
  1. D D S

    DJI Propeller Guards for Mavic Air, Only in $19 with Free Shipping

    DJI Propeller Guards for Mavic Air, Only in $19 with Free Shipping Description: The Propeller Guards for Mavic Air from DJI are designed to provide a solid barrier around each of the spinning...
  2. IMG_1214


    P4P Polaar Pro Gimbal Guard and Lens Cover
  3. S

    One of my propellers won't work anymore and I do not know what to do,

    I bought propeller guards for my drone and unscrew the bottom screws where I'm suppose to put in the guards. I only got to one propeller before taking it off and putting the screws back on and now when I turn on to fly it, the one propeller that I screwed with does not work. I tried tightening...
  4. tml4191

    Can someone please recommend a stiff gimbal guard for the p4p?

    I'm looking for a gimbal guard that can hold a battery for a p4p mod, so can someone please recommend a guard for that is p4p compatible? Any help will be appreciated.
  5. tml4191

    Can anyone recommend a good gimbal guard for the p4p?

    I'm looking at a carbon fiber gimbal guard, but what's your guys' personal recommended guard for the p4p? Do all gimbal guards from the p4 still work on the p4p?
  6. SoCalDude


    {since I didn't know how to delete a post (especially a thread-starting post), I'm pseudo-deleting this thread until an admin can cleanly remove it}
  7. Giuseppe Finizia

    Free "Easy Snap-On Prop Guards"

    Hi guys, have a look at my "Easy Snap-On Prop Guards": No more screws and just few seconds to mount and unmount 4 propeller guards on the Phantom 3! If you have a 3D printer you can download the free STL model at: DJI Easy Snap-On Prop Guards by giufini
  8. Giuseppe Finizia

    Free "Easy Snap-On Prop Guards"

    Hi guys, have a look at my "Easy Snap-On Prop Guards": No more screws and just few seconds to mount and unmount 4 propeller guards on the Phantom 3! If you have a 3D printer you can download the free STL model at: DJI Easy Snap-On Prop Guards by giufini
  9. M great accessories for your Phantom

    Just recived my and I'm very Satified with their products. I purchased the gimbal guard bundle with lots of accessories like leg extenders, controller yaw stabilizer, carbon fiber gimbalguard, lens hood/cover, gimbal clamp (big), button raiser for camera/video(works...
  10. C

    Prop Guards for Phantom 4

    While I understand there is obstacle avoidance in the new Phantom 4, there still is a need for Prop Guards. Hard landings/tipping, backing into obstacles, or small obstacles like wire/string may all be potential hazards. I do not see a place to mount prop guards on the new Phantom 4. The...
  11. jimerb

    Making a Glare Guard For Your Phone Out of Cardboard?

    Has anyone ever tried making a glare guard to shield your phone from glare while you're flying? I have an IPhone 6S Plus with a Otterbox defender case (encases the screen) and all of the stock glare guards i've been looking for on Amazon don't seem to fit a big phone spec like that. I'm...
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