Recent content by nikko

  1. N

    Easy Beginner Video Editing

    Been using Movavi Video Suite on Windows 10 and it is great. Only downside of current version 16 is its 32-bit limitation, works well through full HD, 1080p60 and 4K at 100% speed, but freezes on accelerated 4K content at 200-300% speed. They are planning to release a 64-bit version late summer...
  2. N

    Travel blogs: hobby or commercial use?

    Thanks tcope, that would help. Is there an official URL to read the statement?
  3. N

    Travel blogs: hobby or commercial use?

    Since regulations vary quite a bit whether using drones for hobby or commercial purposes, are there bloggers out here who monetize footage on their website and on youtube? Even if that represents little money I am wondering if FAA for US and Canada equivalent consider blogging a commercial use...