Ethan. Hello! I live and fly in Wiltshire and often visit the Isle of Wight (there will be some spectacular footage next week when a thousand or so yachts race round the Island btw!)
Are you happy about the CAA regs for our Phantoms? They are fairly straightforward.... You must have direct unaided visual contact with the aircraft (they equate this to 500m range and 400ft (150m) altitude... This is what I set in the NAZA. The hard 400ft limit is definite for heavier aircraft but I use it to be on the safe side). With the camera we must stay 150m from congested areas and outside gatherings of people, 50m from buildings and people "not under the pilots control" and 30m from people when taking off and landing. You can read the Air Navigation Order articles 167,168 on the web. Most of the regs are for birds above 7kg AUW so we are pretty free... But there have been prosecutions of Phantom pilots so I like to be safe.
In terms of rig, I have a Walkera G2D plastic Gimbal and GoPro H3+ silver and I love it! I sometimes use the FC40 camera velcroed to the battery door and a cheap wifi range extender to enable me to compose longer range shots as the GP wifi is fairly short range. I use black magic 3000mAh batteries from Amazon... Which give me about 11 mins in the heaviest fit above.