P4 Firmware Current Phantom 4 firmware 2.8.0 caused my p4 nothing but trouble so...

Jun 16, 2019
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I downgraded to the older or previous 2.7.0 version and voila, it flies like a champ again. So after upgrading to the latest firmware update on my p4, I noticed that the drone wasn't flying properly. Slow compared to what it was before and some intelligent modes aren't working properly. And the worst part is it lost the ability to RTH (return to home). It will just ascend to its maximum limit of 394 feet and just hovers there. And in any case that the drone is out of sight, there's a big possibility that she will get lost. Or worse, cause an accident. I've consulted with the forum and got some probable advices and I am grateful for that, but unfortunately, none has worked with the p4. Until I read from somewhere about the same problem and has found the solution by just downgrading from the latest firmware. Something I have never thought about. Tried it and it worked. The drone flew like how it should and rth worked flawlessly again. I had to re-calibrate the imu after the initial test because I noticed the instability while hovering. Everything is working properly now and thanks again for the advices from the members. (The versions may not be proper as I typed them but you get the point).
It's extremely unlikely that your firmware made any difference at all.
If it caused the issues you say it did, hundreds of other flyers would have had similar problems.
That firmware has been available for a long time.
It certainly did not cause your drone to lose its ability to RTH.
Since you never identified the actual cause of your issue, it seems that there really was no issue in the first place.
Operator misunderstanding is the most likely explanation.
Yeah it did. After the initial update to the latest firmware, that’s when the problems occurred. Rth will just make the drone ascend to the max height and hover. Tried several times and same problem. And when I downgraded to the previous firmware, everything went back to normal. Rth will bring her back and the forward slow movement was fixed. Your assumption of operator misunderstanding is questionable though.
Yeah it did. After the initial update to the latest firmware, that’s when the problems occurred. Rth will just make the drone ascend to the max height and hover. Tried several times and same problem. And when I downgraded to the previous firmware, everything went back to normal. Rth will bring her back and the forward slow movement was fixed. Your assumption of operator misunderstanding is questionable though.
I advised investigating the flight data, but you never did that.
It would have helped identify the actual problem.
My observation that someone that doesn't investigate the actual cause of an incident and makes changes without knowing what the problem is, is probably misunderstanding things, is valid.
What is new in 2.8.0. I'm still using 02.00.0700. Is there anything I would notice?

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