Video Edits - You judge

Apr 21, 2014
Reaction score
Kalamazoo, MI
I have been working on spending more time shooting video and less time editing. I am looking for a good video editor for aerial videos so I tried Odesk as I have had success with them in the past. I put an ad up and hired several people to take a video I shot with 1 battery and edit it down to 2-3 minutes of video. They can add the music they see to fit the video best, if needed.

I want to get you to judge who do you think did the best job. There are other variables I will look at, like responsiveness, how many questions they asked, their rate for such a job, etc. I want to get your expert options on the quality of the video editing though.





Not clear to me exactly what you're looking for. In general there wasn't enough good footage to make a 2-3 minute video.
Edit three was the only one I actually watched all the way to the end. The rest were way too boring.
Probably not the best subject matter or the best raw footage to judge different editing skills. The poor editors weren't given much to work with. I would rather be shot than asked to make an interesting video out of that raw video. Sorry.
Something to avoid is any sort of repetition of similar shots or a jaded viewer will quickly lose interest.
You can sometimes pad a short one out by reversing a clip so for example after flying towards the POI you later 'fly away' again when in fact that was another similar pass shown backwards. (flowing water could be an issue in this one!)

You need to decide early on what mood you are going for, if the footage suits it go for longer smooth sequences and fades, with gentle ambient type music. Other scenes might be suited to faster beats and lots of jump cuts.
You can create a video with polar opposite mood from the same 10 minutes of footage.
I agree that the footage isn't interesting enough for the length, but I did watch most of them all the way through.

#1 was missing.
I didn't care for #2 and didn't watch all the way through. The frequent change in speed was disconcerting and the shots weren't well-selected. I watched about 2/3 of it.
#3, #4, and #5 were very close. Nearly identical footage just put in different order. I would give #3 a slight edge over the other two. The video shots seemed better to me, but maybe that's because I watched it right after #2 and by the time I got to #4 and #5 I was tired of that same footage. The music for 2,3, and 4 wasn't a style I liked. It seemed too heavy and dramatic for that type of a "rural scenery" video. So I liked the music for #5 slightly better and I liked having a text title at the beginning. I like knowing what I'm looking at. If the scenery is spectacular then the captions should stay out of the way or be put between scenes, not over them, but for something like this, it's fine to run them the way you did. I didn't like the lengthy footage of the rocky creek bed below the dam in #5. It just looked like dirt. I also find scenes with the rotors visible to be distracting and mood-breaking. Some of the videos were better than others at avoiding those.

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