FC40, No Fail safe mode...Help

Dec 1, 2014
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after a dozen attempts at getting Failsafe to work....I tried again tonight.
( Edit....AFTER launching in GPS Mode and green fklashing LED) Then I .... S1 lowered to lowest position...S2 in upper position (after green flashing LED and re-setting HP)...Failsafe shound bring the quad home...right?
My FC40 just seems to go the opposite direction.
Tonight, after last nights almost disaster..I even toggled the S2 switch to re-record my Home Position...

Flew it up...flipped the S1 switch all the down to "failsafe"...and it started to fly away from me....???? This has happened all the time...everytime I tried it. At least a dozen times..differnt locations. The biggest Park I have near me.

Im expecting it to go UP...than come home and land. It just goes away...I get scared, switch it back to GPS and continue on....

went to DJI Asst...when I toggle between GPS. Atti and Failsafe...Only GPS and Atti show up. The toggle for Failsafe shows up as 'Manuel"

Theres a drop down menu..I switched it to Failsafe, rebooted..and when I flew it it went completely out of control..breaking 2 out of 4 prop guards. I had to reflash the fireware, remove the prop guards, it flys again...but NO FAIL SAFE.
Im thinking thats why last night it just flew away when I went to failsafe mode...Failssafe is the same as Atti mode....

How to fix?
TX fireware up to date...I could reflash? But its a PITA...have to open up the Tx
Re Firmwared everythign, set IOC and did the failsafe mode...BUT...wont they dont tell you is there is a drop down meneu..
After several attaempts...It REALLY F'ing cool.
I almost lost it lst night due to failsafe failure.....

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