NFZ and battery?

Feb 18, 2019
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Hello. I have a P4 Advanced plus (I bought new) that I love so much that I bought a used P4 Pro plus. I'm having issues with the P4 Pro +. Since I live in a NFZ the way I would often discharge the batteries to the proper level was to engage the props because driving far enough away is very difficult since I work over 100 hrs/week. The Adv plus lets me do that no problem but the P4Pro+ will not. It let me engage the props for a little while once and I let it sit around 10 minutes then it shut off and I looked and it said cannot take off the aircraft is in a no fly zone (near airport). I had the wifi turned off. So it looks like the pro+ will not be able to be used to discharge my batteries. My question is can I put the pro+ batteries in the adv+ and let it drain the batteries since it has no problems spinning the props, or is there some settting in the battery that will brick the adv+ also? I certainly do not want to mess up the adv + since it works great no problems. I got the Pro+ as a backup but it is appearing to be less useful than the Adv+ sadly.
Or is there a way to get the Pro+ to work? It takes a lot of time to deal with 5 batteries and just letting the aircraft sit non=spinning takes a really long time to discharge
With my P3 batteries, if they are charged too high and I'm not planning to fly, I just let them sit. They are designed to self-discharge on their own 1-3 days after you let them sit provided you don't press the button on the battery. They'll discharge until they reach a safe holding charge. I'd imagine the P4 batteries are the same. Good luck.
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My question is can I put the pro+ batteries in the adv+
You can use your batteries in any Phantom 4 series drone.

But you don't need to run the motors to discharge the batteries.
You can set the battery to automatically discharge to storage level in 1-10 days in the app settings.
Thank you, guys.
My main question is if sharing batteries between my recently bought used P4+ (which won't engage props near airport) will "infect" my P4 adv+ that will engage props? Will some type of info be transferred between them via Dji batteries? My Adv+ is working perfectly and I do not want to mess it up.

RE: batteries. I realize they can auto discharge but back years ago when I got a P3 I this advice. I charge the day before flying or day of, and then before storing for a short time, run them to about 50%. If storing for a long time run them down to about 30%. So far this has worked great for about 8 years. But seems if I set autodischarge to 1 day that would be good too, so long as I went back to check on it to ensure it occurred.

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