Another bad and hysterical article

10years from now everyhouse hold will own one similar to a pc or notebook.
Oh well, I'm going to pick up my new P4 later today :)
583 drone sightings recently by pilots?

I don't even see that many actual planes in a period of years and that's living on a major international flight route.
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The only sane thing in the article was this: "On March 16, the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation approved a bill that would make the FAA the nation’s sole regulator of drones. If signed into law, the bill would supplant the patchwork of local and state drone laws that have popped up."

That could be a very good thing.
The LA Times and others shouldn't worry about the 406,000 drones that responsible owners registered. It is the countless drones, which irresponsible cowboys have not registered, that are worrisome.
"A day earlier, a pilot in a single-engine Cessna spotted a blue drone hovering at 9,500 feet above Riverside. That same week, a pilot landing at El Cajon reported three drones off his right side at about 500 feet in altitude -- one with yellow lights, one with green lights, and one with red lights."

We used to call these things 'UFOs'.

And you're not supposed to fly when you're on drugs
Uh any claims of drones over 3000ft are COMPLETED ********.

Sent from my iPhone using PhantomPilots mobile app
Is it tho?when the can fly over 80kph vertically...wouldnt take to long to reach 3000ft would it
The LA Times and others shouldn't worry about the 406,000 drones that responsible owners registered. It is the countless drones, which irresponsible cowboys have not registered, that are worrisome.

This comment rubs me the wrong way.
The LA times isn't "worried", they are USING drones to promote their own interests...advertising dollars.

Secondly, I see a major flaw in this thinking because it implies that only through compliance are people responsible......if the 406,000 owners of drones that registered are "responsible", why did THEY need to register at all?
Because compliance and registration ALWAYS makes a society "Gubbment Certified Safe?

Just like vehicle does nothing for's ALL about revenue....but in the beginning the low cost lulls people into happy acceptance. "What a bargain, ONLY $5.00". Remember this when in a few years it's $25.00
Same with toll roads that never seem to go away as promised.

My concern is how many have been brainwashed to think that the only way to a safe society is empowering government more and more?
I say the map to a safe society is teaching individuals personal responsibility early on. Something our government has failed at miserably...if not ensured just the opposite.

Registration and responsibility are two different things. A "Responsible" person does not need a registration to be responsible.
And irresponsible people do not magically become responsible people because of a government registration.

I have drones and opted NOT to register. But as a responsible person, they have not been flown since Feb 18th since as irrational as it may be, it is now law.. I may be a "cowboy", but that doesn't make me irresponsible.

Some of you folks drive me to drink!
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"A day earlier, a pilot in a single-engine Cessna spotted a blue drone hovering at 9,500 feet above Riverside. That same week, a pilot landing at El Cajon reported three drones off his right side at about 500 feet in altitude -- one with yellow lights, one with green lights, and one with red lights."

We used to call these things 'UFOs'.
And you're not supposed to fly when you're on drugs

Exactly. Yet those who believe bigger government is the way to Utopia take these unsubstantiated "UFO" sightings, sensationalize them through the media, get the big government lovers in a frenzy so that there's an illusion that more laws and more government control appears to be needed when actually, further empowering government was really the only result. We are no "safer".

And I reject any garbage about being anti-government. As I recall history, the Founding Fathers were "anti-government"...sometimes it's wise.
It's not "anti-government" as propagandist will's anti-stupid-overreaching-government.
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What I'd like to see is the Feds (FAA) take back sole control of the air. The local laws are stupid knee jerk reactions to pressure from the ignorant populace and professional politicians.
What I'd like to see is the Feds (FAA) take back sole control of the air. The local laws are stupid knee jerk reactions to pressure from the ignorant populace and professional politicians.

I agree that too many are trying to regulate the skies. Either the FAA is the authority of the skies....or it is not.
It's just my opinion that the FAA should declare ALL such aviation oriented local laws null and void.
The FAA CLEARLY has stated that drones are AIRCRAFT. Who governs AIRCRAFT?

The FAA should also address sUAV operations such as allowed take off points since in the future, commercial interests have expressed the desire to operate throughout the nation. This would prevent localities from prohibiting sUAV take-offs. It's all such convoluted nightmare that shouldn't be at all.

What more needs to be said?
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