Crazy neighbor, crazy story

In libel or slander cases you have to show monetary damages to have a case. Now if you did it for a living with a 333 and you lose business then you could have a case.
Then she of course posts on our local FB crime watch about me and tells the ENTIRE city that I am a pervert and I was spying on her and the neighbors kids. Then this causes a feeding frenzy of idiots who think now every drone incident that they have had (even before I owned a drone) was now me.

Well you should sue the crap out of them for slander and defamation. which would be a slam dunk case being they they have to have 100% proof that every thing they said about you is true and it cant just be there so called opinion of you. and its very hard to beat a slander charge inless they were not really the ones that wrote it.

and two you should of pressed assault charges and harassment if they were in your face and only 2 inches away is still harassment and low level assault as long as you can honestly say you were in reasonable fear of them. Even if they did not lay a finger on you its still 4th degree assault other wise known as the charge of menacing.
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This is why I always take off from a relative covert location. No one can complain if they can't identify the pilot.

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So the other day my 3 year old daughter asked to see the drone fly. So i took her out front as we live in front of a park. My wife joined as well as a female neighbor who asked to see an aerial view of the construction thats a block over. We were all happily looking at the screen of the construction when a madman came speeding up in his car. Gets out and gets about 2inches from my face and begins to call me a pervert. He won't stop and let me explain. He kept saying that people with drones are perverts and that I was a pervert and was watching his daughter. (I found out later his daughter lives across the park). Of course with people like that I could not get a word in edgewise to explain that i was showing my CHILD who was standing there now crying, my wife and my FEMALE neighbor the construction down the street. He even told my neighbor "Shut up B***" When she told him to leave and calm down.

He eventually left. Of course his nut daughter called the police who laughed it off and said they were not even taking a report lol. I have flight path data that PROVED i was not hovering over their house. Then she of course posts on our local FB crime watch about me and tells the ENTIRE city that I am a pervert and I was spying on her and the neighbors kids. Then this causes a feeding frenzy of idiots who think now every drone incident that they have had (even before I owned a drone) was now me.

Needless to say I was very upset. What a horrible thing to be accused of in your own community especially in front of my daughter. Fortunately I was able to contact the moderator of the page and have that deleted as it was completely false. I just saw she posted another post "Thanking the officers for dealing with the drone issue" and making it seem as though I was in the wrong.

How very frustrating. We have a group of neighbors who came over my house and consoled me over this and said that they support me fully. These complainants are the same people who I've shown the drone, let their kids look at the view of our community from above etc. I spend many hours fixing the small issues at the park in front of our house, pulling weeds and lubing the play equip. Now I feel like people think I'm the local perv. Im very frustrated at this person. I cannot believe someone would maliciously do that to someone else. Every time someone would comment in support of me on the FB page she would attack them or just put a bunch of smiling faces like a 12 year old.
"Printed" lie, being in a newspaper or on a webpage/site is slander, but you have to prove you're not a pervert. If you have the funds, take her to court and sue her for slander. If you don't have the funds, ignore it. My two cents is you should have forced to cops to write a report so that there is a track record, you've not heard the last of him or his daughter.
Once someone gets in my personal space..which to me is within 3 feet of me..screaming and yelling..well it just went from screaming and yelling to punching and kicking!! I have already had to break one nose and will not hesitate to do it again..of course right before I did I dropped my drone to about 30 feet and pointed the camera at myself, and as soon as the guy got in my face again..I mean inches, well he realized what a hard *** forehead I have when it made contact with the bridge of his nose! I tried 3 times to walk away and ignore him but he kept on! Oh well...I bet he thinks twice about approaching another drone pilot.. he does me every time I fly in that area now!
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Lol always hear stories like this and not to promote violence or anything but for a country with a right to bear arms there are an awful lot of p#$%&ys who don't defend their personal space down there lol. With video evidence on hand I'd probably crack em too then have a good laugh with the cop that comes to the report lol

I mean as long as you're very obviously provoked... Fear for your safety and all. I'm sure you know the drill lol.
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I would sue her for sure, that's just out of line, and we have to show also that this is what can happen to you if you go off nut's like that also...then post the result's of that on Facebook Crime Watch...
Hi, just saw the thread. Same thing for me, guy came running up to me in my front yard and got in my face, said if my drone ever came near his house again it would not be coming back. I kinda lost it at the time, now I just make sure to never fly in that direction anymore. Lots of neighbors like my drone, if they get a chance to see it and the video they enjoy it. I try to educate people. That "encounter" kept me awake at nights and just wasn't worth it. At least for me, I'd rather just keep the peace.
Now that's a DEFINITE NO NO for me..coming into my yard screaming and yelling at me!! I don't even wait for the 3 foot rule to take effect at that point!

You would be surprised about the number of people that have legitimate mental issues.

I had a guy driving around following my drone trying to find me. You'll have to use some tactics when flying to avoid the attention of nuts. Try not to fly back home in a straight path. Choose remote launch areas if possible. It's good to have a nut spotter while you fly Lol

Just know that there's always someone that will think you're violating privacy laws, endangering the public etc. it's just crazy when they try enforcing nonexistent laws based on their paranoid beliefs. Fly safe has a new meaning.

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How about Posting some video to that community site from your drone to demonstrate to everyone that we don't have zoom capability like the crazy people think.

In their minds we can park a drone up at 250 feet and zoom in like a telescope right into their homes, they're clueless.

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Not similar; however, yesterday I was excitedly talking to my coworkers about my past weekend's vids taken from my P3P (great beach shots), when one of them, who btw is usually very reserved and mild mannered got really heated about how bad drones are for the community. His concerns were not spy related, they were crashing and possible terrorist fears. He actually made a few good points. Even after I explained that most of us are very safe and responsible... He was not having it. My neighbors luckily for me so far seem to really enjoy, and are interested every time they see my bird (usually when I am walking to my car with it). It seems this hobby really is a hot and emotional topic for many people. I rarely will fly in my immediate neighborhood to avoid situations like the one you unfortunately had. I'm lucky because I'm a few minutes away from the beach or the hills where I can get to an area of little or no people. I believe that a lot of people are paranoid or misinformed about "drones" and have only heard negative stories about them. Sorry to hear about your bad experience. I always get nervous when someone comes up to me and says "hey, does that thing have a camera on it?"!!!

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In the UK her action is called "deformation of character" and as Flpholt points out, she can be taken to court. She and her family have publically caused you and your daughter distress.
You could quite easily point out that her "farther" was distressing a minor (your daughter) and being abusive towards women in a public place. As there are 2 witnesses.

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I am surprised that your neighbor lady friend didn't slap that jacka$$ when he called her a B!
He deserved ALOT more than that though!

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