Airport/plane log. How I get on.

That's terrible I hope Mrs. Porky is up and around again quickly:)

Looking forward to seeing all the picks when you get back to the UK!
Thanks guys about Mrs P;) she's ok but limping around. Ankle very swollen at the mo, just bought her an ankle sock to support it. Anyway enough about her:D, only playing....

Going out flying again tonight, more sunset shots;) love flying now at dusk/nightime;)
Lol, yep you know me to well:D after her live insurance money:D

It was a bit like this:D

Lol, yep you know me to well:D after her live insurance money:D

It was a bit like this:D

I was thinking just for some more phantom time :D
Yeah then I can go & buy a P3 with millions of batteries:D

I'll try the push a bit harder tonight:D pane of glass at the bottom of the stairs, you never know:D:D

I'm only playing;) love her to bits;)
It's 5.25pm here now, sun starts to set about 6ish so I'm gonna get piglet ready;)

I don't think the locals have seen a phantom before, I've had so much interest when flying even had a snotty little kid, about 5 years of age ask if he could have a go, told him to f##ck off:D

But all the local people love it which is good news, no bad press as yet;)
Ya ain't left yet :)
Lol, yep there's still time:D

Oh well going down to the beach now for the sunset flying;) catch you guys later.:)
Loved flying at dusk/night time, got some great pics as dusk but my night shots are poo. Need to adjust the iOS & exposure me thinks for my next night flight;) any tips? Done a quick search but could only find info on the P2V+

Since taking the filter kit off the pictures look so much better now, don't have to worry about the halo effect, but need to rebalance the gimbal.

Mrs p ankle is a little better today but think she's needs to still take it easy;)

Hey dirk,

Any pointers on what settings to use for night shots? Took my filter off & rebalanced the gimbal yesterday, pictures are sooo much better now;) but the night shots are very dark:(

No flying tonight:( out with our friends for a curry, should be good fun;)

There's another guy staying in the hotel that has a P2 with a gopro, had a good old chat with him but he's foreign so it's hard to communicate......but it was good;)

Mike, you have defo got to take that filter off the camera buddy, trust me;)
He's foreign o_O

No I don't Porky . I have never had any luck taking pictures at night as I don't really have anything lite up here at nite .
He's foreign o_O View attachment 31833
No I don't Porky . I have never had any luck taking pictures at night as I don't really have anything lite up here at nite .

Oh well thanks for letting me know, I'll play around with the camera settings when it gets dark tomorrow & see if I can improve it;)

Going to change the ISO to 400 then 800 to see if that improves anything then adjust the exposure settings, I'll play around with it tomorrow night;)
Here ya go a pic of the "Oasis of the sea" couldn't get any closer...:eek:

Lost signal over water:eek::eek:image.jpg

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