Found The Best Place To Post Your Drone Videos!!

Dec 19, 2016
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Brighton, England
Somebody suggested on one of my Youtube videos that I should check something called "airvuz" out. I did and I got a good few views in the last 12 hours with it and more comments than I have in months on Youtube. I think everyone here should check it out.

You can easily paste your youtube video links on it too and it will add them to your account.

Click here to check it out. Come say hi to me on it too? ;)

PS. I don't work for them or anything, I literally found out they exist 12 hours ago lol
I have posted a video on their site, but need to upgrade the video to a new revision, is there a way to do this? Or as with YouTube do you have to delete the old version (and lose the view history) and then upload the new?
Somebody suggested on one of my Youtube videos that I should check something called "airvuz" out. I did and I got a good few views in the last 12 hours with it and more comments than I have in months on Youtube. I think everyone here should check it out.

+1 on this. Definitely more substantive input than just the lurker activity when posting anything to a PhantomPilots forum. Much more geared towards filmmakers using a drone platform. Thanks for sharing that link.
Ok. I can publish a link to my profile, but haven't worked out how to post a link to a specific video. Click the link to my profile and you can see both videos.
I have posted a video on their site, but need to upgrade the video to a new revision, is there a way to do this? Or as with YouTube do you have to delete the old version (and lose the view history) and then upload the new?
Yes, delete, lose history then re-post. Flickr has an update option. Wish we could do that on YouTube. <sighs>
Wow, just found this thread. Thank you so much for all of the kind words and comments about AirVūz! If you ever have any questions, just know we have an account on PhantomPilots as well.
Thanks for this. I hadn't found that site before. I've now signed up and posted 2 short videos. Here is one if anyone wants to take a look. <iframe src="" height="245" width="432"></iframe>

Awesome!! Also, just a tip I figured out with our embed code, if you delete everything before the first [MEDIA bracket and after the last media bracket MEDIA] (so you'd delete <iframe src=" and " height="245" width="432"></iframe>[/QUOTE] ) You won't get all of that random code. We are still trying to figure out why it does it but this is a quick fix for that now.

Here is an example of what it looks like now when you delete that part of the embed code on a video:

Somebody suggested on one of my Youtube videos that I should check something called "airvuz" out. I did and I got a good few views in the last 12 hours with it and more comments than I have in months on Youtube. I think everyone here should check it out.

You can easily paste your youtube video links on it too and it will add them to your account.

Click here to check it out. Come say hi to me on it too? ;)

PS. I don't work for them or anything, I literally found out they exist 12 hours ago lol

Wow, thanks! Always great to hear positive comments like that. Let me know if you ever have any questions.
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