Recent content by Cabarfeidh

  1. C

    Firmware Update has really messed up my Drone... Help :/

    I recently got a hold of a P3P, software said I needed to upgrade, after the upgrade it too, started thinking it was an Inspire. Tried umpteen times to re-install the FW. Gave in, bit the bullet and handed it in to a shop thinking it was just the FW. Turned out the FW upgrade screwed up the...
  2. C

    No image transmission signal - P3P

    Many thanks SunsetCatcher. waiting for my USB to TTL FT232RL board to arrive.
  3. C

    No image transmission signal - P3P

    Thanks, much appreciated.
  4. C

    No image transmission signal - P3P

    Hi Drons, just trying to follow your wiring, have I got this right? 1. Boot0 and Boot1 shorted out with lead going to 3.3V on P3P board. 2. Lead from 3.3V on USB to TTL FT232RL board to 3.3V on P3P board. 3. Lead from 5V on USB to TTL FT232RL board to 5V on P3P board. I think I'm ok with the...