Accessing the P2 wifi repeater and camera

isopro said:
Im also wondering if i put WPA2 encryption and change the name of the Master Connection if i risk bricking the Camera or Repeater, and if there's a way to reset everything to default in case i make a mistake testing ?
I cannot comment on the dba thing though I'll probably play with it myself.

As for names changing worries - once you press that reset button on the repeater, it should reset to the defaults (you'll need to pair it to the camera again).
My bet; regarding the dB changes, is that this is precisely how that Vision+ range extender app works.

I'm also very curious if it would be possible to extend the range of cameras like my Samsung NX1100 with this method.
Could bind it to the camera and see just put in the ssid under client where you see the FC_xxxxxx. you need encryption turned off on the range extender. Could get a wifi repeater to do it also. Also you want some good antenna's to communicate with. I'm using
Telemetry, anyone else working on this? Thinking about porting nazadecoder over to Linux / Windows to decode the GPS. I need to breakdown and get a FPV/OSD mount to put my raspberry pi on board for some testing first. Also would like to send the raw video stream over ip so more than a android / apple device could view it using netcat or something along those lines.
brizey said:
Telemetry, anyone else working on this? Thinking about porting nazadecoder over to Linux / Windows to decode the GPS. I need to breakdown and get a FPV/OSD mount to put my raspberry pi on board for some testing first. Also would like to send the raw video stream over ip so more than a android / apple device could view it using netcat or something along those lines.

If we able to port video and telemetry over linux"Im a linux user to but not a very experienced one", maybe we could use higher resolution then 640x480 on a linux home made ground station, considering antenna upgrades giving 640x480 up to 6000m of range we could maybe get 720p at 1000m.
MonsieurAnon said:
My bet; regarding the dB changes, is that this is precisely how that Vision+ range extender app works.

I'm also very curious if it would be possible to extend the range of cameras like my Samsung NX1100 with this method.

The way i found the hardware add 27 dBm available and was only using 20dBm as default was connecting with ssh and doing "iw info" command, it will give you all supported mode of the hardware. So if you can ssh into your camera and it support this command you will soon know. Also i've not tested changing the dBm setting directly using "iw" commands i only used the openwrt "web" interface to try to tweek it.
brizey said:
Telemetry, anyone else working on this? Thinking about porting nazadecoder over to Linux / Windows to decode the GPS. I need to breakdown and get a FPV/OSD mount to put my raspberry pi on board for some testing first. Also would like to send the raw video stream over ip so more than a android / apple device could view it using netcat or something along those lines.

I'm stuck just trying to read anything from - my test app just times out trying to read the first byte. Doesn't seem to matter if I've used my browser to to log in first. My java app looks like this:

public static String SERVER = "";
public static int SOCKET = 2001;
public static Socket connection;
public static InputStreamReader inStream;
try {
connection = new Socket( SERVER, SOCKET );
inStream = new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream());
while (true) {
i =;
System.out.println("i=" + i);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("error " + e);
Ser2net is what it is using. I'm going for the true serial port and doing my own thing from there.
zenoshrdlu said:
brizey said:
Telemetry, anyone else working on this? Thinking about porting nazadecoder over to Linux / Windows to decode the GPS. I need to breakdown and get a FPV/OSD mount to put my raspberry pi on board for some testing first. Also would like to send the raw video stream over ip so more than a android / apple device could view it using netcat or something along those lines.

I'm stuck just trying to read anything from - my test app just times out trying to read the first byte. Doesn't seem to matter if I've used my browser to to log in first. My java app looks like this:

public static String SERVER = "";
public static int SOCKET = 2001;
public static Socket connection;
public static InputStreamReader inStream;
try {
connection = new Socket( SERVER, SOCKET );
inStream = new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream());
while (true) {
i =;
System.out.println("i=" + i);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("error " + e);

Would using WireShard or similar sniffer, and a MiTm tactic allow to see how this data is used and sent to an iOs or android, and then maybe you could know how to extract it with another way. Maybe im wrong but this is my 2 cents on this issue.
isopro said:
Would using WireShard or similar sniffer, and a MiTm tactic allow to see how this data is used and sent to an iOs or android, and then maybe you could know how to extract it with another way. Maybe im wrong but this is my 2 cents on this issue.

I'm working on this at the moment. The problem is, as far as I know, Wireshark needs to be in between the 2 devices communicating with each other, so you have to use Android VM ware, which I've installed on Oracle. However there's a few roadblocks at this point:

Using my PC's network interfaces and a generic Android-x86-4.3 image the DJI app simply does not see the repeater, even with the PC connected to the repeater. I think it's something to do with the network name, as the VM ware uses a generic name.

Using Genymotion's Samsung Galaxy S-II image I can directly bridge onto my USB wifi, but the droid cannot pick up any devices.

Using either I can attach the device to the virtual ware as a straight USB device, but it turns off for lack of Android drivers. There is a documented method for compiling and installing drivers for Android, but it requires that I chroot the image first, and I've hit further road blocks doing that. If the hardware I need to fix my printer doesn't arrive today I might tinker some more.
I was also unable to connect to the RTSP stream from my phone using RTSP player for android.


"...\ffmpeg.exe" -y -loglevel warning -f flv rtmp://

Results in TCP connection failed: Unknown error
Cannot open connection ...
rtmp://...: Input/output error

"...\ffmpeg.exe" -y -loglevel warning -f flv rtmp://

Does the same thing but seems to default to port 1935.
why not put your wifi in to monitor mode with aircrack or kali and dump a pcap then use wireshark?
You don't need to be connected to sniff the data. A simple capture file analyse should be enough and considering the wifi as no protection it will be easy. If you can't use a Network name use the Mac Address to set airodump-ng and get the data "airodump-ng -c 1 --bssid 00:00:00:00:00:00 -w PhantomDump mon0" use the mac address of your range extender as "--bssid" and you should be good to go.

Edit : It stopped raining ! I will start testing changing the Vision Wifi settings, including testing wireless G range, 27 dBm and might test tweeking other settings, will post results later today...
MonsieurAnon said:
isopro said:
...I'm working on this at the moment. The problem is, as far as I know, Wireshark needs to be in between the 2 devices communicating with each other....

If you check out my method for installing the WebUI (check my signature), while you have the port forward enabled, you can install tcpdump or tshark on the WiFi Repeater and capture to the point of filling the Repeater's tmp space:

opkg update
opkg install tcpdump-mini

With that in place, capture with something like:
tcpdump -i br-lan -s0 -w /tmp/sniff.pcap
Issue 'Ctrl-C' when you're ready to stop the capture.
Make your test operations quick as you've only got about 15mb free! Then, you can 'scp' the resulting file to your PC for Wireshark evaluation.

I've done this already, but didn't spend a ton of time analyzing the capture yet...

Hope this helps!
Well this is an interesting project:

Not quite what we're doing, and different hardware, with the watered down lightbridge that the Vision+ carries, but it makes me wonder where the OSD overlay for the Vision comes from ... it'd have to be via the FC-200 cable.
MonsieurAnon said:
Well this is an interesting project:

Not quite what we're doing, and different hardware, with the watered down lightbridge that the Vision+ carries, but it makes me wonder where the OSD overlay for the Vision comes from ... it'd have to be via the FC-200 cable.
I believe that the overlay is performed by the app. I suspect that the app connects to gps data via a ser2net instance which is running on the p2v.

Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk

I found someone who lost their OSD after a crash, where they had to replace their Vision cable. The stock DJI mini-osd operates by taking video in and outputting overlayed footage onboard your drone. Are you suggesting that the P2V would broadcast OSD information without the camera? If so, then what someone said earlier about simply replacing the camera with say, a goPro would be a great solution for a lot of mods that people want ... as they could still use the repeater and app.

Also, I found various people talking about the dB hack that has been discussed in this thread. A number of them pointed out that by changing the country code to BO the dB setting sticks ... and does indeed give better range.

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