Phantom in the swimming pool

Sep 17, 2014
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My Phantom FC40 dove into the pool (shame on me...), and after opening it up and drying everything thorougly, I started it again.
The startup is OK (sound ABCDEF), but there is only yelow light blinking now, even when I turn to GPS mode in the trasmitter; the 2 front rotors work well, and respond to the transmitter, but the 2 rear rotors just "tremble". I tried lubricating it, with no change.
What do I do? Do I need to replace the rear rotors or the problem could be in the rotors controllers? I think there must be some issua with GPS, because I suppose the yellow blinking is altitude mode functioning.
Any help would be appreciated. In my country there is no authorized dealerships/ repair shops, so I must do everything by myseld.

Thank you all.
Since you went in the pool and got everything wet, I would bet that the problem isn't with the motors, but with the circuit boards that DRIVE the motors... ie - they shorted. Likely you'll need to replace them, which will involve soldering. Probably the same deal with your GPS puck. But that's just a plug, no solder.

It always takes MUCH longer to dry out electronics than you think (on the order of weeks, rather than hours). If you add power before they're completely dry, they could short.
Unfortunately, I do not believe this is offered anymore.
Liquipel came out and said their product was not "compatible" with Phantoms. Sure looked like it was to me, as evidenced by the video.
Thanks for the advice. I'll try to replace the rotors controllers (ESC). I only hope gps begins to work again, because the module is pretty expnsive.

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