I had to resize the picture to 81% to make it less than 20mb: https://www.skypixel.com/photos/ ... 9-bb60-0fa1e8586882
I decided to go with Kolor Autopano 4 to stitch this photo together. Thanks for everyone that recommended this program. Even though it is slower compared to PTGUI, I prefer...
So I'd only had my P3s about 48 hours when i decided to take it for a evening flight, little did i know the location i was flying in was about 1km away from a high frequency O2 phone mast...
Was flying for about 3 minuets at about 100 metres up and no more than 120 metres distance when i got...
Hi all,
About a month ago I crashed my P3S into water. Now that I've figured out what I'm doing about a new battery, I'm taking it out of the rice. I took the shell off after I crashed it so I could better dry out the inside but now I'm having trouble the rice out as there's some that sucked up...