Free Charger

Dec 23, 2016
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I have a charger, looks like the Skyreat, for a Phantom 4. Its a "YX" with the model number "YXCO2" and it has a black case. It's supposed to charge 3 batteries in the same amount of time it takes to charge one battery with the DJI charger.
IT"S DEFECTIVE...I hooked up 3 batteries and the controller for the 1st charge. After about a half hour I smelled hot electronics. Investigating, I felt the metal case and it was very hot. I also noticed the cooling fan had not turned on.
I got this on E-Bay and explained what had happened to the seller. The seller says a new one is on it's way to me and I can keep the defective one and do what I want with it. Apparently it's cheaper for them to throw it away rather than send me a shipping label to return it. I really preferred to return it but!
If someone here has some electrical repair skills and can repair it for their use, I'll send it your way. Please! Nobody try to scam the seller and report they bought it and it's defective and try to get a new one. Sorry to even think that but it is a big forum.
We'll have to figure out some way to communicate privately to arrange for me to send it to you. Hope somebody is getting a good deal on a charger they can repair and use for themselves.
HighTechPauper asked for it 1st. As soon as I get his mailing address from him it will be on its way. 1 other person also wanted it. If HTP doesn't reply I'll go to that person. If I don't make contact with either of them I'' re-post it.
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I've worked in the electronics industry for 35 years, I doubt I will put a battery on it until I am sure what the issues are and how it's performing. Box fan is probably a couple of dollars, and I love to t-shoot things without schematics, more fun that way!
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