Alaska Highway Famous Wooden Curved Bridge

Dec 16, 2021
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Had a fun afternoon driving down to this bridge. Probably the last nice flying before the winter. This is a famous wooden bridge built on the Alaska Highway in 1942. More like a mini documentary. As I used both drones I posted on both sites.
Had a fun afternoon driving down to this bridge. Probably the last nice flying before the winter. This is a famous wooden bridge built on the Alaska Highway in 1942. More like a mini documentary. As I used both drones I posted on both sites.
Nice job, I lived in Anchorage for a few years and never knew this even existed. Thanks for posting this.
You are braver than I standing on an old rickety condemned bridge, hundred feet over water!
You are braver than I standing on an old rickety condemned bridge, hundred feet over water!
The bridge is still solid. Just the wood guide rails on the deck are rotting away. The concern is the ground near one of the end supports moved a bit. They are doing geology or what ever tests to see if safe to open again.
The bridge is still solid. Just the wood guide rails on the deck are rotting away. The concern is the ground near one of the end supports moved a bit. They are doing geology or what ever tests to see if safe to open again.
Its been a year and a half since they have supposedly been doing this surveying... That is not an encouraging thing..
Thanks for sharing looks cold out there 👍
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Amazing thanks for sharing
Thanks.. I have lived in this area 45 years now. Just took the old bridge for granted. The other day while in YouTube I typed in Kiskatinaw Bridge. There is a ton of videos and stuff of that bridge. I guess it is kind of World Famous. There is a lot of real good videos of it on there. Some from before Drone days.
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