Phantom 4 No Image Transmission Signal

Nov 25, 2017
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I've been seeing alot of these lately online. Most people recommend changing the SD card if it's over 64 GB or formatting. Some also recommend clearing the video cache, resetting the IMU, updating the firmware. None of these worked.

I replaced my 3-1 board where the camera connects, even tried swapping cameras and I still get the same error regardless if I use an Android or iPhone.

No Image Transmission Signal. In the app itself I get Aircraft Encoder Error 0x80008. Unfortunately there's nothing on the Internet with this error code.

Anyone have any other ideas because I'm all out!
Any joy yet ,,I was reading some other posts , some say it cleared by changing sd card,since you mention fw have you tried relinking..
Thanks for the follow-up. I did try relinking and no love. Also a few different combinations of SD cards, etc. What's strange is that its a new 3-1 board and if I swap in a new camera then there should be nothing "old" parts wise to be causing any issues! Unless it's the controller...?
Exact same story here. Last thing I've tried is putting my old 3in1 board back in. The air encoder error went away but my firmware doest match. I'm deciding what to do next at the moment. Here is my fw versions as it sits now
Hi Beerock,

That's exactly what happened. I had suspected the firmware being different on the 3-1 board itself but I have no way of verifying nor updating that specific firmware package it seems. I did try the camera/controller with another P4 and both worked fine. I even tried swapping the 3-1 board from another unit which also worked. Unless DJI shipping me a faulty replacement part I might be at a dead-end here.
I also put some cold solder pcb epoxy on my new one so the connectors won't come off again
Any luck with your replacement 3-1 board? As a last resort I was considering rolling the firmware way back to say v1.2 and upgrading from there to hopefully find a match.
Still the same problem for me. Ive heard that apple products have a glitch that won't let them roll back firmware correctly. I'm gonna try an Android device when I get a chance. Where do you find old firmware like that.
Got it! Almost. AC off I used my Motorola turbo to rollback to 1.5.3. then restart. Then to 1.6. Restart. Then to 1.8. shut off controller. Start controller and dji go app. When completely loaded and in the fly screen then start ac. Video feed came back but my controller beeps and blinks a red light. It will fly though. Hope this helps
Flashing red is controller error
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Like a bad controller it firmware issue. When I roll back to 1.6.0 it doesn't do it
I've been seeing alot of these lately online. Most people recommend changing the SD card if it's over 64 GB or formatting. Some also recommend clearing the video cache, resetting the IMU, updating the firmware. None of these worked.

I replaced my 3-1 board where the camera connects, even tried swapping cameras and I still get the same error regardless if I use an Android or iPhone.

No Image Transmission Signal. In the app itself I get Aircraft Encoder Error 0x80008. Unfortunately there's nothing on the Internet with this error code.

Anyone have any other ideas because I'm all out!
This is terrible. DJI as a company offer little to no help, which in itself is a disgrace. And this forum is floundering on this subject, none of these suggestions have worked for me.

So here’s what I have discovered. I have a P4 standard which worked fine with my iPad Air 1st generation. Then at the back half of 2017 DJI issued a firmware update. This froze halfway through and after multiple discussions it went to DJI for fixing. Transmission images at this time were chronic. I put this down to the failed firmware update.

When it came back I tested it for transmission image stability - it was ok. Then we had some decent weather, I took it outside and flew it, the transmitted image was breaking up. More research and I was told the house WiFi was interfering. So, trip out to the countryside, 5 seconds into the flight - no image. So what was different from the day it came back from DJI?

I remembered that when I got it back from DJI I had tested it on my iPad Pro and it worked. So I went outside and tried a flight using the iPad Pro - no image problems whatsoever. The image problems were specific to the iPad Air. So what’s going on? I already had to replace an iPad mini as it was “no longer supported”, am I now being forced to find another means of display? The iPad Pro doesn’t fit the bracket. I’m not impressed with this, my P4 has been unusable for 7 months, can anyone from DJI tell me what are my options, apart from to buy a newer standard iPad? My apologies if this “solution” has been discussed elsewhere on the forum, if it has I’ve not managed to find it.
I have a P4P, and would agree that the video transmission issues are a problem. I have had several either disconnects, or app freezes with the Crystalsky and yesterday while flying my iPad pro briefly froze with yaw. Screen took about 10 seconds then it jumped back to the correct position.

Video period on my P4P, is jumpy, when in 4K. I have switched down to 2.7K and things seems to improve. Cards are all scandisk, AI, grey or gold. But some of the 4K issues (recording really seem like card speed problems or bit rate)

However yesterday, it became very clear to me that the P4, is much more susceptible to wind, shutter on the camera. I had a pretty good wind gusting between 5 and 10mph and had the drone in clear sight. with a good gust you could see the drone move to the wind, and camera shake, which translated to jumpy video on the card.

Yesterday I did the following on the P4, reset the firmware to the current version, reset factory defaults, totally removed reinstalled the djigo4 app from the iPad and reset camera on drone. First time during reset of camera it froze with gimbal cocked down. Had to power off drone, and on 2nd attempt camera reset went through.

Mavic, none of these issues and I have flown it many times further than where the P4 seems to start having video transmission issues. Mavic has a bit more protection around the camera I guess from wind.

Still love the camera and results from stills, but video has become taxing with this drone for me.

Paul Caldwell
I've been seeing alot of these lately online. Most people recommend changing the SD card if it's over 64 GB or formatting. Some also recommend clearing the video cache, resetting the IMU, updating the firmware. None of these worked.

I replaced my 3-1 board where the camera connects, even tried swapping cameras and I still get the same error regardless if I use an Android or iPhone.

No Image Transmission Signal. In the app itself I get Aircraft Encoder Error 0x80008. Unfortunately there's nothing on the Internet with this error code.

Anyone have any other ideas because I'm all out!
Yes happened to me 4 yes ago been waiting for something I just think it's funny how out of all the drones the phantom 4 is gone they pushed a firmware that tanked it I can prove it. There only way to get out of taking care of the customer was discontinue the drone!

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