hello, its been over year since i last flew my Phantom, it has taken me a week to get the dji vision app to bind the wifi extender to the quad, i had to use an iphone to bind becuase android would not do it, finanlly got that working but now the old app is slugish and the waypoint map will not...
dji go
p2v+ wifiextender dead
vision app
wifi connection issues
wifiextenderwifi maps satellite
My Phantom 2 V+ 3.0 does not show the percent of power of the wifi extender on the app. The icon is lit up, but it doesn't show the percent of power. This is important to me because I try to store it at 50% to keep the battery optimized. Does anyone know what could possibly cause this? Which...
I'm a newbie, Sorry if i make a thread on a wrong room.. i need some help.
I have P2V+, remote NPVT581 5.8GHz, and gimbal, i can flight well enough more than 15 times battery charging..
And i want use the camera, so i buy wifi extender RE700 (not RE500 i dont know the difference...
Hi Guys
i am really having a hard time finding the perfect solution to this problem:
Problem: PORTABLE wifi extender that is BATTERY POWERED and can be used on 2.4ghz to extend the range of the wifi of either gopro/sjcam/fc40 cameras.
i looked at many of the tp-links but they all have a...