Bakersfield Quad
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  • I see we're the same age. Crashed my Harley do to a "considerate" driver who cut in front of me a couple of years ago and decided to try something different. So fly I must.
    Great, Glad to hear you got it. Was up in the Catskill Mts today and got some cool video and photos.
    In the meantime if your looking to get a P4P,make sure you get it; it's a fantastic flying machine and takes incredible videos and photos.Easy to learn;but like anything else worth waiting for it TAKES TIME TO MASTER. Happy flying my friend.
    The battery at the time was at approximately 60%.Pilot error for sure, but I always start out at 95% to 100%.especiallly over water. NOT A BATTERY PROBLEM.I explained in an earlier post that I probably held my left stick down inadvertently which resulted in a semi slow decent and as it lowered prier to approaching a peninsula where I lost signal. Video shows almost entry into water just before signal was lost.
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