were there on the ground floor?" Of course they don't bring up the percentage of those who did vs. those who tried. Nascent technologies take years of long hours and risk to bring to market in a lucrative way.

"But drone technology is already advanced, and they're so easy to fly." EXACTLY. I was amazed that DCL could be populated by equal parts people who were expert drone flyers and knew their expertise would mean success, and first-time drone flyers that seemed to feel every bit as confident. If drones are so easy to fly that anyone can do it, how much are people likely to pay you? At DCL they actually mocked video editors as being a dime a dozen - "Why bother with video editing when flying drones is where the money is?" If I do say so myself, video editing is a lot harder than drone flying. I could never fill a room with video-editing enthusiasts and have half of them flying Adobe Premiere on their first attempt. And still, I'm willing to concede that video editors truly are in ample supply. What can you easily infer then about drone flyers? That's right. In a year, anyone that wants to be one, WILL be one. Just like virtually anyone that wants to be computer user is one.

Who remembers that for years Computer Operator was a job title? That's because for years computers were crazy hard to operate. Can you imagine anyone ever advertising the service "smart phone operator?" Or even "smart phone trainer." Think about cameras. For decades they were cryptic, complex devices, where you never knew what you'd get until hours or days later when your film was developed. So, if you had mission critical photography, you'd better hire a pro. Digital photography changed all that. And now the demand for photographers is becoming like the demand for valets. "I'm not paying you because I can't do it myself. I'm paying you because I don't want to do it." Name any job where that can be said and people are well paid (and not in a union).

Technology is advancing so quickly now it's eliminating jobs before they're ever created. The "computer operator" phase of drones is virtually over. They can already be pre-programmed to fly exactly where you want them to go, in advance, using an app. They take off and land themselves, AND they'll automatically avoid obstacles - while you sit back and watch everything on your iPad. So why would you pay a pilot? (Admittedly, for the few months left that these high functioning drones cost too much for some, maybe there's a business in drone rental.)

And now I can almost hear the cries "Drone pilots are skilled professionals!" Maybe from the same group that believes a touchscreen could never replace the cashier. Again, let's say they're right. Are you drawn to professional drone piloting so that you can be paid and treated like the last remaining cashiers at Wal-mart?

"But what if I have a bunch of drone pilots working under/for me?" Now you're on to something, and the DCL folks will tell you that, too. (Possibly because they've got some sort of MLM aspirations for their SkyEYE network.) Unfortunately, starting a business with lots of minimum wage employees working under you takes start-up capital - lots of it. Especially when your minimum-wage soldiers are each armed with ~$2000 in weaponry. Those businesses may happen, but my guess is that they won't be started by anyone at DCL. At least not anyone who paid to be there.

So what's the best way to make money with drones? The Drone BOSS answered that question himself, though not many seemed to hear it. He admitted that in 20 years of flying model aircraft he never made more than enough to cover the gear UNTIL he figured out a way to sell services to everyone else that wants to make money flying drones.

The same model has been used to make money in real estate investing, eBay selling, stock trading and anything else that people want to believe is easy money. But the facts don't change. Making money is hard, and the first step never is signing up to make 8 monthly payments of $900 - as I saw two very nice teenage boys do. Hopefully, they're young enough to learn/recover from their experience.

So, why did I say it's probably worth $200 to attend? They let you fly drones! And if you listen, there is a lot of valuable information presented, by seemingly nice people. That said, I should note that the marketing information they present his very heavily skewed. It is carefully worded to make it seem like the only way to succeed in business is by using marketing approaches that just happen to be the exact same ones they offer for $2-6K at the end of the seminar. Also good is that there is a lot of knowledge about drones in the room, and nice people who are very anxious to share. That is why it was ultimately so hard for me to see these nice people carefully and skillfully (and entertainingly) flim flammed.

Diego is very good at what he does. And his family seemed genuinely kind and sincere. But like I've come to learn about the circus - go and enjoy the spectacle, leave your wallet at home, and remember what PT Barnum never actually said "don't be a sucker."

I attended Drone Command Live in San Antonio. Cliff notes: It's a 3 day sales pitch on buying into the Sky Eye Network. " The drone boss and Diego"are basically con artists. They take advantage of people who have never flown a drone, never owned a drone, or even have a 107 license. They make big promises and get them to commit and pay $2,000 to $7,000 to set up their business with a website, business cards, flyers, etc... They even throw in the first 10 people to sign up get additional bonuses ( sales pitch 101). The so called guest speakers were a hand picked friend of the drone boss and the daughter of Diego, how convenient they are so successful. About 100 people were in the class that paid $200 to attend and about 15-30 people paid the $2,000 to $7,000 to join the Sky Eye Network, you do the math. This is just my opinion and my review. Do your homework and remember if it's too good to be true..... It's probably a scam!!!!
I can tell you this, don't waste your time!!!! It is all about buying his membership and they try and say they are the only way. Everyone else does it wrong. They like it for you not to have your 107, that way you believe everything they are saying. People don't need to waste there time or money. Look at there own web site, last time any action is 2016. If you ask him questions , I can tell you, you will not get an answer he will all of sudden excuse him self and have to walk off. Keep you money. Oh yea, you get discounts by being a member. Wrong. I bought my P4P 170.00 cheaper from a retailer than buying from them with there so call great discount. Stay away!!!
Hello , I wanted to add my .02 to this thread . Everyone is allowed their opinion so here is mine . I see above that someone is saying that Drone Command is a 3 day sales pitch on buying into the Skyeye Network . This is so far from the truth . I have talked with countless attendees that really got so much out of attending Drone Command Live . I have benefitted tremendously from this industry and I wouldn't have even attempted to give it a try if it weren't for Damon and Diego . Coming from someone that 4 years ago didn't know a thing about photography or videography or even drones at that matter . What I learned from Damon and Diego has sent me on an incredible journey . This industry has totally changed my life for the better. I love what I do and get paid very well for it . My Drone business is thriving , I have learned so much in the past few years and I am excited to see what the future has in store . As well I get the honor to come to the majority of the DCL events to give back and meet people who are interested in this industry . I don't like to spend a lot of times on forums because it just seems like a place for many people to complain or be negative but I had to share . I promise that the 3 days spent at Drone Command Live are not a waste of time and you will get a large amount of info and with some hard work and that knowledge you will succeed in this industry . It's not a get rich quick scam and it isn't presented that way .
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Hello , I wanted to add my .02 to this thread . Everyone is allowed their opinion so here is mine . I see above that someone is saying that Drone Command is a 3 day sales pitch on buying into the Skyeye Network . This is so far from the truth . I have talked with countless attendees that really got so much out of attending Drone Command Live . I have benefitted tremendously from this industry and I wouldn't have even attempted to give it a try if it weren't for Damon and Diego . Coming from someone that 4 years ago didn't know a thing about photography or videography or even drones at that matter . What I learned from Damon and Diego has sent me on an incredible journey . This industry has totally changed my life for the better. I love what I do and get paid very well for it . My Drone business is thriving , I have learned so much in the past few years and I am excited to see what the future has in store . As well I get the honor to come to the majority of the DCL events to give back and meet people who are interested in this industry . I don't like to spend a lot of times on forums because it just seems like a place for many people to complain or be negative but I had to share . I promise that the 3 days spent at Drone Command Live are not a waste of time and you will get a large amount of info and with some hard work and that knowledge you will succeed in this industry . It's not a get rich quick scam and it isn't presented that way .

I’m sure we’d all love to see a link to your thriving website, with samples of your highly profitable work.
There have been some strong attacks on the program and I personally believe Drone Command is an example of “what you make of it”. I am not new to multirotors or to all radio control aircraft in general, but at the time I attended Drone Command Live I certainly was in need of more useable information for the competitive market that I was completely unaware of.

Damon and Diego are both experts in their field and offer a wealth of information. I have attended events in the past, paid more money while receiving less information. I was amazed by the amount of knowledge I picked up in just one day at DCL. I walked away from the event after 3 days with more tools at my disposal and a roadmap to follow to be successful. I could have wasted years and money with expensive trial and error in drone purchases, marketing books, and advertising. This event is worth far more than what they charge….and anyone who believes that this coast-to-coast traveling “school” can operate with just the revenue of the course itself has no clue of what it costs to run a program, much less take it to the people. This isn’t just a series of online videos that anyone has access to, it is very detailed from the persepctive of individuals with experience, and presented live to those who attend.

You could spend $30K+ on a Master’s degree hang it on the wall, and never apply to another job where you can get paid more, why? Drive. I saw the opportunity, I am driven, and Drone Command gave me the resources. Don't discard this event because of a few negative posts, you will miss out on valuable information that could change your life IF you actually do it and apply what they teach you.

Back to my builds! Just wanted to share my experience...
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Thought I'd share my experience as well. I had been trying to get a drone business going in my local area for quite a while with no luck. The education at DCL was very specific and to the point and gave me the guidance I needed to get started. I did also join the Sky Eye Network and I have made my investment back many times over.

While everyone is entitled to decide of joining SEN is right for them (and for some it's probably not), there have been multiple statements in posts above that simply are not true....

Joining SEN is not a get rich quick scheme. They do NOT teach that if you start a drone business and join SEN that it will be easy. It's not. Like anything else worth doing it life, it's HARD work. SEN WILL provide you with tools and guidance and direction to help you succeed, but it will take hard work. The suggestion that they say otherwise is simply not true.

DCL does NOT teach that you get rich flying a drone. They teach that the wealth building opportunity is in owning the drone company. As to the suggestion that you cannot hire pilots without large amounts of capital. Again, if you do it correctly, this is not true (there is additional training for this in the Sky Eye Network). Also, as to skill, just because someone has a Part 107 and can fly a drone does NOT mean they can create a specific product for a specific client at a specific time. Flying is easy--flying in such a way as to create the deliverable, that takes more work.

My personal experience with SEN--the marketing materials work AMAZINGLY well. At DCL they teach you how to write your own material, but getting to start with them already written and the graphics prepared (how to do graphics is not part of DCL), this alone was worth the investment. Those marketing materials alone have made me thousands of dollars (the junk I came up with before DCL never got me anywhere). Beyond that, you get access to the network resources which are always being updated as time goes on. You get access to a nation wide group of other drone business owners who can help you as you get started and/or provide assistance on those larger jobs.

Joining the Sky Eye Network was one of the best business moves I've ever made. As stated before, I have made my investment back many times over. That doesn't mean it's easy. If you want easy money, go buy a lottery ticket and good luck. But if you are willing to put in the work, then go to DCL and learn the business skills they are teaching. While there, keep an open mind about the Sky Eye Network. If you're serious, it's worth it.
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Everyone has their own experience at these types of events so I would like to share mine to help balance the scales. I attended Drone Command Live 2 1/2 years a go in San Diego. As a newbie with zero drone experience but lots of experience in the production world I felt this would be a great place to learn a lot about drones. While i was at this event I learned How they work, How they fly, where the technology has been and where it is going and I got to fly 3 different ones. While the drone education was great I got a lot more than that. The practical and effective marketing techniques from Diego have helped me not only in my drone business but in my other businesses as well.

There was a comment above stating that its “Hard to make money” If that is what you believe then that will be your reality, and if thats the belief you choose to stick with why would you not want all the help you can get to make it easier? That is what I found so valuable about their offer to join their Network, so I did join. In 2 1/2 years I have a drone business that does great work and we serve clients we love. My interactions with Damon and Diego have been nothing but supportive, honest and they deliver what they have promised. The community of other members joining together to make each other better is priceless. For the above with negative comments about the network I would say you have no authority to comment on something you haven’t experienced yourself.

Yes building a business is challenging, and takes effort and work and for me I am glad that Damon, Diego, and the Sky Eye Network have my back. I wouldn’t be where I am today without them.
Is it just me or does it seem like someone at the Sky Eye Network just made a bunch of accounts and came and wrote a bunch of positive reviews on this thread?
It's not just you.
The ringing endorsements have a whiff of snake oil about them and a similarity in the writing style.
It's not just you.
The ringing endorsements have a whiff of snake oil about them and a similarity in the writing style.
Hello, I signed up just to reply to this. I found drone command because they have a strong campaign going on Instagram and it only recently ramped up. So I think they created these fake accounts and started replying to this thread because a seminar is upcoming here in Dallas. If it wasn't for this thread I may have been a sucker and gone.
It sounds like $199 will save us the leg work involved in bringing that info together but after that it's our choice to either be led by the hand or use the $199 investment to strike out on our own.

Those comments that spoke favorable of the seminar did not give up enough hard data to convince me, if I were to attend the seminar, to go deeper into my pocket.
OK, here is my take. I went to the Dallas seminar over this past weekend. I have owned my Land Surveying business 17 years, and mostly use drones for surveying. Yes it IS a THREE day long sales pitch. Yes they sold a ton of memberships. But not to me. I already know how to run a business, have a web present, can build websites, have facebook pages, blaw, blaw, blaw. I did learn different marketing techniques during the three days. Will I be using these new techniques yep, sure will. Was it worth the $200 bucks, yes. For the total nube, who does not have a clue where to start, how run a business, is not tech savvy, and does not know the first thing about drones, photography, videos, how to sell something, it MIGHT be worth the lowest level at $3K to kick start their business. One thing I did disagree with is that they said to go out on Monday and start selling. Even if you did not have your 107, a drone (but they could sell you one at the class), a company name, EIN number, sales tax ID, bank account.
I just finished DCL in Vegas. As was mentioned many, many times by Diego, Internet forums are full of people that don’t know what they are talking about, so be careful. I can see that in this forum both by people criticizing it AND by people supporting it. So my two cents: It is worth the $199 to attend. We were given enough information to get started without buying a membership, although buying a membership will make the road to success much easier. I don’t have the money to invest right now, and I was turned off by the “today only” special price, so I didn’t buy in. Yet. If I apply what we went over and start to have success, I probably will. But to all the supporters saying it isn’t presented as get rich quick, you didn’t pay attention. I can’t tell you how many times we were assured of six digit earnings our first year. That is the definition of get rich quick. Buying the top level plan will save you money and a lot of time preparing and branding sales material, and it will help you jump start your business. The lower two plans were, in my opinion, presented as poor options. So, is it worth it? Like most things in business, it depends. Some will benefit, some will not. Go to DCL and judge for yourself, that’s the only way you will know if it is right for you.
DON’T play into their scam! This is a Tony Robbins stolen info seminar, which makes men get pumped up and think their not alone! It was a total joke! All videos are recorded before they actually show what their intentions are, which is $$$! Everything was a lie! We went thinking we were going to learn and come back with certificates, but we came back broke, in debt, and frustrated! They say “these people came on their own, we didn’t pay them,” when ya they might not have but someone did! I made it one day and flipped out in Gina, Damon’s wife because I figured out their scam within minutes, so I got a book, to shut me up! If you want to learn nothin, pay outrageous prices for something you can read and do yourself, then sign up, but if your truly interested in a drone business, you’ll research and take the time to do it all on your own. It’ll cost you less, you’ll be able to buy any drone for the price you paid to sit and listen to an idiot steal others words! I’d do anything to give these scammers their karma, but hopefully people will research and not make the same mistake as most who’ve gone! The on,y reason some are happy, is because the whole thing is set up to buy packages for them to do the whole business from beginning to end for you, starting at $2k-$6k, but to me, that means it’s not technically my company, and how can my customers trust me, when I’ve done nothing but pay scammers to do what I’m/we’re all perfectly capable of doing ourselves and even better! I’d kill to get my $, time, and energy back, maybe then my hubby would be able to start his company, but due to all the false representation and undisclosed information, it’s not happening any time soon! Thank You Damon and Gina for using the Bible to hide behind your scam! I’m I total discussed, when they ask how many of you are at rock bottom, and all raised their hands, that doesn’t mean scam people, it means stand by your product and aid everyone who’s paid for your bogus seminar, no matter if they purchase a package or not! I just wonder how many men have hurt themselves due to the Lies! To sum it up, they’re using these seminars to vacation, while the loud obnoxious idiot repeats Tony Robbins info, and you see Damon 10mins in the a.m. and 10mins in the p.m.! If you’ve already signed up, ask them why you get the cheap lanyard but the drone boss ones beside it (so you think your getting the good stuff) but they slyly grab the $.005 one, snacks were tap water and one tiny dish with even tinier mints, never refilled, a basic book that the speaker reads the 3 days and you fill in the blanks with him like your in elementary school, I asked for a pen and it was like I was stealing, I could go on forever, so PLEASE DONT GO OR TRUST THESE PEOPLE!
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I just finished DCL in Vegas. As was mentioned many, many times by Diego, Internet forums are full of people that don’t know what they are talking about, so be careful. I can see that in this forum both by people criticizing it AND by people supporting it. So my two cents: It is worth the $199 to attend. We were given enough information to get started without buying a membership, although buying a membership will make the road to success much easier. I don’t have the money to invest right now, and I was turned off by the “today only” special price, so I didn’t buy in. Yet. If I apply what we went over and start to have success, I probably will. But to all the supporters saying it isn’t presented as get rich quick, you didn’t pay attention. I can’t tell you how many times we were assured of six digit earnings our first year. That is the definition of get rich quick. Buying the top level plan will save you money and a lot of time preparing and branding sales material, and it will help you jump start your business. The lower two plans were, in my opinion, presented as poor options. So, is it worth it? Like most things in business, it depends. Some will benefit, some will not. Go to DCL and judge for yourself, that’s the only way you will know if it is right for you.
Did you see all the BS? We paid $199 for a folder which we could’ve read ourselves! I was there with you, the loud upset lady! This is a total scam! Taking advantage of men who are at their lowest, it sick and unethical! Snacks, what were they??? I kept the few mints to show, because they were soo pathetic, Tap water for drinks, they did nothing but take advantage of people and falsely represented themselves! They knew I’d figured out their scam when Gina brought me a free copy of the FAA107 book, hence why they video right before they lay out the “membership products” so people will say kind words. What saddens me is they’re ruining and tainting the drone business and making it look like a joke! I’m soo in awe but not because it’s typical for losers like Damon, Gina and the other loud idiot on stage to hide behind the Bible to take advantage of lower people! I wish you the best, we had to hold off on our business because we went to this seminar, but luckily we found a Typhoon through a friend that was only flown once and for a great price or, idk if we’d ever get goin, because we left in great debt (gota pay for room, resort fees, food, everything) frustrated, and with no actual resources! Last thing, they say they help with networking, there’s soo much more out there than these losers, and they’d be the last people I’d promote or put anything with their name or logo on it, because they’re considered a joke and scammers! I’m sorry you got taken also! Hopefully we can reconnect somehow and all move forward in a positive way, minus “the drone boss” funny cuz they say “no cheesy” but they’re the apidimi!
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