Need music to your video edit?

Jun 19, 2014
Reaction score
Sweden, Stockholm
Need music to your video edit?
I looked around a lot and have had some problems finding what I wanted until this place.


What amazing amount of talented musicians there are out there in the world that never get there moment in the light.
So here you can find all sorts of music and a lot (probably most) can be used just by putting credits to it in the after text in your video if it is non commercial and private use.

Everything is instantly downloadable and for my self I now have a fresh usb in my car with music I like from people I never before heard of and love it ;)

On every tune there is a text that can be read how it can be used.

The trick to find good songs is to search on a song you like and see if it is added on somebody's play-list and start listing on that one, also you get suggested of new tunes that are of similar type that you listen on.

I hope you out there will continue to post links to good tunes in this thread and I will post a couple that I personally really like, a couple of single tunes and to a set of play-list that I found to my liking.

This is a brilliant site that really deserves some attention.
Only "cave eat" is that you can not jump within a audio track.

Some suggestions I like,
Nobara Hayakawa - Trail

Crick_Zachary - Meradel,

Play-List, ... loc_Series

The difficulty is finding something appropriate in a reasonably short time - when you don't know what any of the material offered is like.
Most of the free music offered by youtube seems unsuitable for phantom footage which is typically relatively slow-paced scenic stuff, and needs a cinematic style to the soundtrack.
As long as it's not that crap dub step. Or Sail.
tomas99 said:
........Only "cave eat" is that you can not jump within a audio track............

Not the way I read it:

You are free to:

Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material
for any purpose, even commercially.

The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.
480sparky said:
tomas99 said:
........Only "cave eat" is that you can not jump within a audio track............

Not the way I read it:

You are free to:

Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material
for any purpose, even commercially.

The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.
I did not mean lic. terms I was talking about the web audio player on the site that are a bit simpel makeing it harder to jump in tune to hear if it's any good quicker.

Thank you for all the links. I really appreciate it. Now, is there a way to weed through all the crap and find the tracks that "work" for aerial videos? Some of this stuff sounds like the artist got drunk and fell asleep on the keyboard and when they woke up mumbled "cool" and uploaded it.
Catalina36 said:
Thank you for all the links. I really appreciate it. Now, is there a way to weed through all the crap and find the tracks that "work" for aerial videos? Some of this stuff sounds like the artist got drunk and fell asleep on the keyboard and when they woke up mumbled "cool" and uploaded it.
Sadly, I've had to "weed through" each site. I have learned over the years how to quickly identify tracks that I like after listening to a small number of bars. I download these and keep them organized by general categories, that way when I'm editing a video I go to my archive and not to the various sites which would take hours to search. I keep a log of every track I download, who the artist is, the web site, and which videos I've added it to.
Incomptech is a good site.
freesound is good for sound effects and ambient sounds (water running, birds chirping, etc.)

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