Unable to sync flight data

Feb 3, 2015
Reaction score
Long Island, NY
Anyone having an issue syncing flight data? Every time I hit the button I get "Synchronizing flight record failed!" after about 30%. I've tried on 2 devices, on wifi, on LTE, always get the same error. One thing I have not tried is syncing while the bird is on, but if that were a requirement then the whole concept of logged flight data is pointless. Appreciate the help.
I've had the same issues with syncing my flight from yesterday. In addition to that on my Flight Record page the Last Location always reads "Map Loading" no matter how long I wait. None of my flights will show location either even though I have my maps cached and location settings on.
I've had the same issues with syncing my flight from yesterday. In addition to that on my Flight Record page the Last Location always reads "Map Loading" no matter how long I wait. None of my flights will show location either even though I have my maps cached and location settings on.
Yeah same deal. Once or twice I've been able to view the recorded flight path/data, but otherwise it just sits there and spins... I'll do some googling later today.
I get this every single time. In my case it gets to 98% then I get "Synchronizing flight records failed!"
Has anyone figured out a fix for this?
I get this every single time. In my case it gets to 98% then I get "Synchronizing flight records failed!"
Has anyone figured out a fix for this?
The only way I've gotten it to work is to clear all my flight data on my main tablet and sync. It'll work after that, and will even bring records over from your other devices if you fly with more than 1. It sucks if you've got a lot of flights, but it's the only way I've seen to get around the bug.
Is the only way to sync data, via the manual sync button? Would be great if it push synced after a flight, so its available on another device...unless I'm missing something?
Is the only way to sync data, via the manual sync button? Would be great if it push synced after a flight, so its available on another device...unless I'm missing something?
Manual only.

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