Recent content by Michel Brunette

  1. Michel Brunette

    Today I am sick ..... Literally...

    Sorry to hear that, it's always a sad day when a phantom goes missing.
  2. Michel Brunette

    Connect IPad to controller

    Well the problem is resolved, the drone I received was a P3 4K, not a professional, I have received the Pro today and had no issues exchanging it with my P3 4K. Thanks for your input in this situation.
  3. Michel Brunette

    Connect IPad to controller

    That cable won't do my RC has a micro USB on it, so the cable needs to be lightning to micro sub.
  4. Michel Brunette

    Connect IPad to controller

    I know the feeling I also had to buy a more recent iPad, the question is where to buy the cable as I have not seen it online.
  5. Michel Brunette

    Connect IPad to controller

    Hi, new here, is this a micro USB to lightning cable? Wecauae that is what I need.