Drones Confiscated in New York City

From what I read, DJI consumer drones have (or will have) ADS-B receivers that receive signals from aircraft and helicopters and warn the pilot of the proximity. But not transmitters. Is this accurate?

That is apparently the goal for new manufactures. That does not mean that they will be compliant with the new regulations. But from my experience, ADS-B is awesome for spatial awareness. I have a transceiver on my FireFly 6 and I know what is around me when I am in the air (barring a few rotorheads).
legal action mentioned in OP has been dropped & drone returned:

> Steinmetz was issued a desk ticket for violating NYC Administrative
> Code § 10–126, which prohibits the takeoff and landing of drones
> within New York City.

But still, was this code violated or not???!!!!
And why is the FAA silent??!!!
Other drone owners want to know...
The issue in this case is that NYC has a statute that says:

c. Take offs and landings. It shall be unlawful for any person
avigating an aircraft to take off or land, except in an emergency, at
any place within the limits of the city other than places of landing
designated by the department of transportation or the port of New York
ok but does that include hand launching as well? Im thinking that this take off and landing means from the property, most do, but hand launch is from your person! I seem to remember a case being dismissed over this back in the early 90's! when I was flying racing drones!
ok but does that include hand launching as well? Im thinking that this take off and landing means from the property, most do, but hand launch is from your person! I seem to remember a case being dismissed over this back in the early 90's! when I was flying racing drones!
I highly doubt anyone would get away with such a defense. You are still within the confines when you take off. Otherwise would a table be ok? Don’t say “it’s sitting on the property” because your feet are on the ground too. :)

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