damaged gimbal

  1. T

    Repair P4P gimbal

    So, I crashed my Phantom 4 Pro several months ago. Ordered flat cables, yaw arm, landing gear, and a yaw motor. Changed everything, but the yaw motor don't appear to be working. I read in some place that when I replace a gimbal motor, I need to calibrate something... but I don't known what. I...
  2. C

    Phantom 3 Pro Gimbal Yaw Issue After Crash

    So I have never had any issues with my Phantom 3 Pro before, but the other day I was at the top of a hike and bringing my P3P back to me after getting a few shots. I was on a fairly tall rock and the P3P was below me as I was pulling it back home. When it got very close to me, I let go of the...
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