Can't connect through camera...

As long as board 3 is good, yes, it will work.
Be careful board 2 has fan wires attached to it, so be gentle.

Let us know
J Dot
Thank you
i'm pretty sure that the "all works but no fpv" error is due to faulty board 3,
but i don't know if the "phantom connection broken" error is only due to wifi board or board 3 also...
...i'll try it soon.
The FPV from my P2V to my iPhone hasn't worked for months until last Sunday. With everything turned off, I also made sure the camera switch was off and the plug to the camera pulled out. Then, maybe not exactly in this order, I turned on the controller, the Wi-Fi extender, and the battery. Then I turned on the iPhone. Clicked on System to get Wi-Fi. Got it but no signal from camera. Duh! So then I plugged in camera cable, switched on camera, and then used a paper clip to reset the Wi-Fi extender. Voila!! FPV!!!!! All is well after months of not being well at all.
Okay, after not using my P2V since last fall, when I powered it up today, I got all of the telemetry info in the Android Vision app (most current), but no FPV of the video is bound between the transmitter and receiver, and shows up on my Android Galaxy S6 Edge wifi and shows as connected in the Android Vision app, just no video. The FC200 will record video and takes pics, but no FPV view.


I have tried following what others have said about powering up in certain sequences, etc, but no luck. Outside of shipping it to DJI for repairs (I live just outside of Toronto), any other options or advice?
This is a bit embarrassing being a mod here for quite a while and also being an early P2V owner... But...

I haven't flown my P2V in months. Today, I took it out of the cases, plugged everything in and everything looks great, except I'm not connecting to the camera. I'm getting telemetry and a great connect to WIFI... Just no camera feed. I have a blinking green light on the camera...


After I have read this topic completely, I want to tell you my experience with the same issue and the practical solution I found.
I had the same problem and found a solution for P2V. I tried everything (rebind camera, rebind extender, try another extender and rebind it with the camera, SD format, firmware updating, update DJI App...) I mean everything, but no video feed in screen. However I can take pics and video, move the gimbal (I have 2 axis rotorpixel one). So after long and deep research that includes communication with DJI support several times. I gave up for a while. I bought the phantom 3 standard, but refuse to simply let die my phantom 2 vision in perfect condition. I found the reason of the problem and a solution.
1. The problem is in the camera transmission module and there is no solution and DJI doesn't provide support for that kind of repairment. So one solution is to find new or used fc200 camera. The problem actually is the price ($500 NEW / $200 USED) and the fact that the phantom 2 vision is today consider an obsolete drone that can easily be replaced for a P2V+ ($300) or P3S ($499 new). It's not worth it to spend so much money on a drone that is no longer supported. But it is also a reality that the drone is in perfect condition to fly and take photos and videos, so here I have the second news for you, the good one. 2. You can buy an FPV camera for as low as $ 16 and attach it to the top of the P2V camera. It is a very small camera and only needs it for the purpose of monitoring image. That way you have monitor image and can take your pics and videos with the original f200 camera. Of course, this is a solution whose purpose is not to let the phantom 2 vision die in perfect condiiton. You recover the monitor image (with less range than the original, but enough to take good aerial pics and videos). I tried on my Phantom 2 Vision with rotorpixel gimbal and it works nice. I'm not sure if the Phantom 2 vision plus has enough space on the camera to attach another camera. There is several FPV mini camera models. You can find it in amazon for as less than US$16. As an example the FOXEER Monster HS1189 FPV camera.
see this video:

I hope this information is useful for everybody with the same "NO VIDEO FEED" issue
You are NOT busting in at all, my friend, please don't feel like that, we are here to help if we can.

Upon repairing fc200 cameras, I'm finding the wifi board ( bottom board ) , camera board ( top board ) and most recently ( #3 board ) burnt. Not 100% sure what that board does? ( I'm guessing a processing board for FPV as I was getting telemetry but no live feed, same as cam board burnout, but wifi board you will have no signal at all extender won't even hook to wifi unless you reset it. But either way won't hook to camera wifi.
All this due to must upgrade extender update. That is why app was removed from iTunes. You'll need to fix , replace, or send for repair. Sorry, only options.

Hope this helps
J Dot

J Don't,
I know this is an old post but I was hoping you were still around and could offer me a little direction. I have a P2V. I was forced to do the dreaded update and now my FC200 is dead in the water. Both the Dji and Litchi app show that there is no connection to WiFi at all. There is no signal from the camera, controller, and the WiFi extender is reading N/A. I assume I bricked one of the boards but not sure which one. Already tried to rebind and I can see both the phantom and WiFi extender through WiFi. Could it be board #4 or could I have bricked more than one board? Any help would be appreciated!
Welcome to the forum .
J Dot hadn't been on in over 6 month's and is a friend of mine .He has kinda moved on to other things.
Yes you have a messed up board most likely as lots have including myself .There are some here that might can help you but I can't as I always sent mine to him to fix . Blasted FC200's are hard to come by now or where the last time I looked .Hopefully one of the others that still mess with them will chime in.
Mine..well it sits on the shelf in shame .
Welcome to the forum .
J Dot hadn't been on in over 6 month's and is a friend of mine .He has kinda moved on to other things.
Yes you have a messed up board most likely as lots have including myself .There are some here that might can help you but I can't as I always sent mine to him to fix . Blasted FC200's are hard to come by now or where the last time I looked .Hopefully one of the others that still mess with them will chime in.
Mine..well it sits on the shelf in shame .

Thanks dirkclod,

It is a shame. I just don't want to go replacing things or buy a new camera before I know what is exactly wrong with it. I assumed it was a board in the egg but not sure which one it is. Also wanted to be sure it wasn't a ribbon or anything like that. I broke the drone and the egg down and didn't see anything out of the norm. Hopefully someone else will chime in on this. I know Jdot said he had all the boards for the FC200 except #3. Not sure if he still does or anyone else does. I think I fried board #4 because I have no wifi connection but it may not be the only one.

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