Drone over fatal car crash FAA involved.

It's people doing things like this that will get the private use of RC Quadcopters regulated out of use, or so restricted that they will be useless as a hobby. Someone who fly's his quad over 400' (in the US) and then posts the video is just asking for the FAA to come knocking on their door. I love flying my quad and never fly in congested area's or over people if it can be avoided at all. I am lucky in that I have large open area's where I can fly.
Have to agree with CSF. What's the difference between flying a quad with a camera over a crash or some other scene and people with cell phone cameras recording police while they make arrests? Granted, they may be a distraction and that could be dangerous. Certainly if there is some sort of hostage situation going on and some dummy flies to a window with a camera peoples lives could be endangered.

The media loves these stories. Whipping up a frenzy on "drones" and invasions of privacy sells ad time. Like I saw on an earlier thread, if a cop comes by and tells me I should not be flying my quad taking pictures, the first thing I'll do is land and then ask him specifically (and politely) am I violating any laws, and if so which ones? Then I'll probably leave. Right or wrong I don't want to have to pay money for a lawyer.

Personally, I am surprised local media and paparazzi are not using these things like crazy and then fighting the so-called laws in court. My guess is law enforcement would end up losing. Remember, there isn't much out in public sight that is protected. I can take pictures of my neighbor's house from the street. Can I set up a ladder so I get a slightly better view over a fence? Drones are of course the next step. Not the least of which is does your property extend above the roofline of your house, and if so how far?

Lots of interesting questions here. I know people are always complaining that "irresponsible" use of quads will lead to oppressive laws. When I look at all the videos posted on this site and many others I constantly see people taking off from their front yard in the middle of a densely populated area and then FPV'ing away to see how far their control range is. Is that irresponsible? Probably, yet many of us do it. The only reason I haven't done it is I'm afraid of losing my expensive toy (and I don't have FPV yet).

One day they will take away my drone, my guns and my fast food.

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