Recent content by hf1306

  1. H

    lightbridge firmware PROBLEM (and solution) - firmware version not found by dji assistant tool

    After trying several times I realized the log I'm seeing is from the air system itself. I found that out by viewing a terminal readout after launching the terminal window and powering up the air system. Running the flash command line I get the same log readout. So I'm at a loss. I've swapped the...
  2. H

    lightbridge firmware PROBLEM (and solution) - firmware version not found by dji assistant tool

    Hello again Gaucho. It seems every time I try to flash the nand I only get this far: Target: DM36x initialization passed! Target: UBL Product Vesion : DJI-ABP-SUPER-UBL-1.0-rc0(2014-08-25) Target: Dji UBL Version: 1.51(Aug 26 2014 - 16:00:24) Target: Booting...
  3. H

    lightbridge firmware PROBLEM (and solution) - firmware version not found by dji assistant tool

    Thank you for posting this. I really want to give it a try. Can you please post a photo of where you are soldering the wires to the FT232RL 3.3V-5.5V FTDI USB to TTL Serial Adapter? I see 2 TX connections so I'm not sure exactly how to solder the wires to this board. Thank you again!